/ / Means of "Advantan". Reviews. Description. Instructions

Means "Advantan". Reviews. Description. Instructions

Medication "Advantan" is a glucocorticosteroid drug for external use. The active ingredient is methylprednisolone aceponate.

About the drug "Advantan" (cream) reviews oftenthere are positive. When applied externally, the drug helps suppress allergic and inflammatory reactions on the skin, as well as conditions associated with increased spread of the lesion. Thus, the medication "Advantan" (reviews of patients and doctors confirm this) effectively removes objective symptoms (wetness, swelling, erythema) and subjective symptoms (soreness, itching and irritation).

It should be noted that the drug hasminimal system activity. With repeated application to large areas of the drug "Advantan" (expert reviews indicate this) does not violate the function of the adrenal glands.

The medication is prescribed for acute inflammatoryskin diseases in children from the age of four months. To the indications for the use of the drug "Advantan" (reviews of specialists are unified in this), contact dermatitis, seborrheic eczema, neurodermatitis should be included. The drug is recommended for a strong sunburn. The medicine is prescribed for atopic dermatitis, eczema degenerative, microbial, true.

Means "Advantan" (reviews of experts isconfirm) is contraindicated for syphilitic or tuberculous skin manifestations, viral pathologies, for lichen (shingles) or chicken pox, for example. The drug is not recommended in the presence of oral dermatitis, rosacea. Do not use the drug "Advantan" (emulsion), the doctors' reviews are unified in this, in the post-vaccination period.

The drug can be used by pregnant women ornursing. However, the doctor at appointment should correlate the intended use and potential risk for the woman and the fetus. In addition, during the prenatal period and during lactation, the drug should be used with extreme caution. Nursing mothers should not be applied to mammary glands.

Medication "Advantan" is recommended to useonce a day. With extensive burns allowed twice a day (but not more). Apply the product "Advantan", lightly rubbing. It is more expedient to apply the preparation with a thin layer.

As a rule, the doctor recommends using the medicine for no more than two weeks.

If the patient notes excessive dryness of the cover when using the emulsion, the doctor may prescribe an ointment (or oily ointment) "Advantan".

Feedback from many patients indicates goodtolerability of the drug. However, in some cases, there may be local side effects. Emulsion can cause excessive dryness of the cover, peeling, itching, irritation, bubble rashes, burning. There are also undesirable manifestations of other glucocorticosteroids (allergies and folliculitis).

If the patient has dermatomycosis or dermatosis, in addition to the use of the drug "Advantan", appropriate antimycotic or antibacterial therapy should be prescribed.

Do not allow the product to enter the eyes.

Experts do not recommend applying medicine"Advantan" (emulsion) for an occlusive dressing. In addition, when using the tool, it should be noted that diapers can create a similar bandage effect.

When applied to the skin near the eyes, glaucoma can develop.

In the course of the studies, the effect of the drug on the ability to control transport was not revealed. Do not affect the drug and the speed of psychomotor reactions.

The use of the drug in children should be controlled by a doctor.

Before using the medication, "Advantan" should be examined and consulted with a specialist.

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