/ / Generous gift of nature - honey comb. What is useful product beekeeping?

Generous gift of nature - honey comb. What is useful product beekeeping?

Fully natural bee productis honey comb. What is useful and what properties is it endowed with? We learn later. Mother Nature herself has awarded mankind this valuable delicacy, which gives longevity, good mood and good health.

Honeycomb is a pure product found inconserved state inside wax cells. It is necessary for feeding striped workers in the winter. This is the highest quality, healthy and environmentally friendly treat with a unique composition, which has no analogue in any sort of honey. No wonder it is called the repository of valuable enzymes, essential trace elements and vitamins.

Valuable information

Honey comb, whose beneficial properties have receivedwidely publicized in the days of ancient Egypt, longer stored and not subjected to crystallization. The most important thing is its absolute sterility and the presence of unique substances in the composition. That is why it is actively used in alternative medicine.

honey comb than useful

Added value to honey is added by wax,pollen and propolis. The combination of these components allows you to fill the body with natural vitamins and natural antibiotics. It has long been known that these substances are excellent absorbents and help cleanse the intestines from harmful toxins and slags.

Honeycomb acts as a medicinal balmon the hypothalamus. By consuming the treat, we get the necessary vital energy (carbohydrates), building materials (amino acids), unsaturated acids and a whole range of trace elements. Not for nothing at all times the cost of this product exceeded the price of any kind of honey.

Therapeutic properties and biochemical composition

honey comb useful properties

Benefit directly depends on the geographical andbotanical origin. It is scientifically substantiated that bactericidal activity is much higher in buckwheat honey. It is established that the beekeeping product collected in different parts of the Russian Federation differs in the number of amino acids and vitamins.

The composition is caused not onlynatural climatic zone, but still a breed of bees themselves and plant species. The highest content of triterpenic acids and vitamin C has spring honey in honeycombs. What is useful product - read on. One thing is clear that in all varieties there are pollen grains, enriched with proteins, enzymes and other substances. The sweet delicacy exhibits antiviral, immunogenic, antimicrobial and radioprotective effects.

Honey comb: application and indications

honey properties in honeycombs

For more than one century, folk healers have been studyingproperties of honeycomb, and then apply the knowledge gained in practice. Years of experience of healers leads to the conclusion that the "bee medicine" is a miracle cure that helps a person to deal with physical ailments. Gained knowledge that wax cells relieve inflammation, so they are chewed with respiratory pathologies.

In this case the substances contained in the combbeneficial effect on the mucosa, protecting it from pathogenic bacteria. Honey comb (photo, see the article) has a tonic effect, normalizes metabolism and blood circulation. In practice, it has been verified that, by using a medicinal product for colds in combination with medications, a person recovers faster and restores poor health.

Some healers claim that in smalldosages can be given to children from a year to stimulate the immune system. Bee products are attributed to their soothing properties. Natural sweetness strengthens nerve endings, prevents insomnia, relieves from stress and prolonged depression. Also increases stamina.

Показан десерт при пародонтозе и кариесе.With it, you can strengthen the gums, prevent bleeding and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity. Chewing honeycomb cleans tooth enamel, eliminates unpleasant odor and protects against the occurrence of caries. Folk healers use honey in honeycombs for intoxication. What is useful product, the ancient people knew and used its healing power.

How to use?

honey comb

Everyone knows that colds andinflammatory processes of the respiratory system are the result of impaired metabolism and weakened immunity. To prevent the flu, it is necessary, first of all, to strengthen the body's defenses. The best natural medicine is honey in honeycombs, whose beneficial properties are characterized by anti-inflammatory action.

При появлении ОРЗ или банального насморка It is recommended to chew the honeycomb 4-5 times a day every day until the wax breaks up into small particles, then spit it out. If you accidentally swallow a small amount, nothing terrible will happen. Under the influence of gastric juice, the wax will simply dissolve. It is advisable to use honeycombs during a cold epidemic, especially in autumn and winter, for prevention.

Other uses

Our ancestors treated them with conjunctivitis.Using a pipette, gently instilled a small amount of the solution (25-30%) into the eyes. The product of beekeeping has also been used as a wound-healing agent. They smeared the damaged skin and made compresses. Such procedures allowed in a short time to heal the wounds, burns and restore blood circulation. Folk healers advise people who suffer from chronic constipation and increased gas formation, honey in honeycombs. What is useful product, we found out, and now we find out how much it is calorie.

Energy value

honey comb

Сладкое лакомство, получаемое нами от полосатых insects, has a high calorie - per 100 g 327 kcal. However, you should not be afraid of this, because all these calories are provided by glucose, which brings continuous benefits to a person, of course, if you eat a reasonable dose of dessert - no more than two spoons per day. Such a small amount does not harm the figure, but only strengthens health. Remember that the properties of honey in honeycombs suggests that it has greater healing power than pumped out.

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