/ / Means for body care from the Russian company Floresan: "Fitness Body" - reviews, action, expected effect

Means for body care from the Russian company Floresan: "Fitness Body" - reviews, action, expected effect

The composition of the caring series "Fitness Body", reviewswhich is talked about a noticeable effect soon after the start of the use of these funds, includes about two dozen names. Anti-cellulite cream-active, containing seaweed extracts and a complex of essential oils, is intended for use after a daily hygienic shower or bath. It is applied to the body in the region of the thighs and buttocks, rubbing it into the skin with intense massage movements. This cream from the series "Fitness Body" (reviews mark its effective effect), with regular use makes the skin supple and smooth, tightens it and removes its flabbiness.

Cream-active "Fitness-body" is desirable to applyafter using a foam shower gel from the same series. Thanks to the cedar shell of pine nuts entering into its structure, the gel-scrub cleans the skin of dead cells and prepares to apply anti-cellulite creams or masks, massages it and provides a rush of blood to its surface. When used systematically, it can prevent the appearance of new fat deposits.

For daily care of problem areasintended and corrective gel "Fitness Body" - reviews speak about the rapid and noticeable effect of its use. The composition of this remedy includes extracts of a needle barb, a horse chestnut, grape seeds. It significantly reduces the swelling of the tissues, contributing to the removal of excess fluid from them. In addition to these substances, the manufacturer's "ultra-fast reduction in body volume" is designed to provide menthol - it improves blood circulation and metabolism in the skin and subcutaneous fat.

A similar action is possessed by the tool forthe name "Ice wrap" - gel mask, which provides the so-called "instant" lifting. Its cooling effect is due to the content of menthol and essential oil of mint. The annotation says that after applying the gel, a powerful drainage effect is observed on the skin and, as a result, a decrease in body volume. In addition, other components of the mask (seaweed extract, etc.) contribute to tightening the skin and enrich it with useful substances. Regular use of this product from the collection "Fitness Body" (reviews in this unanimous) allows you to successfully combat lethargy of the skin and manifestations of cellulite, eliminates its puffiness and gives it smoothness.

In contrast to the "cold" means of thisseries, containing menthol, the action of thermoactive body scrub and spray-lotion is built on the "hot" properties of their components - in particular, hot pepper. At the same time, skin warming and acceleration of metabolic processes are provided, leading to splitting of fatty deposits in problem areas. A similar effect is provided by the use of the night-time gel "Fitness Body". The reviews describe the feeling of pleasant, comfortable heat that arises after its application. This drug, containing caffeine and nicotinic acid, "works" at a time when the body rests. It not only promotes the burning of subcutaneous fat, but also effectively fights stretch marks already present on the skin, and prevents the appearance of new ones.

In this series of body care products from the companyFloresan also includes massage products: oils, anti-cellulite creams, and special long-acting masks. This approach is quite reasonable and justified: the fight against cellulite should be a set of measures - in fact it is impossible to make your figure ideal, just rubbing once a day in problem areas a cream with the mark "Body". Fitness is also not canceled, there must be restrictions on food - at least, you should reduce the amount of harmful foods in the diet.

The described funds went through all the necessarytesting and research - the same as all the rest cosmetic products of the company "Floresan". "Fitness body" can be described as a sufficiently effective and affordable anti-cellulite series. In addition, it is completely safe for health: its own production lines and scientific laboratory, which do not have many one-day firms, give Floresan the opportunity to strictly control the quality of its products. It should, however, take into account the possibility of individual intolerance of certain components and, consequently, the associated risk of allergic reactions.

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