/ / Hemorrhagic rash

Hemorrhagic rash

Under the rash, various modifications of cutaneousintegument of a person. It is the first sign of an evolving disease. Hemorrhagic rash is caused by rupture of the walls of the blood capillaries. When pressed, it does not disappear and does not even turn pale. At the heart of the ailment lies multiple microthrombogenesis, causing damage to the vessels of the skin, as well as internal organs (intestines and kidneys). Most often, hemorrhagic rash occurs in the form of dots, thin strips or large spots of purple, purple, black or blue. Small lesions are called "petechiae," and larger ones are called "ecchymosis" or "purple." In medical practice, most often there are rashes on the legs, which greatly complicates the diagnosis of the disease, since this symptom is characteristic of many ailments.

Hemorrhagic rash may be caused byhereditary or infectious diseases, the use of steroids, as well as all sorts of disorders that affect the blood vessels. Age-related changes are considered one of the reasons for the onset of the disease. In children under five years, hemorrhagic rash may indicate a serious microvessel disease. Treatment of the disease is carried out in a hospital, and, as a rule, has a favorable outcome.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis is a serious disease,at which there is a lesion of the vessels of the skin, GIT, joints and kidneys. This ailment, in general, affects children from 4 to 12 years who have had angina, scarlet fever, acute respiratory viral infection, hypothermia, trauma, food allergy or vaccinated.


The disease begins with a characteristic cutaneousrashes - small sinew parts that do not disappear when pressed. Usually the rash appears on the surfaces of the limbs, near the joints, on the buttocks, less often on the face, trunk, feet and palms. It can be of different intensity - from multiple to single elements. After the disappearance of the rash on the body remains pigmentation, accompanied by peeling.

The second sign is joint damage.This ailment is observed in 2/3 of patients mainly on the first week of illness. The lesion can cause both short-term pains and inflammation. The disease is mainly large joints (ankle and knee).

The third sign is pain in the abdomen.Usually it is moderate, without inducing digestion. However, in rare cases, it arises suddenly, paroxysmal, resembling intestinal colic. Pain can be repeated several times during the day. Often there is vomiting, nausea, unstable stool, fever. Quite rare are gastric or intestinal bleeding.

Sometimes with hemorrhagic vasculitis, renal and other organs are affected.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis. Treatment

With this disease, it should beto comply with bed rest. Prescribed desensitizing drugs (antihistamines, salicylates), and in severe cases - corticosteroids, the course of treatment which is from 4 to 8 weeks. It is also recommended to use vasocompacting drugs ("Ascorbic acid", "Calcium chloride", "Routine").

A petechial rash occurs due todiseases of the blood and immune system, causing thrombocytopenia. Papules appear on the third day of the disease in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle and on the surface of the chest. Quite often there is bleeding from the gums and nose. A characteristic feature is the defeat of the kidneys, in which patients complain of pain in the lower back. In severe cases, intestinal bleeding and vomiting appear. Often there is hyperemia of the neck and face. Omsk haemorrhagic fever is characterized by gastric, uterine, pulmonary, nasal, intestinal bleeding.

Help with the disease

Patients who have hemorrhagicrash, need qualified medical care. Before the arrival of medical personnel, at a high temperature the patient is recommended to apply a cold compress to his head and give antipyretics. Drug treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor after performing the necessary examination and identifying the characteristics of the disease.

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