/ / Hydrogen peroxide for flowers: how to water?

Hydrogen peroxide for flowers: how to water?

Home plants, like garden, requiretop dressing. A variety of different colors are used. Hydrogen peroxide is one of them. With it, the plant receives the necessary minerals, so it starts to bloom well. More about this fertilizer is described in the article.

What is hydrogen peroxide?

The chemical composition of the agent includes 2 atomshydrogen and oxygen. Now you can buy an aqueous solution with an active ingredient concentration of 3 or 5%. By appearance it is a colorless liquid that does not smell or is weak.

hydrogen peroxide for flowers

In the light, the substance decomposes with the release of oxygen.Other concentrated forms include hydroperite in tablets and perhydrol - used to lighten hair and disinfect rooms. A solution is suitable for fertilizing plants.

What is the need for additional fertilizing?

House plants eventually cease to bloom andgrow. But the slowdown in development is not yet terrible, because flowers often die. A slowdown in growth may indicate the presence of the disease. It is important to check the plant for parasites and diseases, as well as to check the correctness of watering.

watering indoor plants with hydrogen peroxide

But it also happens that all the rules of careare observed, but the flower still does not grow as it should. In this case, he may have a shortage of nutritional components. Then it is necessary to feed. Often, hydrogen peroxide is used for this. This tool is much more accessible than many others, besides it acts no less effectively.

Hydrogen peroxide as a top dressing

There are many methods to improve the condition of plants.For this, egg water, honey and sugar are used. Is it possible to water flowers with hydrogen peroxide? Such a fertilizer will be very useful. With the help of this tool you will get:

  1. Eliminate harmful bacteria that interfere with development and flowering.
  2. Accelerate flowering.
  3. Protect from rotting roots.

But before using hydrogen peroxide forflowers, it is necessary to eliminate wilted and dry leaves, rotten flowers. You also need to loosen the ground. If the flower is damaged, the peroxide will work as a disinfectant.

Benefits for indoor plants

Virtually all plants in apartments suffer because of:

  1. Dry air.
  2. Lack of sunlight.

how to water flowers with hydrogen peroxide

These problems slow down the process of photosynthesis.Therefore, this color is also used. Peroxide of hydrogen will allow to get rid of the given problems, to improve a condition of plants. And effectively acts as watering, and spraying.

Application as a fertilizer

If hydrogen peroxide is used, thenshould use other fertilizing. The agent will give the plants the necessary trace elements. And if another component is added, then there may be oversaturation. Not harmful only sugar, which is added to the water for irrigation.


What is usually used for watering indoorplants? Many use stand-by water, which was recruited from the tap. But the flowers need rainwater. Such a liquid provides a normal growth of plants.

hydrogen peroxide for indoor flowers

Но достичь такого эффекта позволит другой метод.How to water flowers with hydrogen peroxide? It will take 1 liter of water, which adds 2 tbsp. l. a remedy. The composition should be stirred, and you can begin to fertilize the plant.

Watering indoor flowers with hydrogen peroxide is necessaryperform 1 time in 5 days. Often this should not be done. Means is suitable for spraying flowers. If you perform the procedure regularly, it will be noticeable improvement in the condition of the plants.

Growth improvement and protection

Peroxide is in rainwater, this natural phenomenon has the name "natural cleaning". After the rain, plants bloom better, they have a good growth. In addition, they are cured.

This property is laid by nature.Therefore, there are fields of wild flowers without fertilizers, and they bloom better than those that feed. For flowers, hydrogen peroxide performs this task perfectly. The tool is similar in composition to the components of rainwater, therefore, after several procedures of fertilizers, one can notice a transformation of indoor plants.

Use in Floriculture

Hydrogen peroxide is used for indoor plants and garden plants. This tool is used in the treatment of seedlings:

  1. Seeds will germinate better if you dunk them insolution. As in the situation with indoor plants, peroxide perfectly disinfects the seeds. They will grow faster and bloom well. This requires soaking for 12 hours, and if this applies to plants with a natural difficulty of germination, it takes 24 hours.
  2. Peroxide is suitable for processing seedlings - watering and irrigation.
  3. The remedy brings the plant back to life, which, it seems, can no longer be saved.
  4. Peroxide with alcohol eliminates insects.
  5. The solution will protect against parasites.

can I water the flowers with hydrogen peroxide

Feeding flowers with hydrogen peroxide is an effective way to eliminate many problems. Enough to perform procedures with him regularly, and soon you will notice a great effect.

Recommendations to gardeners

In order for hydrogen peroxide to benefit plants, the following tips should be considered:

  1. The solution is used for different wounds on the plant.
  2. Watering the seedlings with the help of a means saturates the soil and the root system with oxygen, eliminates bacteria.
  3. If the seeds are soaked before planting, this improves their germination.
  4. Watering should be done every 4-5 days.
  5. After diving plants should be sprayed daily.
  6. Do not use hydrogen peroxide in the presence of white spots on the soil.

Due to its oxidative effect, the quality is improved.water. Peroxide negatively affects chlorine, pesticides, organic impurities. Regularly performing watering and spraying this tool, it will be possible to improve flowering, as well as save the plant from pests.

Other feeding

There are other methods to improve the condition of plants:

  1. Water (0.5 liters) with sugar (0.5 tsp) is used as a top dressing. Or you can pour a pinch of sugar on the ground before watering. This method is great for all plants.
  2. Castor oil is excellent for those plants that do not bloom. It will be required to add 1 tsp. funds for 1 liter of water.
  3. Aloe juice, like sugar, is perfect for all home plants. In the water (1.5 liters), you must add 1 tsp.
  4. Aspirin boosts immunity due to spraying. It is enough to dissolve 1 tablet in water (1 liter).
  5. Another type of feeding is banana peel, as it is rich in vitamins and microelements. It is used for transplantation (should be crushed and put on the drainage).
  6. Egg water is also used for fertilizer. Do not pour out the liquid from boiling eggs, it must be cooled - and you can water the plants.
  7. Vitamin B12 is perfect for feeding violets. One ampoule is soluble in water (1 liter). Watering the solution is necessary no more than 1 time in 2 weeks.
  8. To improve the condition of the plants used crusts from citrus. It will take 1-2 pieces that need to be filled with water (1 liter) per day. Then the solution can be watered flowers.
  9. Wood ash allows you to fill the soilessential trace elements as well as protect the flowers from diseases. It should be poured with 1 liter of boiling water and left to insist for 6-7 days. The solution must be watered plants 1 time in 9 days.
  10. It is used for watering mushroom infusion.Fruits are ground and soaked in water (1 liter). Then it is necessary to drain the liquid and fill the mushrooms with new water, after a day the solution is ready for irrigation. It should be used no more than 1 time in 5 days.

fertilizing flowers with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is cheap and affordablemeans to improve the condition of plants. You should not buy expensive dressings, many of which have chemical components. Thanks to this substance it will be possible to keep the plants in perfect order.

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