/ / Hydrangea cultivation and care tips

Growing hydrangeas and care tips

Hortensia is a bush plant thatgrows in partial shade or in a sunny place. It responds well to fertile and drainage land, abundant watering, protection from frost. Refers to the detachment, although it has a two-meter height. It has oblong, oval leaves with pointed tips, each side has its own color: the bottom is light green, the top is dark green. Inflorescences abundant, large - up to 35 cm in length, shaped like pyramids. Color have a white-yellow, later appears a light red color. Very beautifully shows his flowers hydrangea garden. She collects them in inflorescences in the form of an umbrella with a maximum diameter of 35 cm. In the south of Ukraine and in the Caucasus, it is very common to grow hydrangeas in the open ground.

cultivation of hydrangea

Methods of reproduction

Cultivation of hydrangeas is produced by severalways. The most common are carried out in the spring by scattering seeds in unheated hotbeds or cooked boxes with shelter. The earth does not fall from above. In order to avoid flushing the seeds during watering, a sprayer is used. Dive shoots in the greenhouse on the prepared bed for the next year.


The cultivation of hydrangeas by this method impliesuse of young and strong shoots. The branch is bent to the ground, from above for the load, press a stone or earth. The top of the escape is tied to the cola. Next year, the rooted branch is cut off from the main bush.


hydrangea cultivation

Cuttings are used for growinghydrangeas as a houseplant. Root cuttings with two pairs of leaves root in a mixture of peat and sand. But before that they are treated with a stimulant to form roots. Rooting takes a couple of weeks, the first inflorescences appear in the second year. In order to bloom in the first year of the garden hydrangea, the cultivation is carried out according to a specially developed technology of reproduction.

Transplanting a houseplant

After the rooting of the cuttings, the cultivation of hydrangeasmoves on to the next stage. The seedlings are transplanted into small pots. For the soil use peat, sand, leaf land in equal proportions. As the bushes grow up, a second transplant is performed in a large container. You can add dolomite flour to the ground - it's a wonderful extra dressing.

flowers hydrangea garden


The most important thing for this bush is abundant andtimely watering, as well as the place of disembarkation. Many varieties of hydrangeas adore dark places, almost cease to grow in sunny places, flowers become shallow. This bush does not tolerate rammed earth, so it is necessary to loosen the soil around it - at least three times a season. But the cultivation of hydrangeas does not do without the use of fertilizing. Slurry as a top dressing is combined with watering. And timely application of fertilizers will contribute to the overall development of the bush. In the spring, when the kidneys are at rest, the podzmerzie and weak branches are cut. One-legged shoots are cut into three, four kidneys. Such pruning will strengthen the frost resistance of the bush and its splendor during flowering. Old roots are removed under the very foundation.

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