Everyone knows - it's indecent.Not to mention the fact that doing it in the presence of another person is considered a bad form. Nobody thinks about why people are farting. Although this is a normal natural physiological process, society believes that a person who produces gases violates the rules of morality and standards of decency and is ready to destroy the offender with his contempt. The emission of gases around them is regarded as a crime of the century and often causes resentment and laughter. But it is necessary to understand why people are farting, and are there any of us who do not do this at all?
Where do gases come from, how do they form inthe intestines? In the human body, all processes are interrelated and regular. The formation of gases is the same natural process. They are inhaled with air, are in the blood, as a result of a chemical reaction are formed in the stomach. Even bacteria living in the human gut produce gases. They accumulate, their number increases. And, of course, these gases must go somewhere inside. Now you understand why people are farting, and accept the fact that people who do not make it (and living beings) simply do not exist.
When a person releases gases, there isunpleasant fetid smell. This also has a scientific explanation. The whole point is that they contain mercaptan and hydrogen sulphide. The amount of their formation in the intestine depends on nutrition. For example, a person eats a lot of eggs, cauliflower, mushrooms and meat. These products help to enhance the smell. And, for example, legumes, although they cause great gas formation, but the specific sharp odor is not allocated.
Asking the question why people are farting, manyI wonder how many these very gases a healthy person can allocate per day. The doctors, observing, calculated that the average amount equals 0.5 liters per day. Approximately a man farts about 14 times a day. There are also interested people who want to know: farting in a dream is natural, or it is still a deviation.
The person, being in a sleeping state,controls its natural needs. For example, if you want to go to the toilet, we wake up. But this does not apply to gases. Accumulated, especially if during the light day a man restrained them and did not release them, they leave at night. Control their output is impossible. But those who periodically allow their gases to go outside periodically and do not ask themselves why they fart, sleep at night. Gases accumulate during sleep, usually after waking up they require an exit.
Discussing such a sensitive issue, one should doemphasis on how harmful it is to restrain yourself. Until recently, physicians claimed that this could lead to diseases and a serious chronic swelling of the intestine. But recently the Aesculapius proved that the containment of gases is not harmful to health and in no way can lead to the appearance of various diseases. The person is arranged so that the gases, not having left in due time outside, return to the place in an intestine, and through time again try to leave.
Probably, many of you in the videos andvarious feature films have seen how the outgoing gases from the intestine are ignited, and the place of their eruption turns into the mouth of a fire-breathing dragon. Do you think this is an invention?
No, not fiction.In fact, gases leaving the intestine can be ignited. And this is known not by hearsay physicians. During operations on the rectum with a procedure such as electric cauterization, gases can ignite. Cases of this ignition, although rare, but in medical practice take place. It is not advisable to check this fact and put the experiment on ourselves. After all, a flame can burn a person who releases gases.