/ / Seborrhea of ​​the head and its treatment

Seborrhea and its treatment

Seborrhea of ​​the head is a skin disease caused bya violation of the functionality of the sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands in this case secrete sebum with altered physical and chemical properties. As a result, antimicrobial properties are reduced and ideal conditions are created for the development of infection. With improper care for the scalp and hair, as well as a number of diseases, there is a disruption of the glands. This imbalance often leads to peeling and dryness or to increased greasiness of hair and skin.

Disease can also be a consequence of theNeuroinfection or hereditary. In this period the head is scratched and hair loss increases, dead skin cells or dandruff appear. Experts consider this disease as a possible cause of hair thinning on the head. The course of the disease can aggravate: contaminated skin, chronic infections, gastrointestinal illness, etc. Seborrhea has three varieties: oily, dry and mixed.

Oily seborrhea is characterized by an excess of secretionsebum, ie, the sebaceous glands are hyperactive. In this case, the composition changes in skin fat, and this reduces the protective and other functions. The skin becomes greasy and shiny, the inflammatory process begins. It quickly becomes dirty and thickens, red spots become yellowish in color. The condition of the skin almost immediately affects the hair.

In the scalp appear seborrheiccrusts, which are easily combed out in the form of fatty scales of yellow dandruff, hair falls out. Oily seborrhea is usually accompanied by itching, dandruff on the hair forms a touch of dirty color. Hair on the head becomes greasy, glued together and glistens glossily. If it is not treated in a timely manner, the disease progresses rapidly and can lead to complete loss of hair.

Dry seborrhea occurs with a lack of cutaneousfat, the skin loses its natural color, becomes flaky and rough. Skin irritation and frequent itching are the companions of this disease. The hair becomes dry and thin, loses its shine and breaks easily. Hair loss and dandruff in the form of light scales create a certain discomfort. Gradually, this process begins to progress and can lead to the death of hair follicles and subsequent baldness.

Hair loss will be inevitable, if notto deal with such a disease as dry seborrhea. Treatment of it will require increased attention, since there are many reasons that contribute to the emergence of this disease (heredity, obesity, diabetes, etc.). The main reason for the appearance of this type of seborrhea is a fungus, which, falling under the skin, destroys the sebaceous ducts. And this in turn affects the skin's metabolic process.

The disease can manifest at any age,from the infant and up to the senile. The place of its manifestation is mainly the face, the upper part of the chest, the scalp and neck. Usually it is accompanied by the appearance of fine dandruff on the skin.

Ideally, according to experts,Seborrhea of ​​the head should be treated comprehensively. To this end, funds are used that normalize the work of internal organs and human systems, the treatment of damaged skin areas and other types of therapy.

Care for the skin should be gentle and gentle,scalp and hair should receive funds to remove dandruff and strengthen the hair bulb. Seborrhea is a skin disease, therefore the treatment procedure must be controlled by the appropriate specialists. Traditional medicine for the treatment of this disease uses a variety of herbs (burdock root, nettle, fox geranium forest and marsh, St. John's wort, calendula, etc.), various medications based on honey and oil.

Effective means for stimulating growth andstrengthening of the root system of hair looks like this: 10 grams of St. John's wort herbs pour vodka (100 g), insist in a dark place for two weeks, filter and daily for night rubbing into the scalp. The use of medicinal, cosmetic and folk remedies should be supported by a restriction in the consumption of carbohydrates and fats.

The diet should contain more food with high-grade protein, vegetables, fruits.

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