Erythrocytes (in other words - red bloodbodies) are nuclear-free blood elements of the same regular round shape that are concave from both sides. In norm they are bright and mobile. These are the most numerous cells of blood. Blood corpuscles form in the red bone marrow, live about 4 months, then their destruction occurs in the spleen and in the liver. This happens in two ways: through phagocytosis or hemolysis.
Functions of red blood cells
The most important function of red blood cells -transportation of oxygen through the body. This becomes possible with the help of the hemoglobin contained in the red blood cells, which gives our blood such a characteristic red color. In addition, erythrocytes are involved in maintaining acid-base balance, transporting amino acids, binding toxins due to the presence of antibodies on their surfaces. It is logical that high-quality performance of these functions will be hampered by both reduced and elevated red blood cells in the blood.
The norm of red blood cells
Erythrocytosis - increased erythrocyte in the blood.This phenomenon arises from the violation of hematopoiesis and blood destruction. Simply put, red blood cells are formed more than they are destroyed in the spleen and liver. Therefore, it is very important to determine the causes of these violations. An elevated red blood cell in the blood can indicate rare disorders in the cardiovascular or respiratory systems, infectious diseases, erythremia, an increase in the viscosity of red matter, even about cancer of such important organs as the liver and kidneys. There are other no less dangerous reasons.
Treatment is reduced to identifying the root cause of the disease and its elimination. With a pronounced tendency to thrombosis, bloodletting is possible (it is used extremely rarely).