/ / Atheroma: treatment with folk remedies during the postoperative period

Atheroma: treatment with folk remedies during the postoperative period

Practically every person has a completely healthya small tumor-like area may appear in the body that does not cause discomfort and does not differ in color from surrounding skin areas. This is an atheroma - cyst, formed as a result of clogging of the sebaceous glands.

Often there are questions, than atheroma is dangerous, treatment by folk remedies and methods of traditional medicine.

The disease develops imperceptibly.First, education occupies a small area, but over time, it increases, and in some cases, inflammation occurs, and atheroma grows into a fatty tumor.
As a result of obstruction of the ducts, fat mass,formed by the sebaceous glands, can not reach the surface. Atheroma turns into a capsule and begins to accumulate the contents. Sometimes a small fresh localization passes by itself, and you can forget for a while what an atheroma is. Treatment with folk remedies in this case will be required to prevent new localizations. However, the old neglected tumor can not be eliminated without medical assistance.
Unpleasant formations usually occur in placesgrowth of hair and are a consequence of blockage of the sebaceous glands located near the hair bulbs. In such cases, the atheroma of the scalp occurs. The main causes of the disease are metabolic disorders, trauma to the skin, dysfunction of the endocrine and hormonal system. Very dense atheromas with a bluish tinge appear in people with skin problems, suffering from excessive sweating, fatty skin, abundant acne eruptions. In such cases, atheroma can become inflamed and lead to the formation of ulcers.

Treatment with atheroma is performed by surgical methods.The most effective method for the diagnosis of "atheroma" is laser removal of formations. The essence of the method is to evaporate the contents of the capsule with the help of the high temperature that the laser beam creates. In this case, cooling of the accompanying skin surfaces is made, which makes the operation painless and effective. There are no scars left, and as a result of laser action, division of neighboring cells that fill the formed void and promote healing is activated.

Before the operation begins,cancer cells, with the oncological nature of education will require a completely different treatment. True, for many years of observation, atheroma rarely leads to the formation of a malignant tumor.

If there was an atheroma, treatment folkmeans of special effect will not bring. Herbs and infusions can be used only as a post-operative hygienic skin care. In no case can the extrusion of the capsule be used as a folk method. This is fraught with sad consequences, the development of suppuration and extensive abscesses, up to blood infections.

The use of herbs and decoctions of them normalizeswork and condition of the sebaceous glands. To medicinal plants that favorably affect the skin, include evading peony, spring primrose and wormwood bitter. They are forbidden to be used during a purulent process or acute inflammation, and it is possible only after the atheroma is removed.

Treatment with folk remedies should be performed only after consulting with a dermatovenereologist.

Since effective methods for resorptionformations are not found, folk remedies must be used to improve the general condition and prevent disease. In such cases, the chances that atheroma will leave a person alone are significantly increased.

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