/ / Cleanser oil from nail fungus: reviews

Oil celandine from nail fungus: reviews

Nail fungus is a disease thatrefers to infections and is easily transmitted even with insignificant contact. Such damage to the plates can hardly be called pleasant. Indeed, with this disease, spores affect not only the nails, but also the skin between the fingers. As a result, itching and painful sensations occur. Will oil celandine help with nail fungus? The benefits and harms of this product have long been proven. Such a tool allows you to get rid of many misfortunes. What is this tool?

celandine oil

Causes of ailment

Before proceeding to describe the preparation,It should be mentioned why the nail fungus appears and how it manifests itself. Such an infection can be infected in any place where there is a large crowd of people. This can happen when you visit a beach, a bath, a swimming pool or a public shower. Man can get infected even in public transport, touching the handrails.

It is worth noting that the fungus develops rapidlynamely in a humid environment. For this reason, those who strongly sweat their feet, suffer from this ailment in the first place. In addition to the above, you can pick up the fungus even in the beauty salon, if the tools are poorly processed. To the development of infection often leads to the build-up of nails.

Symptoms of infection

As practice shows, the oil of celandine from nail fungus can be used for a long time. However, you need to accurately identify the ailment. The main signs of the fungus are:

  1. A characteristic change in the shade of the nail plate.
  2. Lack of healthy, natural shine of nails.
  3. Nails break and flake.
  4. The plates become coarser. Their surface often becomes embossed and deformed.

oil celandine from fungus nails отзывы

Cooking Oil

If necessary, you can prepare buttercelandine from the fungus of the nails. Reviews about this composition are mostly positive. If there is no time, then the preparation can be purchased already ready. The process of preparation takes a little time. Here's the first way:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to collect raw materials.Do this in the spring, in the flowering period of celandine. Collect only those plants that are in the shade and at a decent distance from the roads. Only the upper part of the plant is prepared. Cut it along with the inflorescences. After harvesting the plant should be placed in a ventilated room for drying. Do not allow direct sunlight to reach the celandine.
  2. The dried leaves of the plant should be placed incapacity and pour vegetable oil. In this case, you must observe certain proportions. Only 1 part of the raw material requires 1 part of the vegetable oil, pre-heated in a water bath.
  3. The filled container should be tightly closed and placed in a dark and preferably cold room. After seven days, the celandine oil from the nail fungus will be ready.
  4. The drug should be squeezed, and then diluted with the same amount of vegetable oil. The finished product must be stored in the cold.

oil celandine from fungus nails photo

The second method of preparation

Oil celandine from nail fungus can becook in another way. This method is longer. The raw materials must be prepared in the same way as described above. Dry leaves and inflorescences of the plant should be placed in a container, preferably from glass, and pour oil. In this case, it is worth using almond or olive.

Infuse the composition for a month. The container must be shaken periodically. The finished drug should be filtered and squeezed. To do this, you can use a sieve.

Daily treatment of affected areas

How to use the celandine oil correctlyfungus nails? Instructions and reviews indicate that the finished product can be used for daily treatment of affected skin areas. This is the most effective method.

Before starting therapy, the nail plates should beit is good to steam out. Then it is necessary to remove the affected areas, as far as possible. Horny plates should be carefully lubricated with the drug. It is necessary to conduct such procedures twice a day.

celandine oil from a nail fungus

Special baths

You can use celandine oil from fungusnails for the preparation of solutions. The drug has unique properties, so you can make a bath for the affected areas. To prepare the solution, mix 5 glasses of hot water with 4 tablespoons of the drug. This composition should be boiled for 7 minutes.

Ready solution should be cooled to a temperature,which will be pleasant to the body. After that, in the container with the composition you need to place the limbs with the affected nail plates. The procedure is carried out within 30 minutes. Repeat it every day until neat and clean nail plates grow.

oil celandine from nail fungus on legs

Purity and soda

Can I use celandine oil with nail fungus? The instruction for this preparation allows the use of such a composition as baking soda.

To begin with, it is worth preparing a softening solution.To do this, in a deep container you need to pour three liters of warm water and dissolve in it a tablespoon of soda. In the finished composition should be kept for some time affected by the fungus nails. They should become softer. After this, the affected areas, as well as the skin around them, should be oiled with celandine. It is necessary to complete the procedure until complete recovery every day.

Hydrogen peroxide and celandine

Good hydrogen peroxide and oil helpscelandine from the fungus of the nails. Reviews indicate that this combination is no less effective than with soda. First, it is necessary to steam the nail plates in warm water. After that, they should be treated with hydrogen peroxide. Further on the nails can be applied celandine oil. The effectiveness of the method depends on how often the procedure is carried out. The experts' comments indicate that the procedure should be repeated every day for an early recovery.

Cod Iodine and Butter

This procedure is the longest.It starts from the very morning. First of all, it is necessary to steam out the injured nails and remove excess. Places where the fungus is actively developing should be carefully processed.

To start on the affected plate should be putcotton wool, previously soaked in celandine oil. After that, fingers should be wrapped with food film, and then bandage. In this case, the celandine oil from the fungus of the nails, the photo of which is presented above, will affect the affected areas throughout the day. Before going to bed, improvised bandages should be removed, and the nails should be greased with iodine.

celandine oil from nail fungus benefit and harm

Other remedies in combination with celandine oil

To treat infection, you can prepare a solution,consisting of celandine oil and "Iodinol". Components should be taken in equal proportions. Ready solution should be applied to the damaged area. To do this, you need to attach to the nails wadded disks, soaked in a medicine. Such compresses can be fixed with food film. Such an application can last four hours. If necessary, "Iodinol" can be replaced with tea tree ether or vinegar.

To fight infection, you can usealcoholic ointment in combination with celandine oil. To do this, mix 250 ml of 70% alcohol and 15 grams of celandine oil. Infuse the composition must within 24 hours. Before going to bed, the nails should be carefully roasted, and then wiped with the finished mixture. The procedure should be daily. After 4 weeks, the result will be noticeable.

oil celandine from nail fungus instructions and reviews

In conclusion

Now you know how to use oilcelandine from the fungus of the nails on the legs. The reviews show that this composition helps even in cases when the pharmacy means are absolutely powerless. The main thing in the fight against this infection is patience and observance of all rules.

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