/ / How to get pregnant with bending the uterus

How to get pregnant with bending the uterus

Until a certain moment you thought cautiously:as though to not become pregnant. But now everything has changed: you are married, and for a married woman, the main thing in life is the birth and upbringing of children. Have you been planning a baby for a long time, but can not get pregnant in any way? The most common cause of this is the bending of the uterus. Do not worry, this is not an anomaly. The fact is that there is a huge number of such childless couples who underwent various examinations. However, the woman was not immediately diagnosed with a bend. What does it mean?

Bending of the uterus is the deformation of the cervix to the right,left or, most often, back. This position of the main female body does not affect the sexual life of a woman. She does not feel discomfort or pain during intimate relationships and in everyday life. This state of affairs requires neither treatment nor surgical intervention. However, the problem of becoming pregnant can become quite serious. So, if you suspect that you have a bend in the uterus, you should otherwise behave in an intimate life and perform a small set of exercises.

How to become pregnant while bending the uterus?Sexologists give one practical advice: change the pose. Naturally, all sexual partners have a set of standard positions sooner and later that they practice. However, when it comes to the desire to become pregnant, then we should think not about getting sexual pleasure, but about achieving a positive result. That is, it is quite possible that the pose will not be very comfortable and the woman will not give pleasure, but the main thing is that everything turns out for the man. One of the postures conducive to conception is the following: a woman during the ejaculation of her sexual partner should have the following position: lying on her stomach, slightly, only slightly lifting the pelvis. This is one of the answers to the question of how to become pregnant with the bend of the uterus. This method, as a rule, operates without fail.

The usual bending of the uterus is not the causeinfertility. This is just a small barrier to sperm, which they can not always overcome. Another pose, which is the answer to the question of how to become pregnant when the uterus is bent, is called the knee-elbow. The woman kneels, bends and rests her elbows on a hard surface. The pelvis should be high. This position contributes to a deep penetration of the penis into the woman's vagina, which means that there will be no obstructions for sperm. By the way, many doctors who give advice on how to get pregnant with the bending of the uterus, recommend that a woman after ejaculation not immediately change her position, and a little delay in the situation in which it occurred. And then lie on your stomach and hold it for about 10 minutes. Perhaps this method will be successful.

Вообще, загиб матки проще предотвратить, чем to correct. So, if you manage to get pregnant and have a daughter, try to make it become a habit to go to the bathroom immediately after the first urge. Girls in any case can not be tolerated - because of this the uterus and deformed. Also young girls do not want to practice power sports.

However, in case the uterine bend already exists,the reasons for finding it out are useless. By the way, the situation can be improved a little if you do exercises with the bending of the uterus, which doctors recommend. Typically, this is the inflation of the press, as well as exercises that are aimed at training pelvic muscles. Now you know how to get pregnant with the bending of the uterus. During the day, you are actively engaged in exercises, and howonly the second half is next to you, practice the postures we wrote about above. The more often you try, the sooner you will see the result. In this business, the main thing is perseverance! Do not despair, and everything will turn out!

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