D - dimer.

Today, medicine has gone a long way. New drugs, new ways and methods of diagnosis, new approaches to treatment.

The discovery of modern diagnostic methods makes it possible to identify emerging diseases at earlier stages and to carry out their effective treatment.

Deep vein thrombosis of the extremities (mainlylower), as well as complications of this disease, which are most often manifested by thromboembolism. The consequences of the latter are often fatal (with pulmonary embolism), thromboembolism of the intestinal arteries or kidneys leads to a deterioration in the patient's quality of life due to constant pain and the need for surgery. The effectiveness of surgical intervention in this case is extremely low in the event that blood clots still continue to break away from the walls of blood vessels.

This problem is most relevant for elderly people in the postoperative period, especially if surgery was performed on the pelvic organs.

The emergence of new indicators, such as D - dimer, allowed to improve and optimize diagnostic manipulations.

Димер указывает на способность крови человека к thrombosis. So with a decrease in the dimer, the activity of thrombus formation decreases and the coagulation activity of the system weakens. An increase in the value of this indicator indicates an enhanced fibrinolysis (which may be caused by the presence of hemorrhagic complications, rheumatoid factor, as well as various infections).

D - dimer is, first of all, an indicator which is the main one in diagnosing thrombosis of any etiology.

The analysis is carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach.

In the definition of such an indicator as D - dimer,First of all, people with coronary heart disease, disorders of lipid metabolism, as well as people with hypertension need it.

Relevant is the appointment of these analyzes.patients and without appropriate violations. So the analysis for D - dimer is performed in preparation for the operation, as well as pregnant women. It should be noted that at the present stage the old routine methods for determining thrombogenic activity have lost their diagnostic value. Today, clinicians around the world use a new, modern method for diagnosing blood clots, which is not only informative for the old, but much more than the old.

D - dimer formed by splitting.polymer-bound fibrin, the formation of which occurs under the action of thrombin. The duration of the dimer in the blood is about six hours, which is very convenient when diagnosing pathologies on the part of the blood coagulation system.

D - dimer increased when the values ​​of more than five hundred.ng FEU / ml. In this case, the risk of thrombosis is extremely high and a complex of therapeutic measures is required to restore the normal state of the coagulation system.

This indicator is indispensable for the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis of limbs, embolism (blood clots) of various arteries (pulmonary, intestinal, renal and others).

Кроме того, основанный на определении уровня dimer, this diagnostic method allows you to identify various complications of pregnancy (caused by changes in the rheological properties of blood), as well as disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome.

Thus, the emergence of new methodsdiagnostics allowed not only to simplify the latter and increase their informativeness, but also led to an increase in the detection of certain pathologies in the early stages. The latter led to an increase in the effectiveness of therapy, as well as to the improvement of methods for the prevention of thrombotic complications (after surgery or pregnancy).

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