/ / Bacterial vaginosis: treatment, clinical symptoms and causes of the development of this disease

Bacterial vaginosis: treatment, clinical symptoms and causes of this disease

Бактериальный вагиноз на самом деле представляет is a fairly common disease. It is at least once in life is found in about half of beautiful women. Most often, it does not lead to the development of any complications, however, it is still capable of making life difficult and ruin a woman’s mood. The thing is that this disease has very unpleasant symptoms. It is because of them that treatment should begin as early as possible.

Vaginosis treatment
Bacterial vaginosis develops whenwomen are changing the qualitative as well as the quantitative composition of the familiar microflora of the vagina. Most often this is observed when she has any hormonal changes, stresses, her sexual partner has changed, or local and / or humoral immunity has decreased. Lactobacilli are most favorable for the vagina. If bacteroids, gardnerella, mycoplasma hominis or enterococci begin to prevail, then bacterial vaginosis develops. Its treatment will involve the restoration of the usual composition of the microflora of the vagina.
Bacterial vaginosis

In many cases, the disease can anddo without any symptoms. In other situations, bacterial vaginosis is manifested by the main triad of symptoms: characteristic discharge, burning, and itching. Allocations are the main and most unpleasant symptom. The smell is especially unpleasant, it strongly resembles a spoiled fish and makes it clear that a woman has developed bacterial vaginosis. Treatment is best to start with the very first symptoms. As for the other two characteristic signs of bacterial vaginosis - itching and burning, they are usually not very pronounced. However, their intensity may increase during intercourse, menstruation, or regular urination.

Vaginosis of the vagina
If vaginosis, treatment anddiagnosis begins with taking a smear from the vagina (with its mucous membrane). Conduct research through seeding. This allows you to determine which bacteria prevailed in the smear, and hence in the vagina. In addition, the so-called amide test appears to be a very common way to diagnose bacterial vaginosis. It consists in determining the presence of isonitrile in the vagina. It is worth noting that it is this substance that is responsible for the unpleasant smell of discharge. Another diagnostic method used to detect this pathology is pH-metry. The fact is that normally there is an acidic environment in the vagina, and in case of bacterial vaginosis it is alkaline.

For this disease, treatment does not implyany extra or extra complicated measures. Despite this, the majority of women who have vaginosis, treatment is trying to implement as soon as possible. This is due to the previously mentioned unpleasant symptoms, to be more precise - an indestructible odor of discharge. The basis of drug exposure to this pathology is the use of antibacterial agents (selected depending on the results of the smear culture), as well as eubiotics (lactobacterin and others).

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