/ Lyrical Ficus. Houseplants

Lyrate Ficus. Houseplants

In every living quarters or in the officebe plant. After all, they make our air more pure. One of such plants, which also perform decorative function, is a lyre-shaped ficus. His homeland is West Africa. This species of ficus grows in the plains and tropical forests. It is worth noting that this plant is very easy to grow at home. After all, it does not require special care.

lyrate ficus

What should be the lighting?

Lyrate ficus in autumn and winter passes intostate of stagnation. After all, it is at this time that the level of illumination, as well as the duration of the daylight, are significantly reduced. Of course, this species has no expressed rest period. In order for the crown of the plant to form evenly, it is necessary to turn it around the axis by 90 ° at least once a week.

At the same time, the ficus is lyrate, care of which is quite simple, requires special illumination:

  1. From the beginning of April to the end of September, the plant needs scattered light at 11 to 17 hours a day. The rest of the time - direct sunlight, not counting, of course, the night time.
  2. From the beginning of October to the end of March, ficus also needs direct sunlight. Ideally, the lighting should be present up to 8 hours a day.

Temperature is also important

To lyroid ficus grows well, it's worthobserve a certain temperature regime. So, in the daytime this indicator should be from 25 to 30 ° C, and at night - from 16 to 18 ° C. Such differences only contribute to the development of the plant. If the temperature in the room exceeds 35 ° C, the vegetative development of the ficus practically ceases.

ficus lily care

To water it is necessary

To water a lyrate ficus is necessary only in thatIf the soil of the soil is slightly dry. If for this purpose raw water from the tap is used, then it should stand for at least 24 hours. This will reduce the chlorine content in it. The roots of the ficus lyrate are very sensitive to this substance.

Soil and transplantation

To the lyric ficus, whose photo is impressive,grows well, you need to prepare the ideal soil for it. For this, it is necessary to connect three parts of turf soil, one part of peat and the same amount of perlite or coarse-grained sand. Before use, this mixture should be sterilized.

As for the transplant of this plant, forThis should use a capacity that will be about 20% more than the previous one. When carrying out such a procedure, it is worth preparing a ficus lyrate. The pruning of the roots is necessary when they start to grow upwards. There is one rule. Crop should be no more than the third part of the roots. In addition, it is necessary to remove all damaged and decayed areas.

Transplant the plant should be once a year.The ideal time for this procedure is April or May. It is during this period that the active growth of the ficus is resumed. It is also worth choosing the right pot. It should be remembered that too much capacity for a large plant just turns.

ficus lyrate reproduction

Should I fertilize?

Feed the lyre ficus is worth itthe period when vegetative development begins. Similar processes begin in March and end in September. However, there are exceptions, for example, high temperature in the room or prolonged cloudy days. At such moments it is impossible to feed the plant.

You also need to be careful when conductingtop dressing. The plant is very sensitive to various chemicals. If the solution gets on the leaves, a burn may occur. Therefore, any, even minor droplets of fertilizer in contact with the green part of the plant must be removed.

If the plant is contained in optimal conditions, it should be fed every 14 days. If all the rules of cultivation are not respected, then fertilizer can be applied only once in 30 days.

Mineral mixtures are ideal for feeding.and solutions that are designed for decorative leafy plants. However, the concentration of fertilizer should be done at 50% less than indicated in the instructions.

lyric ficus crown formation

Leaflets also need care

Many housewives rub household ficus chemical polishes to remove dirt from it. In this case, this is not worth doing. Otherwise, a burn will appear on the leaves of the lyre-shaped ficus.

In summer and spring, you can arrange a plant shower.Water at this should be warm. The procedure should be carried out every 30 days. After the shower, all the leaves need to be dried. To do this, you can use the usual napkin. If you do not remove moisture from the leaves, then they will remain ugly stains and the plant will lose its appeal.

In winter and autumn you can not make a ficus shower. During this period, the leaves can simply be wiped with a damp cloth.

ficus lyre pruning

Is it possible to put on the street?

Когда наступит настоящее лето и температура air will be as close as possible to the recommended, lyric ficus can be put on the street. Do not immediately substitute a pot with ficus lyre-like in direct sunlight. For him it is very dangerous. The plant should gradually get used to the changes. Therefore, initially the ficus should be put in the shade, and after a few weeks - under diffused light.

How to cut ficus lyroid?

Sometimes it is required not only trimming of roots.In fact, the plant grows fast enough. Therefore, it is sometimes important to cut the lyre ficus. Crown formation is another important condition. Usually, to limit growth, it is the above-ground part that is cut, making cuts above the internode.

As for air horses, if necessary, they can be removed. In this case, there are no restrictions.

When carrying out trimming it is worth being attentive,as the plant produces sticky white juice. If this liquid gets on the skin, it becomes very irritated. If the juice got on the leaves, then it should immediately erase, without harming the ficus. The fluid dries very quickly and is very difficult to remove.

ficus lyrate leaf reproduction

Ficus lyrate: reproduction

This question probably worries many loverssimilar plants. When reproducing this species in a vegetative way, it is necessary to take into account that roots will be formed on it for a very long time. In this case there are exceptions. The most hassle-free way of breeding lyric ficus is the use of aerial layering.

В данном случае посадочным материалом служит young growing escape. This may be the central stem, and lateral otvodka. The main thing is that it develops. Planting material should be slightly lignified and green, but not soft. Of course the worst option is to use a fully bark-covered stem for reproduction.

The diameter of the planting material should not exceed 15 millimeters. The smaller the thickness of the stem, the more carefully you need to plant it.

So, first you need to choose a growing escape,whose length ranges from 15 to 25 centimeters. We leave on it one growth bud, as well as a few leaves. Everything else needs to be removed, exposing an area of ​​10 centimeters. After that, you must select one of the leaf nodes, which is located as close as possible to the center.

In this place you need to make a cut.Use only sterile instruments. The notch must be made under the knot. At the same time, a stem with a diameter of 4 millimeters must be cut with a depth of 1 millimeter, and with a diameter of 15 millimeters, from 1 to 2 millimeters.

home ficus

The place where the incision was made must be rinsed with clean boiled but cold water. Then you need to put on a cut a little money that stimulates root growth.

Now you need to soak for 30 minutes in the water mosssphagnum. After the specified time, it should be pressed. The place with a notch needs to be wrapped with wet moss and plastic wrap, and then firmly fixed with wire.

We grow from seeds

Decided to have a ficus lyroid?Leaf propagation is impossible here, but there are still seeds. With this method, it is worth patience, since germination can take from several weeks to 3 months. At the same time, for better germination, the seeds of this ficus need light. Therefore, bury them is not worth it. It is enough to press a little into the ground. Optimal lighting - partial shade or diffused light. But the temperature index should be 25 ° C.


Now you know how to care for ficus.homely. If you follow all the rules, the plant will grow very quickly. The main thing is to water and feed him in time. Do not forget that the lyric ficus loves the light. In a dark place, this plant will simply die. As for pests, herbivorous mites, aphid, scythophilis and mealybug are dangerous for lyric ficus.

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