/ / Hormonal spirals: species, contraindications

Hormonal spirals: species, contraindications

Pregnancy is a long-awaited period for many women. However, there are situations when the birth of a child is postponed for a long time. This can be due to various reasons.

hormonal spirals

Чтобы предотвратить зачатие и избежать такой an unpleasant and ethically controversial procedure, like an abortion, many women use different means. Most women refuse to take oral medications, referring to the fact that they are ineffective, and also have a negative impact on their figure and health. Therefore, many of them give their preference to the so-called intrauterine spirals.

General information

Внутриматочной спиралью называют контрацептив, which is a device made of plastic and copper of small size. This device slows the progress of spermatozoa into the uterus, and also significantly reduces the life span of the egg.

It should also be noted that the intrauterine deviceThe spiral can prevent the already fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall. Thus, it is an abortive method of contraception.

A variety of spirals

Speaking of intrauterine spirals, you can notsay that apart from the usual adaptations, there are also hormonal ones. What are they? Hormonal spirals are original analogs of conventional intrauterine devices. They have a special plastic cylinder, which contains a hormone called levonorgestrel.

Согласно утверждениям специалистов, гормональные spirals are very reliable. This is due to the fact that in addition to the effect of the "foreign body" in the uterus, they have a direct contraceptive effect, which is similar to the contraceptive pill.

which hormonal helices

How does it work?

Hormonal coils act in a simple way.principle. The levonorgestrel contained in them, every day and evenly stands out from the device, protecting the woman from unwanted pregnancy. In this case, the hormone itself does not enter the systemic circulation. Therefore, the hormonal coils do not cause adverse reactions characteristic of conventional birth control pills (for example, nausea, weight gain, etc.).

Structure and features

Hormonal coil for women is a reliable protection against unwanted conception. Such a device consists of:

  • horizontal flexible hangers;
  • hormone cylinder;
  • filament to extract the spiral.

Следует также отметить, что, как и обычные spirals, hormonal constructions are established only by a gynecologist. In this case, the specialist should immediately warn that such a device can be worn for no more than five years.

Hormonal coils: types

Today, there are two types of hormonal contraceptive structures:

  • "Mirena" (German production);
  • "Levonov" (French production).

spiral or hormonal pills

What is remarkable such devices? We will tell about it right now.


What hormonal spirals? Mirena is the most popular contraceptive intrauterine device. The release rate of its active substance is 20 µg / day.

Такая система не только высвобождает levonorgestrel, but also has a local progestogenic effect. When using this spiral, morphological changes of the endometrium and thickening of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal are noted. Such effects help prevent sperm from entering the uterus. In addition, some representatives of the weaker sex even experience ovulation depression.

The use of "Mirena" does not affect the fertility of women. Approximately 80% of people who want to have a baby, pregnancy occurs within a year after the removal of the structure.

Spiral features

Hormonal coil for endometriosisused very often. Miren is also successfully used to treat idiopathic menorrhagia, extragenital diseases, as well as conditions that are accompanied by marked hypocoagulation.

In the first months of using this device, the patient may experience a spotting of blood. This happens because of the inhibition of endometrial proliferation.

hormonal helix species


The spiral "Mirena" is used in the following cases:

  • for reliable contraception;
  • with idiopathic menorrhagia;
  • for the prevention of endometrial hyperplasia in the process of conducting estrogen replacement therapy.


In chronic infections, the presence of serious diseases, malignant tumors, the use of the Mirena helix must be coordinated with a specialist.

Other contraindications to the use of this device include the following:

  • pregnancy and suspicion of it;
  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients;
  • diseases with high susceptibility to infections;
  • postpartum endometritis;
  • deep leg vein thrombosis (including presence in the past);
  • malignant neoplasms in the cervix and uterus;
  • previous breast cancer therapy;
  • cervical dysplasia;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs (inflammatory);
  • urinary tract infections;
  • uterine abnormalities (acquired or congenital);
  • cervicitis;
  • abortion (septic) within the last 3 months;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  • acute liver disease, including tumors.

hormonal coil for women

Mode of application

The considered tool is used as follows:

  • For contraception for women (of child-bearing age)spiral set within a week from the onset of menstruation. At the same time, it can be replaced with a new intrauterine device on any day of the cycle. Also, this device is allowed to install immediately after an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • In order to protect the endometrium during replacementestrogen therapy in patients with amenorrhea spiral can be injected at any time. As for women with preserved menstruation, they are set in the last days of menstrual bleeding.
  • After delivery, the helix is ​​inserted only afterthere will be an involution of the uterus, but not earlier than 6 weeks. With prolonged subinvolution, postpartum endometritis should be excluded, and the decision to install the structure should be postponed (until the end of the involution). In case of difficulty introducing or very severe pain, bleeding, an ultrasound scan should be performed before and after the procedure in order to avoid perforation.


Intrauterine device "Levonov" contains52 mg of levonorgestrel. This is a reliable contraceptive. Its active substance has a direct local effect on the endometrium, reducing its implantation function, as well as on the fallopian tubes and viscosity of mucus in the cervical canal. Such properties of the device increase the efficiency and duration of use of the spiral without suppressing the process of ovulation.

This tool should be entered on the 4-5th daymenstrual cycle. If an artificial abortion was performed, the spiral is established immediately or after the next menstruation. In case of uncomplicated spontaneous labor, it is advisable to use the construction with hormones no earlier than after six weeks.

hormonal coil in myoma

Hormonal coil: contraindications and side effects

Spiral "Levonova" is contraindicated in:

  • acute and subacute inflammatory processes of the external and internal genital organs;
  • pregnancy;
  • metrorrhagia of unknown origin;
  • malignant tumors of the body and cervix;
  • chronic salpingoofaritis and endometritis;
  • congenital abnormalities of the body and cervix;
  • erosion;
  • ectopic pregnancy in history.

The considered hormonal coil in uterine myoma is also not used. In addition, it is not installed on unborn women.

В первые месяцы применения данное средство может cause intermenstrual bleeding, nausea, irregularities in the menstrual cycle, mastalgia, fluid retention, headache and acne.

Special Recommendations

The design of the intrauterine device "Levonov"provides hormone secretion at a rate of 20 μg / day. The validity of this device is 5 years. After its removal, the female reproductive function is restored quickly and well.

Данное средство не следует применять во время breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that levonorgestrel is able to penetrate into breast milk. For persistent and long-term intermenstrual bloody discharge, additional gynecological examination is required to clarify the diagnosis.

endometriosis hormone coil

Tablets or spiral?

Spiral or hormonal pills - which of thesecontraceptives choose? It is quite difficult to answer this question, since each of the presented methods has its advantages and disadvantages. However, most patients choose the first option. This is due to the following points:

  • reliability and efficiency of the spiral is 99%;
  • such a device does not require daily monitoring;
  • the use of a spiral for a long time (about 5 years);
  • after removal of the Navy, fertility is restored very quickly.

As for oral agents, they are often not used because of the possible weight gain and the development of health problems.

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