/ / At what temperature does the bug die? How to get rid of bedbugs in the apartment?

At what temperature does the bug die? How to get rid of bedbugs in the apartment?

Often, even residents of the cleanest apartmentsnotice a chain of bites on your body. They can only guess what caused bedbugs in their apartment. As a rule, they and the cleaning takes place systematically, and carpets knocked out, but the parasites still appear and ruin the life of the residents.

Before you start a long battle with parasites and find out at what temperature the bugs die, it is important to figure out where the insects came from. This will help to further prevent the new invasion.

Causes of bedbugs in the apartment

There are several factors due to which bugs can appear even in a sterile apartment:

at what temperature does the bug die

  1. Neighbors.The main "suppliers" of bedbugs are those who live next door. Parasites use tiny slits in the ceiling and easily make their way from one apartment to another. The smell of human blood causes the bugs to move in the vertical direction. They can easily climb onto the wall and leak into the ventilation holes. Adults can endure long starvation, so getting to the floor above or below is not a problem for them.
  2. Pets.Bedbugs often use pets as transport. The blood of animals is not suitable for feeding the parasites, so they wait until the animal returns to the apartment. Even one female bug is enough to create a whole colony of bed bugs in a short period of time in the house.
  3. Travels.A business trip or camping in the nearest park can cause bed bugs in the house. A simple inspection of clothes will not help. Parasites can hide in the folds and seams of the bag. To protect yourself and loved ones, it is recommended after returning home to hand over things, including a suitcase, to dry cleaning.
  4. Old furniture.When buying backed furniture, you cannot be one hundred percent sure that the family of bedbugs does not live in it. It is best to purchase new products, since in factories and factories the parasites lack one thing - people.

Life expectancy of bedbugs in various conditions

Чтобы понять, при какой температуре погибает bedbug, it is worth a closer look at the duration of their lives. In the most favorable conditions, the larva turns into a parasite in thirty-five days. The bug can live for about a year.

destruction of bedbugs in the apartment

If the larva develops at high temperatures- from twenty-five to thirty-two degrees, the process of development of an adult individual is noticeably reduced. Heat also reduces the life span of the parasite to ten months.

At a temperature of twenty to twenty-five degrees of heat, bugs live longer - up to fifteen months.

If the ambient temperature drops belowmarks at plus fifteen degrees, the larvae stop developing, and the adults fall into anabiosis. In a similar state, they can spend up to eighteen months.

Critical Temperatures - Bedbug Control

High temperatures are deadly for bedbugs.But at what temperature does the bug die? Fifty degrees above zero kill him in a few minutes. The life of an individual is reduced to thirty minutes if it is in an environment where the temperature reaches forty-five degrees. The maximum lifetime of the larva is 24 hours.

how to get rid of bedbugs in the apartment yourself

Bedbugs are also sensitive to cold.Ten degrees of frost make them fall into anabiosis. Fifteen degrees below zero are disastrous for bedbugs. But they die only when the temperature persists for more than three days. Minus twenty degrees - and the bug dies in a few hours. The larvae stay for two days and then die.

Steam and boiling water against bedbugs

When it is already known at what temperaturethe bug dies, you can proceed to the next step - their destruction. First you have to decide which of the two methods to use: exposure to high or low temperatures.

The destruction of bedbugs in the apartment is not the easiesttask. Failure to follow all instructions can lead to the reproduction of parasites. But knowing at what temperature bed bugs die, you can completely get rid of them. There are several ways to combat parasites with high temperatures:

at what temperature do bed bugs die

  • Steam generator The device allows you to clean any surface from bugs. Generated by the generator hot fog from bugs destroys both the larvae and adults.
  • Residents can use to fight bedbugs andheat gun, which is used when installing suspended ceilings. It takes a little time to destroy bedbugs in the apartment with the help of a heat gun: the air must be heated to sixty degrees and maintained at a temperature of thirty minutes.
  • To clean bed linen and clothes from bedbugs, you can use the wash. Things must be washed in water, the temperature of which will be ninety degrees.
  • How to get rid of bedbugs in the apartment yourself? The answer is simple: ironing. Lingerie and clothing will need to iron on both sides, using the maximum temperature for things.
  • To get rid of bugs in baseboards and crevices, you can fill the habitats of parasites with boiling water.

Advantages of high temperatures in the fight against bedbugs

The advantages of using high temperatures against bedbugs are enough. Among them:

  • Harmless to the human body. Only clean water is used for disinfection.
  • It is quite simple to treat surfaces with steam or boiling water, this is an excellent answer to the question "how to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment by yourself".
  • Water and steam help get rid of insects living in clothes and bedding, without using insecticides.


Disadvantages of the method:

  • Steam does not penetrate the gap.
  • It is impossible to clean books from bedbugs.
  • Electrical appliances may suffer due to steam.

Low temperatures and freezing

Having figured out at what sub-temperature the bugs die, you can begin to destroy them by freezing.

In cold seasons, the bugs move closer toheat - in apartments and houses. They can be frozen only when the thermometer detects fifteen degrees below zero. In such cases, it is necessary to open the windows wide and leave the room in this condition for several days.

When the thermometer will fix a minustwenty degrees, it will take only a day to completely get rid of bedbugs. But it is not always possible to leave the windows open for several days. In such cases, you can bring the "infected" items on the street. If the nest of parasites was found and localized, then they can be destroyed in the freezer.

at what subzero temperature bugs die

Disadvantages of the method

Using low temperatures to combat parasites is a quick and completely inexpensive way to clean the room from bedbugs. But the method has significant drawbacks:

  • Suitable mainly for non-residential premises.
  • During disinfection can finish the apartment.
  • Pipes can not withstand critical temperatures.

Safety in the fight against bedbugs

During the fight against parasites with high temperatures, residents should observe safety precautions:

  • When using a steam generator, do not direct it to people, furniture, varnished, and wallpaper.
  • During the warm-up of the room is better to make all the plastic items.
  • Low temperatures for the control of bedbugs can only be used in rooms where there are no sewage pipes and heating.

If you don't get rid of bedbugs on your own, then the only way out is to seek help from specialists.

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