The main reason for the appearance of calluses is a tight, inconvenient or substandard footwear that does not allow air to pass, thereby increasing the moisture of the skin and rubbing it.
Watery calluses on the feet
When the feet are sweating strongly (whether it's a warm timeyear, for example, summer, or cooler - spring or autumn), in some places there are fresh soft corns filled with liquid. The main areas of their formation are the heels and toes. These are the places that are usually most tightly pressed against the inner walls of the shoe. How quickly to get rid of calluses on legs or foots in such cases? First, the corn and the skin around it must be disinfected. Then, with a sterile needle, gently pierce and, pressing, remove the accumulated liquid. There will be a thin soft skin, which should be treated with greenery (by no means alcohol or iodine: these preparations too dry the skin). To prevent infection, the punctured corn is sealed with a patch.
With prolonged wearing of uncomfortable shoes on the outsideside of the thumbs or little fingers, sometimes on the heels of the skin becomes numb, forming hard, hardened calluses. With further irritation or exposure to these areas of the foot, acute pain occurs. This is due to the fact that, despite the organic thickening of the stratum corneum, these places still remain susceptible. Removal of dry calluses on the legs is not recommended to conduct independently, if they are very deep and chronic. In case of inaccurate handling of sharp objects, as well as poor disinfection, the procedure may end with cuts and contamination. When the form of the disease is neglected, it is recommended to use the services of medical personnel or employees of beauty salons.
How to quickly get rid of calluses on your feet: folk ways
If the corn is not too coarse and deep,then get rid of it can be proven folk ways. Virtually all of them are based on natural components, which are quite accessible and effective. Procedures for getting rid of calluses are performed after the baths.
Prevention of corns
No one is immune to the appearance of calluses, but withmore careful approach to the choice of shoes, as well as with the care of the skin of the feet, the percentage of their occurrence is significantly reduced. In the summer, try to wear more open shoes, providing feet with air access. This will prevent the release of sweat and increased friction. Closed autumn and spring shoes try to wear at home, putting it on a tight toe. In winter, the best prevention will be socks made from natural fabrics.