/ How much should I keep a yellow card? Tips and Tricks

How much should I keep a yellow card? Tips and Tricks

The use of mustard plasters for warming up is less and lessappointed by doctors. Instead, modern doctors write out a variety of syrups, drops and tablets. However, do not forget about this old and proven tool forever. This article will tell you about how much to keep yellow card in different situations. You will learn about the features of its use and about contraindications to use.

how much to keep a mustard plaster

How much should I keep a yellow card?

The use of this tool a few moredecades ago it was widely spread. People treated with this medication cough, pain, inflammation and other pathologies. At the same time, consumers did not think much about how much mustard must be kept. Sheets with a burning spray were removed when the burning was already unbearable. It is not right.

In modern packages with mustard plasters, you alwaysyou can find instructions for use. There, all the limitations and duration of the procedure are clearly and clearly indicated. If you make a yellow card with your own hands, then the situation changes. After all, very much depends on the volume of the powder and its kind. The average heating time can be from three minutes to a day. Let's consider separately each situation with warming up and we will find out, how much time to keep mustard plasters in this or that case.

how much should I keep the mustard plaster

Treatment of respiratory diseases

Как вы знаете, чаще всего горчичники применяются when coughing. However, it can be caused by viruses or bacteria. In case of an allergic form of pathology, it is better not to apply this medication. Often with colds, the patient's body temperature rises. In this situation, a yellow card must not be kept for a minute. To put it is simply contraindicated, because with your manipulations you can only aggravate the patient's well-being.

If a person has a dry cough without fever, thenthe use of mustard plasters will help to expand the bronchi and dilute sputum. At the stage of recovery (with a damp cough), the agent will accelerate the regeneration of the bronchi. How much should I keep a yellow card in these cases? The heating time will be approximately 5-15 minutes. If after a less amount of time you felt a burning sensation, it is better to interrupt the manipulation ahead of time in order to avoid getting burns.

Warming feet

При первых признаках вирусной инфекции или colds very effectively put mustard packets on the feet. Such manipulation can also be done with banal supercooling. Exposure of heat to the feet will help you avoid illness and warm the tissue well. How much should I keep a yellow card in this situation? It is advisable to leave the bag in your socks, put on your feet, for the whole night. If there is no such possibility, then limit yourself to five hours.

Reheating stops can also be done with the help ofmustard tray. For this, pour water into the pelvis up to forty degrees. There also put a few mustard plasters on the bottom. Put your feet on paper bags and hold for twenty minutes. If it is necessary to warm up the area of ​​calves, then for manipulation it is possible to prepare a bucket. After the procedure, it is not recommended to walk. It is advisable to wear warm socks and wrap yourself in a blanket.

how long to keep the mustard plaster

How much should I keep mustard plasters for children?

Often the described agent is used in pediatrics.At the same time, the appointment is made not by the doctor, but by the parent himself. This approach is considered irresponsible. It is worth recalling that the use of mustard plasters in children of the first year of life is categorically contraindicated. For older children, the drug is applied through a thin barrier - a diaper. In this case, you can protect the child's tender skin from burns.

The medicine should be kept for 3 to 5 minutes.Watch your child's reaction carefully. As soon as the baby complains of severe burning, you need to remove the sachets. Do not ask the baby to be patient. This often results in burns, which may not be as harmless as it seems. After handling, be sure to wipe the child's skin with a damp warm towel. This is necessary to remove the remains of mustard powder. In case of severe redness, lubricate the warmed up area with a soothing cream.

how much to keep mustards for children

Small summing up

We remembered the old and proven tool fortreatment of many ailments - mustard plaster. Now these bags are prescribed rarely, they are considered, rather, a means of traditional medicine. Also, modern drug manufacturers produce a lot of products with a similar effect, but much safer consequences. These compositions include creams "Doctor Mom", "Vicks" and others. An alternative to mustard plaster can be badger fat or ointments made from it. Before using bags of burning powder, you should consult with your doctor, especially when it comes to treating a child. Good health and well-being!

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