/ / Artificial stones in the interior. Interior decoration with artificial stone

Artificial stones in the interior. Interior decoration with artificial stone

The desire for nature and everything connected with it,in the blood of a person. One of such opportunities for rapprochement with the environment are artificial stones in the interior of residential and non-residential premises. The effect of being in the nature, in a cave, an Indian hut or in a chic royal castle will help create the use of this synthetic material in the interior.

The innate desire of man for nature

artificial stones in the interior
From time immemorial people are quite activeused to ensure its productive life of all existing natural resources. The stone confidently occupied one of the leading positions in this respect in antiquity (primarily for the construction of dwellings) and continues to be widely used by people to this day. Time passes, the needs of a person grow, and with it, and its capabilities. Of course, the desire for nature and everything natural remains, but modern technology, the latest developments and inventions used in various industries, provide the opportunity to replace natural materials with artificial, synthetic, which not only do not differ in appearance, but in some other parameters , such as durability, resistance to negative environmental factors, ease of use, affordability, even ahead of their natural progenitors.

The main types of artificial stone

The most common types of artificial stone produced today include:

- synthetic products made from stone crumbs and polyester resins;

- products from colored concrete;

- Acrylic stone.

All of the above types of artificial stone are used both for exterior decoration of buildings, and for interior design of residential and non-residential premises, as well as for decorating furniture and other things.

Secrets of popularity

interior decoration with artificial stone
Artificial stones in the interior, regardless of theirtype, type of production, size and shape, have been used for a very long time, but until now they are quite relevant. In addition to its external attractiveness and the ability to create any originally conceived combinations, this material attracts the consumer with its strength, comparable only to the strength of iron, as well as the possibility of replacing the components, if necessary, for example in the case of a fragment or a crack. Very light compared with its natural analog artificial stone can be transported in the required amount without using any special transport for any desired distance, lift to any floor, and while working with it and with further care of the surface does not require the use of any expensive means. All this, of course, only additional advantages. Artificial stones in the interior of residential and non-residential premises every day only gain popularity.

The possibility of creating a unique atmosphere

Registration of the entrance to the dwelling todayis given very great importance, no less than the living room or other premises, because the original opinion is often made up by those who came in at first sight. Artificial stone in the interior of the hallway allows you to create a unique atmosphere that will emphasize the exquisite taste and sense of style of the owners. Using various combinations, colors and shapes, you can visually expand the room, make it more light and cozy. The practice of leading designers shows that the best effect can be achieved if you use an artificial stone in the interior of the hallway in combination with green plants and mirrors.

Convenient and practical

artificial stone in the interior of the kitchen
Thanks to such properties as moisture andfire resistance, rather widespread use of an artificial stone in the interior of the kitchen. The working area laid out by him looks very impressive, and a variety of spots, which in this place can not be avoided, are not too noticeable and very easily removed. If you add to this, and flower pots made in tone and imitate stone finish, the effect will be simply stunning. The ability to order a table top made of any material, not to mention the colors and models, will help create a complete idyll in the kitchen, where it will be not only pleasant to spend time with the whole family, but also not ashamed to receive guests.

Realization of the boldest ideas

artificial stone in the interior of the living room
The use of this material in living rooms is veryoften associated with the mandatory presence of a fireplace and high ceilings in the room. However, it is not. Artificial stone in the interior of the living room can be used, regardless of its size and layout. This material is successfully combined with all other methods of surface finishing, and the variety of shapes, colors and sizes offered in the market makes it possible to implement any, the most daring ideas of owners or designers.

Undisputed advantages

Of course, the information presented in the article, even inThe hundredth degree does not give an understanding of how artificial stones can be applied in an interior. It is best to take a piece in your hands, look at it, feel it, and the ideas of its application will immediately start to be born by themselves. Full freedom of action in terms of decor is supported by a low price of the material, and the possibility of repair in the case of mechanical damage to not the entire surface, but only the affected part gives additional advantages.

artificial stone in the interior of the hallway
Interior decoration with artificial stone has a lot of advantages, but still see with your own eyes the finished work or try to use it at home will be best.

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