/ / How many days are menstruation at different periods of life?

How many days do menstrual periods take in different periods of life?

Answering the question about how many days go bymonthly, in the first place say that this is a feature of every single organism, and there are no certain standards. There are only averaged figures. Even the age at which monthly periods can begin varies from 10 to 16 years (there are cases that sooner or later). Basically, in the first few months of the course of the menstrual cycle, it still can not be established. And only after 2-3 years it completely normalizes.

how many days are the monthly
The cycle is repeated on average every 28 days(the number of days in the lunar month), but the monthly ones can come both after 20 and after 36 days. There is some norm in how much monthly should go, it is not more than seven days and not less than one or two. Otherwise, it is worth turning to a specialist, because your body makes it clear that something is wrong with it. This is not a feature that should be taken for granted. Problems can be the most serious: from ectopic pregnancy to sexually transmitted diseases.

But do not worry right away, go to the doctor, check, it's possible that everything is all right with you, because how many days the month goes on depends on many reasons.

Factors affecting the duration of menstruation

  1. Heredity. How many days do your mother's menses last, so much, probably, will be with you. If even the period exceeds a week, then in this case it is quite normal.
  2. Features of the structure of the body.The reproductive system, the cervix, even the coagulation of your blood can affect the number of "red days". If you are not bothered by pain in this case, then there is nothing to worry about.
  3. Daily regime of the day.If you drastically change your diet, for example, go on a diet, if you can not sleep because of the night spent at the computer screen, then it is not enough that your monthly changes the duration, you can still add strong pains in the abdomen.
    how many days are the monthly
    Eat right, sleep as expected, and next month you will not have such problems.
  4. Physical exercise. All is well, but in moderation.This also applies to sports. Do not overload yourself with physical activities. Do not overdo it, take an average load, otherwise your body will rebel and cancel the monthly for a long time, and, possibly, vice versa, will increase their frequency.
  5. Emotional condition. Strong experiences for any reason, whether the death of a loved one or dismissal from work, can play a cruel joke with your menstrual period.
  6. Hormonal tablets. For example, if you take contraceptives, this leads to some disruption in the body, you should stop taking them and go to a safer means.

How many days do menstrual after childbirth

how many days are there monthly after birth

This moment is also individual for all.But at all after sorts or labors there are allocations under the name lochia. This discharge from the uterus, lasting from two weeks to forty days. At first they resemble monthly, then gradually disappear. Most menstruation after the birth is restored and go through the same cycle that was before pregnancy. But there are times when they are shortened in duration, for example, they only go for two or three days.

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