/ / Inflamed stomach: causes and methods of disposal

The inflated abdomen: causes and methods of disposal

An inflated stomach can not only looknot aesthetic, but also create a lot of problems in the process of life. There are very few reasons why this phenomenon occurs. Below we will present them in more detail, and also give some effective recommendations on how to quickly get rid of this problem.

bloated abdomen

Why the belly is inflated: the main reasons

In order to find out why you have a bloated stomach all the time, you need to observe your body and identify other symptoms that accompany this unpleasant abnormality.

Increased gas production or flatulence

The inflated abdomen is most often observed in the backgroundincreased gas formation. In medical practice, this pathology is called irritable bowel syndrome. The reason for this can be anything. Someone's stomach swells due to the use of a large amount of coarse fiber or drinks with gas, and someone suffers from gas formation due to putrefaction (giardiasis) or lactose insufficiency.

Ways to treat flatulence

To remove the inflated stomach, to begin withto reveal the true cause of its occurrence. Thus, if gas formation occurs due to malnutrition, then it is necessary to correct the diet, etc. But if the problem has already arisen and it rather hinders the normal way of life, experts advise to eliminate the symptom of bloating and significantly ease its condition with the help of such a preparation, as "Espumizan". However, it is worth noting that the causes of bloating themselves do not remove this remedy, but only extinguish the existing signs of flatulence.

why the belly is inflated

Chronic cholecystitis or pancreatitis

Insufficient pancreatic action alsocan cause a swelling symptom. As you know, this disease distorts all absorption processes in the intestines, as a result of which gases are formed in it, and subsequently there is a puffed up hard stomach.

Methods for treating pancreatitis or chronic cholecystitis

swollen abdomen

Currently, there are quite a fewpharmacies, which treat the presented disease. However, the first thing that a person with such a diagnosis should pay attention to is his diet. After all, it is fat, acute, salty and saturated with simple carbohydrates, food provokes inflammation of the gallbladder. Properly adjusting your diet, you will not only get rid of such a symptom as an inflated stomach, but you will forget for ever what pains in epigastrium and in the right hypochondrium.

If the disease does happen, it is recommendedto drink cholagogue preparations that improve the kinetics of choledochus, relax it, and also increase the tone of the gallbladder. For this, you should take magnesium sulfate, herbs: milk thistle, dandelion roots, silymarin or barberry preparations.

Above all else, bloating canarise on the background of strong experiences and stresses, as well as frequent smoking. In order to further such problems you no longer bothered, it is recommended to exclude all the above-mentioned negative factors from your life.

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