/ / How to start repairs in a new building: tips and tricks

How to start repairs in a new building: tips and tricks

Recently, increasingly began to appearads for the sale of apartments in a new building. Typically, this living space is located in a good area, has a lot of advantages in the form of parking or a protected area. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that when acquiring such a premise, the first thing to think about is how to begin repairs in a new building.

where to start repairs in a new building

Empty room

The fact is that usually apartments in new homesare sold without interior finishing. Builders do not even install plumbing and do not make pipes. In some cases, even wiring to rooms is not diluted. Everything that companies usually offer for sale is flat walls, ceiling and floor, and only heating is usually connected from the communications. That is why the question of where to start repairs in a new building is so common among new settlers.

 repair in a new building price

Repair of a two-room apartment in a new building

First of all, it is necessary to deal with the systemcommunications. The fact is that electricity and water will be necessary for further work, and therefore it is necessary to start with them. In this case, it is best to immediately set up the wiring and the pipeline in the final version, and not put the temporary systems. Next, you need to repair in the most distant rooms, starting to move to the exit. Choosing where to start repairs in a new building, you should correctly distribute the sequence of actions. The first is usually a ceiling, because with various operations with it, there is construction debris that will damage the walls or floor. Then they work on the walls, and leave the floor for last. However, such a sequence is not always acceptable, therefore, when choosing which repair to start in a new building, one should be guided by the types of the proposed works. For example, wallpaper on the walls is better to glue before installing the suspended ceiling, and the screed on the floor is done before they begin to lay the tile.

 renovation of a two-room apartment in a new building

Repair in a new building: price and tips for saving

Any repair requires fairly large financialcosts. Thus the most part of money leaves on acquisition of building materials. This leads to the fact that some people begin to do it in stages. This approach to this case can be considered wrong and economically unjustified. The fact is that with this approach, the cost of the material is significantly increased, and the price of the work is rising. Therefore, when asked about how to start repairs in a new building, you should answer that, first of all, it is necessary to collect the necessary amount of money, which would allow the purchase of materials in bulk. So you can get a pretty big discount and save a lot on shipping. In this case, builders and workers who make repairs, in the presence of a large amount of work, also provide significant bonuses.


Begin repair with a thoroughtraining. It requires not only large-scale planning for design and design, but also the collection of finance. It is best to use the services of the construction company that built the house. This will give additional bonuses and significant discounts.

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