/ / Hand wrist tonometer: models and reviews

Manual wrist tonometer: models and reviews

People suffering from cardiovasculardiseases, must constantly monitor changes in blood pressure. This indicator can be measured with the help of special measuring instruments, which manufacturers produce in different variations. The hand-held tonometer differs from analogues in compact sizes. It is convenient to use a medical device. You can take it with you to work, at a dacha, on a trip or business trip.

Manual tonometer: the principle of operation of the device

The medical device serves to determineblood pressure. With its help, measure the index, determining how the blood pressure on the vascular walls. The volume of blood in the circulatory system of a person that the heart can pump for a certain time, and the resistance force from the side of the vascular system, are investigated.

The upper or systolic value indicatesThe force with which blood acts on the arteries during its ejection from the heart. The lower or diastolic value is an indicator that reflects the strength of the effect of blood on the walls of the vessels at a time when the heart muscle relaxes. A good instrument must correctly measure both indicators. It is for these purposes that a tonometer is used.

To measure the pressure of a person suffering fromarrhythmias, use special devices. They are equipped with modern technologies, allowing to display the correct indications. The elimination of errors in the procedure for the study of blood pressure allows intelligent systems. The movement indicators help to correctly fix the cuff on the arm.

manual tonometer

For whom is this portable device designed?

The first models were suitable only for people under 40years, provided that their blood vessels were healthy. After this age line, signs of atherosclerosis appear. The vascular walls become harder, the wrist device does not always display the reading correctly: it does not recognize a weak signal.

A modern hand-held tonometer, on the wrist thatis established, has been largely improved. In the latest models, a cuff with a special shape appeared, which makes it possible to read pulse tones simultaneously from two arteries. Such a design makes it possible to obtain more accurate measurements.

hand tonometer on wrist how to use

Features of a choice of a portable tonometer

For the elderly, children, athletes orPregnant women produce appliances that are characterized by enhanced functionality. Thanks to the availability of additional options, the pressure values ​​are displayed more accurately.

  1. Hand tonometer on the wrist for the elderly -the optimal solution, when a person has to measure blood pressure himself. When using the automatic device, no physical effort is required. If a person's eyesight is weakened, then the device with large figures will suit him. There are also meters with sound accompaniment, which even blind people can use.
    hand-held tonometer on the wrist
  2. For children, normal adult meters are not suitable.They need a manual tonometer with a small cuff. It is selected on the circumference of the hand - for newborns - from 5 to 7.5 cm; for infants from 7.5 to 13 cm; for children - from 13 to 20 cm. For kids, manufacturers produce tonometers with bright colors and funny drawings. They resemble toys, which attract the attention of the child.
  3. Athletes should closely monitor theirhealth. The use of a blood pressure meter allows you to be sure that increased loads during exercise are safe for the human body. Experts recommend athletes to use both a mechanical and automatic tonometer. The values ​​obtained are the most accurate. During the procedure, the manual tonometer is worn on the wrist, and the mechanical one on the shoulder.
  4. In the body of a pregnant woman occurshormonal reorganization, in the work of all vital systems, there are significant changes. Pressure surges can indicate problems in the cardiovascular system. Electronic models automatically process the indicators that appear on the display. Pregnant women are suitable meters with a minimum error of not more than 3 mm Hg. Art.
    manual tonometer on the wrist reviews

Manual wrist tonometer: how to use the device yourself

The device is easy to use, during the procedureno problems should arise. The person should fasten the device to the wrist and press the start button. The hand should be at the level of the heart. The results are displayed after a few seconds. The hand should be relaxed. Talk or move during the procedure is impossible. Measurement should be done 2 or 3 times. The indicator of blood pressure is the mean. The received values ​​are better to write down, that it was convenient to count.

hand tonometer on the wrist for the elderly

How to choose the device itself

Today, tonometers are sold everywhere. They can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered from an online store. Choosing the device, you can follow the following criteria:

  • functionality and focus;
  • warranty period of operation;
  • length of cuff;
  • inaccuracy of the indicators obtained in the measurement;
  • cost of the device.

When it is necessary to conduct a study not at home,choose a model that runs on batteries. It is also recommended to know the opinions of those who have already bought a hand-held tonometer on the wrist. User feedback allows you to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of each model. As a rule, the most popular devices are considered to be of the highest quality.

Popular wrist tonometers from the Japanese brand Citizen

In the device, air in the cuff is fed automatically. The device is equipped with a large-format liquid crystal display. The memory of the device is designed for 7 measurements.

The meter allows measurementsblood pressure with a pulse rate. The error in measuring the pulse is 5%, and when measuring blood pressure 4 mm Hg. Art. There is an option of automatic shutdown and the ability to connect the device to an additional power supply. The hand-held tonometer on the wrist "Citizen" can synchronously show the results of measurement and pressure, and pulse.

hand tonometer on wrist centisen

Reviews about other models

In addition to the "Citisen" tonometer, there are many positivereviews leave one more tonometer. The Omron measuring instrument is an instrument with excellent technical characteristics. The device allows you to measure systolic and diastolic pressure and heart rate. It provides memory for 60 values. Errors are allowed when measuring the pressure by 3 mmHg, and when measuring the pulse, by 5%. Power sources are 4 AAA 1.5 V rechargeable batteries with an AC adapter.

Modern tonometers show accurateresults of measurements. If you use a mechanical device for self-measurement, the errors will be greater than those indicated on the best models of automatic instruments. A man has to puff air into the cuff himself, and this leads to the appearance of muscle tension and an increase in blood pressure. More accurate values ​​are shown by automatic devices when the procedure is performed independently.

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