/ / An expanded blood test - what do the results mean

An expanded blood test - what do the results mean

Thanks to the high level of modern medicine,which is particularly active in recent decades, mankind has learned to identify many diseases at the initial stages, which greatly simplifies treatment. One of the most well-known and used methods of diagnosis is a detailed blood test, which is assigned to assess the general condition of the body. It happens that the analysis allows you to identify not only the developing pathology, but also the predisposition to it, because the blood changes appear much earlier than they can be assumed, based on the patient's well-being.

For what it is necessary to take tests

Blood is a type of body tissue,which has a liquid form. It consists of plasma and shaped elements, the number and characteristics of which determines the detailed analysis of the blood. Referring to the doctor with any discomfort, the patient immediately receives a referral to a blood test, which can provide the widest diagnostic information about the state of health. Certainly, some of the results of analysis are not enough for an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account existing complaints, the results of medical examination and other studies. A blood test can "tell" which organ or body system can fail, even if the patient does not have specific complaints about the work of a particular organ.

In most cases, for the initialexamination is enough to give a general analysis, which indicates the number of leukocytes, hemoglobin and sedimentation rate of erythrocytes. If the study is uninformative or some indicators do not correspond to the norm, then an extended blood test is made, the decoding of which should be done only by the doctor.

Preparation for the analysis

Specific recommendations for the preparation for surrenderAnalyzes depend on the type of research conducted. In order to conduct an extensive blood test, the material must be delivered in the morning strictly on an empty stomach (after the last meal must pass at least 8 hours, from juice, tea, coffee and other drinks also worth giving up, you can afford only a couple of sips of water). When donating blood it is necessary to indicate whether the patient is taking any medications at the moment and whether he took them 14 days prior to delivery. On the day before donating blood, it is advisable to stop using alcoholic beverages or narcotic substances.

What you should pay attention to

One of the main indicators for determiningwhich is a detailed blood test, is the level of hemoglobin, which varies depending on the age and sex of the patient (in children it is higher than in adults, and in men is higher than in women). A decrease in hemoglobin below 120 grams / liter in men and 100 grams / liter in women may indicate anemia, bleeding, bone marrow neoplasm, kidney damage, and many other organs. Elevated hemoglobin can also be dangerous, but in any case, you need to see a doctor and repeat the test several times to monitor the dynamics of the blood formation process.

To determine the level of erythrocytes, leukocytes andplatelets also used a detailed blood test, the rate of these indicators will depend on the patient's history and existing chronic diseases. For example, if a patient has chronic inflammation (eg, arthritis), then the level of leukocytes will be steadily increased, because this indicator indicates an inflammatory process. In this case, elevated white blood cells will be considered a variant of the norm and do not require additional attention. Nevertheless, one should be attentive to the amount of platelets in the blood, especially if the changes occur simultaneously with the causeless appearance of bruises on the body.

In any case, it is correct to interpret the resultsanalysis can only be a specialist, so do not worry and worry beforehand. It is possible that the changes in some indicators for a particular person will be a variant of the norm, so do not prescribe yourself a treatment to adjust the results.

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