/ / Treatment of cracks on the heels of folk remedies: recipes, methods

Treating cracks on the heels of folk remedies: recipes, methods

With age, a woman increasingly understands thatkeep the beauty is not so simple. Over time, she has to take care not only about the beauty of the skin on her face, but even about such hidden places as heels. It is very important to take care of this part of the legs, because the coarse cracked skin does not allow you to wear open shoes. But, in addition, unhealthy heels can hurt and bring discomfort. To get rid of such problems, many people begin to heal cracks on the heels of folk remedies and often achieve the desired effect.

heels crack folk remedies

Symptoms and difficulties

Depending on the nature of the skin, cracks canappear for various reasons, but the pain is always the same. In the beginning, the heel simply itches, or it causes pain similar to colic. Further, these sensations turn into rubbers. At the same time, the skin becomes stiff and hard. Initially, the crack is very small, but if you miss the moment, it grows into a deep crack and will gradually expand. The most difficult thing is that the process of treatment lasts a long time, and sometimes is ineffective.

folk medicine treatment of cracks on the heels of folk remedies

What is the reason?

We continue to consider the exciting topic of many - "Cracks on the heels: reasons, folk remedies from the soles of the heels."

"Grandmother's methods" are usually the mosteffective, but in order to more easily deal with the difficulty, it is necessary to find out what is the root of the problem, and, if possible, to eliminate it. Often external stimuli are the culprits of this trouble. For example, it can be tight or uncomfortable shoes. Or this condition often indicates a lack of certain enzymes or vitamins. Sometimes it is enough to drink a replenishing course - and the wounds begin to pass. But the occurrence of this problem can indicate all sorts of endocrine changes. And sometimes everything says about the lack of blood supply to the heels. In this case, you can use the applicator Kuznetsov. It should sit daily (under the buttocks) for 15 minutes. Also, the heels should be lubricated with mixtures that include aloe juice, and, of course, do not forget about hygiene.


Faced for the first time with a problem, many do not know how to heal cracks on the heels. The methods of treatment are in fact very simple and tested not by one generation. But still, to avoid illness, it is better to conduct itprevention. The same principle applies to the problem of cracks on the heels. The easiest way is to never forget to soften the skin in this part of the legs. To do this, it is good to use ointment based on Vaseline or cream, made according to a home-made prescription, which includes curdled milk, butter and honey. If the dryness of the heels is felt, but there are no cracks yet, it is worth immediately softening them. To do this every day to arrange starch trays for half an hour. A liter of warm water is a spoonful of starch. Always this area of ​​the legs before bedtime should be nourished with a fat cream. And it is desirable to buy cotton socks, which will sleep. In addition, do not forget from time to time to drink a course of vitamins such as E and A.

treatment of cracks on the heels of folk remedies

But sometimes you can miss the moment, and the usualdryness turns into a disease. In the period of appearance of the problem for a speedy recovery it is desirable to know more about heel cracks, symptoms and folk remedies that have helped many people.

Fruits and vegetables in the fight for health

Only emerging incisions on the heels can beeliminate if you rub the apple and make compresses out of it. Ready mashed potatoes, wrapped in cloth, it is better to pribintovy to heels, so that the mixture as close as possible to the problem zone. This remedy is able to save from a threatening illness in just a few days.

cracks on the heels of symptoms and folk remedies

If the wound is still shallow to heal,you can try a tomato. Cut the vegetable in half, wipe them sore spots. If there is no fresh product, it is replaced with pure tomato juice. Ketchup for this does not fit categorically, otherwise the cuts will only get irritated. But a slice of tomato is much more practical, because it can be put all night on the heel in the sock.

Auxiliary products

Sometimes, after trying several pharmacy ointments and nothaving received result, the person drops his hands, because he does not know how to cure cracks on the heels. A selection of folk techniques, given further, will be a real find, since it does not require special expenses, and all the products used are easy to find at home.

Already in-depth wounds are treated with potatoes.A clean cut skin from the tuber is boiled for 10 minutes. The resulting fat is poured into the pelvis and we lower the heels into it for half an hour. At the end of the time, the feet are rinsed with water and cleaned with a clean towel. The feet are well rubbed with castor oil, natural cotton socks are worn.

If the heels crack, folk remedies willa great service. It is necessary to put on each foot until the morning on a luscious cabbage leaf. You can also interpret this recipe a little and first apply honey to the affected area, then attach the sheets, which are fixed with bandage bandages. It is also curious that honey lining can be done without cabbage. These two products have healing characteristics in themselves. In the morning, removing the compresses, the legs should be rinsed and rubed with a baby moisturizer. To retain the necessary moisture, it is better to attach adhesive plasters.

Another effective recipe

how to heal cracks in heel treatments
Unfortunately, the treatment of cracks on the heels of folkmeans does not always give instant results. But you should not be upset, because this problem is almost always solved for a long period, and you need to have patience. The next method of treatment often gives the desired result. A glass of milk is heated to a boil. The green of the mother-and-stepmother is finely chopped and added to the boiling base. It will take two spoons of leaves. This mixture must be boiled for an hour in a water bath. Already cooled down gruel put on gauze with a small layer. Keep the compress about 30 minutes. Gradually, with regular treatment, the wounds will begin to tighten, and you can see how healing folk medicine.

Treating cracks on the heels of folk remediesmay imply the use of interior pork fat. This product densely, qualitatively spread his heels, wrapped in a film, everything is fixed from the top with a simple toe. Usually 14 days of daily compresses are enough to heal the wound. But if the problem is not completely gone, the course is repeated a month later.

Herbs when fighting disease

cracks on the heels of the cause of folk remedies from cracks on the heels

More often, the treatment of cracks on the heels of folkmeans means the use of herbs. Chamomile in this business can be of great benefit. A spoonful of dried flowers is poured with a liter of feces. Another ten minutes the grass should be pawed. In the resulting potion, before going to sleep, soar your feet. Do not underestimate this procedure, because it can tighten even deep cracks. Another recipe from this plant has the following combination. 200 grams of infusions of flowers, two liters of ordinary water, a spoon of soap and a spoonful of soda (without a slide). All components are stirred and heated. In this composition, heels are hovered for about 20 minutes. These manipulations are performed for ten days. If, in spite of the diligent treatment, the problem is not solved, it is better to go to the doctor immediately, since in this case the cracks on the heels may indicate a serious disease.

Proper nutrition

Of course, the treatment of cracks on the heels of folkmeans is an excellent way to get rid of the problem. But it is important to note that a thoughtful diet can play a huge role here. It may seem incomprehensible how food can affect the heels. But the fact remains that the lack of the necessary trace elements can affect the cracking of the skin on the legs. Therefore, no matter how many lotions we make, if there is a shortage of vitamins in the body, the wounds will appear constantly.

how to cure cracks on the heels of a selection of folk techniques

To rid yourself of inner shortages inmicroelements, you need to balance your menu. In the diet it is important to include greens, sour-milk products, liver, vegetables and fruits, butter and legumes. In addition, other foods in which there are vitamins E and A, should also be in the daily menu. If the skin is coarsened not only on the heels, but also in the ulnar part, this can indicate problems with the kidneys. Self-medication here should not be engaged, it is better to immediately go to a specialist.

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