/ Mint: Harm and Benefit. Types and applications

Mint: harm and good. Types and applications

A perennial photophilous plant with branchystems, which under favorable conditions grow to 100 cm. Leaves, simple, pubescent. Flowers are purple or whitish, collected in whorls or inflorescences. All kinds of mint in its composition contain essential oils, the main component of which is menthol.

mint harm and benefit

What do you know about mint

The plant is common in many countries withtemperate climate. Mint, harm and benefit of this plant are known to man since antiquity. It is used in cooking, confectionery production, and alcoholic beverage industry. In addition, this herb is often added to teas, used as a medicine for colds. Mint is the basis of many soft drinks, sweets, syrups, ice cream. Fresh green mint leaves an unusual aroma of soups.

Overtaking the stems, cut before blossoming, in many countries receive the most valuable essential oil. Mint is a plant that has found wide application in perfumery and medicinal collections.

The plant grows on sunny or slightly shaded places, on well-moistened soil. It grows on any lands, except clayey. Blossoms and is suitable for collection in the first year.

What kind of mint happens?

The plant is widespread in many countriesof the world. There are different types of mint. But today we will tell you about the most popular of its varieties. Undisputed leader in this list is peppermint. Properties and contraindications this plant has long been studied by scientists.

The plant was first introduced in the UKby selection in the 16th century. It is perennial, which grows to a height of one meter. The leaves have a bright green color. The roots are not deep (15 cm), they have large knots. A lot of small roots deviate from them.

Peppermint flowers can be pale violet, less often lilac. They are collected in the inflorescence. The plant starts from June and ends in August.

mint peppery properties and contraindications

Peppermint: properties and contraindications

This plant has many valuable useful properties:

  • improves digestion;
  • is a soothing and analgesic;
  • relieves insomnia;
  • has anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Used in the treatment of heart and vascular disease;
  • treats skin diseases;
  • Used in the treatment of the bladder.

Along with such an extensive list of usefulcharacteristics that peppermint possesses can not be said about the contraindications that this plant is endowed with mint. The damage and benefit of this herb, or rather knowledge of them, is extremely important for all lovers of this fragrant plant. So, who is contraindicated with peppermint?

You should be careful to drink mint tea for people suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure).

Not recommended for breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women.

It is forbidden to use mint for allergies.

As you can see, peppermint, properties andcontraindications to the use of already well-studied, is a powerful natural remedy. When preparing infusions and broths, strictly observe the dosage. Otherwise, it will cause drowsiness.

These contraindications apply to almost all types.

mint plant


This herb grows in almost all gardens andkitchen gardens. Quite a powerful plant that grows up to 90 cm in height. In this form, essential oil is valued, to be more precise, the substance included in its composition is carvone. Thanks to him, the garden mint does not have such a powerful burning and cooling effect, as peppery. It is used in the production of chewing gum, added to non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, flavored toothpaste. In addition, this mint is also used in perfumery. Harm and benefit of this herb (in contrast to peppermint) are weakly expressed.

Mint of the field

It grows all over the world, more often in the wild. It occurs along river banks and on wet meadows. Field mint is a shrub, 80 cm high, with a branched stalk and a large rhizome.

This mint has no sharp smell and menthol, cooling taste. It is added to fish and vegetable dishes, salads, for the preparation of tonic drinks.

For medical purposes, it is used for inflammatory processes and headaches.

Long-leafed mint

A powerful plant that can reach height120 cm. The long-leafed mint has a tetrahedral branched stem and a powerful creeping rhizome. Leaves with serrate-serrated edges, rich green with a delicate aroma. The plant is valued for essential oil. It has antiseptic and analgesic effect.

Used as a condiment for salads, broths, vegetable soups. Sometimes this kind of mint is added to meat (more often to fried beef), used in confectionery production, when cabbage is sour.


It is a small bush, not more than 60 cm high.It is distinguished by small, round, velvety leaves of bright green color. The plant is endowed with a less intense, but very delicate aroma. This kind can be added to vegetable and fish dishes, as well as to pastries.

kinds of mint

As you understand, in the format of a small article, wecould not tell about all the varieties with which mint is famous. The damage and benefits of these plants are still being studied by scientists around the world. But already today it can be said with certainty that it is necessary to apply it as tea, infusions, broths with caution, and it is better, having consulted beforehand with the attending physician.

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