A feature of personality disorders is that they are not the result of illness, but are acquired in complex conflicts of the individual and society.
The exception is organic disorder.personality. Under this name painful changes in character and behavior that have arisen under the influence of brain damage are combined. Such damage can occur from the external environment - for example, as a result of head injuries, as well as from the inside - due to diseases. At the same time, one cannot say that organic personality disorder develops due to injury or illness. The leading role in the origin of this disorder is played by the experience of unhealthy relationships with society, family, internal conflicts of the subject associated with this disharmony.
Organic Personality Disorder draws onattention is already at the stage of primary symptoms, which lasts six months or more. The patient appears lethargy, indifference to what is happening in the outside world. Slow down thinking, speech, emotional reactions. Sometimes there are also opposite feelings: a state of prolonged euphoria (gratuitous delight without regard to real events. At the same time, the patient does not consider himself happy). In the early stages of the disease, memory may remain unaffected. However, in a later period, violations are likely.
The advanced stage of the disease is characterized bycomplete indifference of man to the surrounding world. At the same time, even the most innocuous appeal to the patient can cause extremely strong aggression on his part. He does not control his feelings. There is no understanding that he is behaving incorrectly towards others. In response, criticism becomes suspicious and irritable. May hate the critic, to harbor a grudge until the end of life. He speaks in a primitive and monotonous manner, jokes flatly, and does not understand others' jokes at all.
Organic personality disorder is tryingtreat comprehensively. Drug therapy is used: nootropics, antidepressants and antipsychotics, which only a doctor can prescribe. At the same time, it requires the help of a psychologist, psychotherapist and social worker who will support the family of the patient and, of course, himself. If necessary, they also limit his participation in public life (if the painful behavior will harm others and the patient himself).
However, even with complex effects,talk about the cure of this disease is impossible. In the most successful cases, we can talk about correction, which at different periods of the patient's life succeeds better or worse.
The situation is different with the treatment of two other personality disorders: anankastnogo and bipolar.
Anankastic personality disorder is the worldobsessive thoughts, persistent doubts of the patient in the correctness of their actions, almost superstitious admiration for the norms of society and their fanatical observance, the implementation of obsessive actions that a person can not stop. One of the signs of this disorder is the inability of the subject to think in silence. Obsessive thoughts, he must speak out.
Ананкастное расстройство поддаётся психотерапии в cases when the patient recognizes himself as sick. In this case, drug therapy is also prescribed. Combined treatment gives favorable results: improvement is possible for a long time.
If the anancast considers himself healthy, and everyone around him is abnormal, then the treatment will almost certainly not be effective.
Bipolar personality disorder representsis a serious and dangerous mental illness. Manifested in the form of painful drops from a depressed state (depression) to overexcitement with loss of control over itself (mania), this disorder can take a person’s life.
Depressed, many patients experienceaversion to their existence and the desire for death. Any person who at least hinted at the desire to commit suicide must be taken seriously. In most cases suicidal thoughts end in an attempt to commit suicide or a fully committed suicide. If you know someone from relatives, acquaintances, friends, colleagues who express thoughts about suicide, you need to arrange a meeting with a psychiatrist for him. Doctors know the technique of setting and holding such meetings. Suicide can be prevented and depression can be cured.
In states of mania, patients with bipolardisorder can commit acts that will break their lives. For example, manic patients spend all of their (or someone else's) financial condition for minor purposes, take huge loans that they will not be able to return, show sexual intemperance with subsequent scandalous echoes in the family and society, easily fall under the influence of violators of the law.
The current level of psychiatry allows you to activelytreat bipolar disorder. With a professional approach to treatment, mainly - medicamentous - it is possible to achieve long-term remissions (recovery conditions) throughout the patient's life.
Among the considered personality disorderspractically not treated, but only corrected organic disorder. Treatment of ananastically disorder can give positive results. Bipolar disorder, despite the greatest severity of the disease and the need for lifelong monitoring by a physician, can be considered treatable.