/ / Roman mosaic in the interior

Roman mosaic in the interior

Nowadays, a mosaic of Roman paintings inThe interior begins to experience a rebirth stage. Pieces of stone, in the form of tiled products, carefully tailored to each other, form a unique and inimitable canvas.

At one time, the mosaic played an integral role.parts of ancient Roman art, without which even now it is difficult to imagine. It is like a business card style. Even today, the patterns that made up the mosaic floors of various types of stone, smalt, glass, and ceramics are searched by archaeologists during excavations. During the heyday of the Roman Empire, mosaic was used as the main decoration of floors and walls in palaces, public buildings, private houses.

Roman mosaic

Plots of tiles with a mosaic in the Roman style

Цветочные орнаменты, птицы, животные, пейзажи и still lifes - all these are plots of images for the “roman mosaic” tile. In any of the styles of execution (and the mosaic is produced not only in the form of tiled products, but also in the form of medallions, rotund, carpets, paintings), it is beautiful. The decor, created using a mosaic in the Roman style, gives the interior a touch of elegance and festivity.

В фоновых элементах преобладают светлые и крупные drawings, the background is formed from tiles that imitate a monochromatic stone with chaotic styling. Drawings and figures are applied to the canvas of a smaller size. In some themes there are also larger images - for the outline style of the design.

A variety of plots Roman mosaic tilesfloor "Falcon" varies in frames from simple ornaments to multi-figure compositions. The relief canvas of the painting is distinguished by a complex spatial orientation. From small tiles it is possible to form whole scenes combined from grape leaves as framing elements, animals and mythological characters, ancient Roman deities, love stories, voyages, hunting paintings and theatrical productions.

Here, the choice of plot depends on the wishes of the customer or the functional purpose of the room, and, in addition to ready-made models from the catalog, can be made individually.

Roman mosaic tile

Variety of colors depends on preferences.customer or fantasy wizard. So, the mosaics created for large palaces or vaulted halls are distinguished by the scale and variety of colors, while tile mosaics for a small room or individual Roman panels look more organically and restrained.

Mosaic Scope

Up-to-date technologies in combination with the secrets of ancient craftsmen allow using mosaic almost everywhere where only the customer may wish.

Mosaic is suitable for use as in the internalregistration: in the living room, dining room, bathroom or kitchen, and in the external design of the facades of elite mansions. Pools, fireplaces, stair steps, columns, cornices and countertops with Roman mosaics are again popular today.

Most often manufacturing companies mosaicproducts receive orders for the production of tiled products for the decoration of large halls and fireplace rooms with high ceilings. Mosaic floors look the most spectacular. This technique was used at the time by the Roman aristocrats. Today, designers are experimenting, not covering the entire floor, but its individual parts, which act as a bright decorative element of the interior.

Roman mosaic photo

Wall panels look just as interesting. Such elements set the tone for the whole room, emphasize the style, while being durable wall covering, not afraid of time and not dimming.

It looks interesting tiled ceiling witha certain theme, in the design of friezes or multi-tiered elements of the ceiling structure. It is important that the mosaic tile does not burst, does not crack and does not require special care for the coating.

Materials for mosaic in the interior

Для создания римской мозаики используют различные materials. These are marble and natural stones: tuff, onyx, less often pebbles and small sea stones. Natural materials make it easy to convey the beauty of color. The stone has high strength characteristics, resistance to moisture and water. Such material is easy to find and purchase.

Today, Roman mosaic tiles,the photos of which we offer in the article are made of a special ceramic composition, distinguished by its strength and durability. The special technology of drawing an image allows to transfer a picture with high quality and create a unique texture of mosaic tiles.

Roman mosaic countertops

Roman style mosaic features

Floor and wall plots of mosaics were used to decorate the room and performed two main tasks: decorating the interior and ensuring its functionality.

Характеризуя римскую мозаику, хочется отметить, that its inherent wealth and luxury harmoniously intertwined with notes of ease in the composition. Compared with the monumental images of mosaics of Byzantine origin, this coating is inherent in the ordinary and at the same time elegantly-decorative effect, giving it festivity.

The floors are laid out of modern tiledMosaic-style coverings do nothing to ancient drawings; on the contrary, they look even more interesting. Today, tile-mosaic allows you to more accurately convey the beauty of millennial motifs, giving them a new modern look.

Modern mosaic

Echoes of millennial traditions, celebrations andceremonies transmitted in the mosaic, successfully reflected in the line of tiled products of the plant "Sokol". Here you can find products with thematic images for a bathroom, kitchen apron or hall.

Mosaic "Falcon" is actively used for lining pools and fountains, as among the technical characteristics of such a product there is also water resistance.

The collection row includes three shades of shades: blue, beige and blue. Even today, Roman mosaics are used not only for cladding walls, but also for creating durable flooring.

Tile floor falcon Roman mosaic

Price of finishing materials

In comparison with prices for foreigntile mosaic, products of domestic producers are at an average level, and on the world market is intermediate between cheap and products of average cost.

As you can see, the popularity of the mosaic over the yearsnot diminished. In different eras, it occupied an important position in architecture and interior design. As you have noticed, today everything old and forgotten is gradually returning to fashion, as is the Roman mosaic.

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