/ / How not to lose weight and lose weight properly

How not to lose weight and lose weight properly

In connection with the approach of summer, the need forlosing weight, and therefore, in choosing a diet. In our dreams, we all lose weight quickly and correctly, and in reality it is better to choose a good method, approved by doctors. And so the diet is chosen, but do not forget about the various difficulties that are in each of them - it is important to know how not to break from the diet. After all, any change in your diet is a prohibition that is difficult to bear.

How not to break the diet

In this article, we'll show you how to stickthe chosen course, how not to break off the diet by seeing your favorite patties. The formation of the right motivation will help to say candy and pie loudly "no!", A healthy diet and a beautiful figure - an inspired "yes!".

The main thing that you need is the will to win.Start a diary of weight loss, in which you write down your motivation - what do you want to achieve, following a diet. And also how your work on yourself is progressing - changes in weight and volume. This helps both not to break the diet, and adequately assess progress. Try on clothes of a size or even a few sizes smaller than what you usually wear - this permanently discourages the desire to break the regime, and when we have a goal, we lose weight quickly and correctly - just keep on rejoicing. Acquire only the number of products that you really need. Superfluous food in the house - direct expensive to snacks.

Lose weight quickly and correctly

In order not to buy excess, at firstpores, you can take with you a limited amount of money - form negative associations with food. Reflect more on nutrition and how not to lose weight from a diet. For example, a celery - beautiful, it takes care of you, saturates the body with vitamins, nourishes the skin, nails and hair. But fried potatoes - bad, it hates you, poisons carcinogens, overheated oils, increases cellulite on the pope - for additional motivation it does not hurt to hang your photo without embellishment on the refrigerator. The appearance of your own imperfect body, if it does not save you from opening a refrigerator, will certainly force you to put everything that you got back. You will look at yourself and know exactly how not to break from the diet.

We fight with a feeling of hunger

Enjoy the smells of those dishes thatplan to use - the brain will quickly report on satiety, not letting you overeat. If we lose weight fast, we should not overeat in any case - slowly chew on what you put in your mouth. Enjoy the taste, the process, think about the benefits of your diet, chew your food as slowly as possible.

Lose weight fast

Take a break

Of course, dieting is not easy.In order to withstand the complex regime and restrictions, you need to indulge yourself with something else. First, think how you will reward yourself for your efforts - these can be aromatic baths or other pleasant trifles. Secondly, by all means find a hobby that will carry you away. If it will provide physical activity - generally fine. The main thing is that it is in no way related to food. Doing your favorite thing - a good answer to the question of how not to break a diet.

Everything that a person does, he does,guided by either love or fear. What is done through love turns out to be much more effective, therefore, during a diet, adore yourself, your loved ones, arrange romantic meetings and enjoy making love with pleasure - this kind of pleasures only burns calories. Love your body, and it will respond to you in return!

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