/ / Orthofen: instruction

Orthofen: instruction

Orthofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory druga drug whose active ingredient is diclofenac. Orthophene, the instruction explains this, is presented in pharmacies in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection and coated with a soluble film of tablets.

Pharmacy packaging contains 30 tablets of 25 mg of diclofenac, and ampoules of 3 mg can be sold for 5 or 10 pieces in one carton.

Orthofen, the instruction details itchemical properties, well relieves pain and inflammation. This action is provided by diclofenac in its composition. The substance contributes to the disruption of the metabolism of arachidonic acid, reduces the amount of prostaglandids in the inflamed area.

Despite the fact that the drug "Orthofen" is sold in pharmacies is free, its independent use, i.e. without the appointment of a doctor, is strictly prohibited.

First, like any medicine, Orthofen has many contraindications.

It can not be accepted:

  • To everyone who has lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the stage of exacerbation.
  • Suffering bleeding of various kinds (including hemophiliacs).
  • Lactating, pregnant.
  • Asthmatics, cores, hypertensive patients.
  • People with impaired liver or kidney function.
  • Suffering alcoholism.
  • Patients with diverticulitis (hernial protrusion of the intestinal wall).

Naturally, the list of contraindications andrestrictions is much broader. For example, the drug "Orthofen" children prescribed only in emergency cases and only in the form of rectal suppositories. It is extremely rare to appoint a very elderly patient. Only the doctor will be able to decide how appropriate the drug is in each case.

Secondly, Orthofen, the instruction specifically warns about this, even those to whom it is allowed to use, can cause side reactions. There are also a lot of them:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders, the formation of stomach ulcers (rarely). Changes in the chemical composition of liver and renal enzymes, vomiting, diarrhea (constipation), spasms in the stomach and intestines.
  • Stomatitis, the appearance of bloody discharge in the feces, drying of the mucous membranes, pancreatitis, colitis, hepatitis, a change in taste
  • Headache, migraine, dizziness, vertigo. Possible strong or not very disturbed sleep, the emergence of anxiety. Sometimes convulsions occur in the limbs, general weakness develops.
  • There may be skin irritations, itching, alopecia (baldness). Allergic reactions in the form of photosensitivity, necrolysis, erythema.
  • The appearance of spasms, coughing, asthma, the development of heart failure, anaphylactic shock.

It is hardly worth listing all possible sidereaction. Despite the fact that the statistics claim that they occupy only 1% of all cases of drug treatment, there are unlikely to be people who want to get into this percentage. And only the doctor can provide for the peculiarities of treatment and the possibility of the occurrence of negative reactions. Only he has the right to prescribe treatment with the drug "Orthofen", the instruction insists on it.

So who is treated with this medication? Diseases, from which he relieves, a lot.

  • Arthritis (juvenile, psoriatic, rheumatoid, gouty).
  • Spondylitis.
  • The disease Persononej-Turner.
  • Migraine, toothache, sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, tendonitis, bursitis, ossalgia (joint pain in children), any other pain symptoms caused by various diseases.
  • Pain after cancer surgery, postoperative inflammation.
  • Algodismenorea, adnexitis.
  • Otitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
  • Fever for colds or infections.

Naturally, the duration of treatment and dosagethe drug is always determined by the doctor. The instruction contains information on how, when and how much medicine you need to take. However, this is averaged information that does not take into account the characteristics of the patient.

Therefore, before you start treatment with Orthofen, you must always visit a doctor.

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