/ / Why do white spots appear on the nails, and what can they tell about?

Why do the nails appear white spots, and what can they tell?

The medical name of white spots arisingon the surface of the nail, leuconichia. To understand why they appeared, you need, among other things, to analyze their shape, size and location. So, why do the white spots appear on the nails?

why on the nails appear white spots

Improper diet

This is probably the most common reasonthe problem. Most specks say that your body lacks certain vitamins and trace elements. The shape and size of the spots can be very diverse. Be sure to make sure that you get enough vitamins A, C and E, and also do not experience deficiency of iron, calcium and zinc. Often in this situation, there are fans of different diets (especially strict ones). White spots on the nails may be the result of prolonged starvation.

Kidney problems

About renal failure and other problems withthis body says the presence of spots at the base of the nail plate, below. Sometimes the lower part of the nail is completely white. The upper part for this pathology always remains a normal pink color.

Protein shortage

This is another possible reason why on nailsthere are white spots. In this case, they look like strips parallel to the plate. As a rule, protein deficiency in the body is accompanied by other signs: hair falls out, immunity decreases, and the amount of hemoglobin in the blood decreases. Nails are not only covered with stains, but also become brittle. You should immediately tackle the problem: a chronic violation of protein metabolism is difficult to treat and has many unpleasant consequences.

why on the nails are white spots

Studies have shown that one of the reasons whyOn the nails appear white spots - this is a strong emotional experience. In this case, you can observe single spots on the nails, differing in shape and size.

Microtrauma of the nail plate

Asking myself the question of what caused the appearancewhite spots on the nails, think about whether you could have recently damaged your marigolds. Not always injuries can be seen with the naked eye. However, they can be obtained as a result of illiterate manicure or frequent contact with household chemicals. Sometimes contact with hazardous substances occurs during work, in production. In this case, it is necessary to take a closer look at protective measures.


Changes in the condition of the nails can triggerand fungal diseases. For a long time they can not say anything about themselves. And when the external appearance of nails begins to deteriorate, as a rule, it is already too late - the fungus is firmly fixed. Modern medicine is able to help cope with such diseases, but this process is slow and laborious.

Other possible causes

There are other reasons why on nailsthere are white spots. Often, their occurrence is due to the violation of metabolic processes, problems with the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract. All substances that a person absorbs from the environment are deposited on nails and hair. And both useful and harmful. Therefore, many ailments, including dysbiosis, infectious diseases of the digestive tract, indigestion and other disorders can lead to the appearance of white spots.

In turn, the heart and blood vessels are responsible fortransportation of blood throughout the body and for the enrichment of all cells with oxygen. In the nail bed, as is known, passes a huge number of small capillaries, which cause the natural color of the nails. That is why one more possible reason, why on nails white spots are a damage of vessels.

appearance of white spots on the nails

What to do?

Do not worry, noticing the light areas on thetheir nails. Most problems can be corrected by normalizing their diet and moving to a healthy lifestyle. If it is a question of microtrauma, you need to wait until the nails grow back, and at this time you can use various means to activate their growth, both folk and shop. And, finally, if you observe other alarming symptoms, you should see a doctor who will tell you exactly what the problem is and will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

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