/ / Ammonium alcohol


Ammonia alcohol is a10% ammonium solution. The inhalation of its vapors entails a strong irritation of the nerve receptors located on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Due to this property, this medicine is able to quickly bring a person to the senses during a faint or with a sudden loss of consciousness.

Ammonia. Application

This solution is widely used in faintingor in other cases, accompanied by loss of breath. It is effective in carbon monoxide poisoning, mechanical strangulation, drowning, and alcohol intoxication.

In the above situations, ammoniadripping on cotton wool, bandage or napkin and bring the victim to the nose for a distance of about one centimeter for several minutes. It is important to prevent the medication from getting on the nasal mucosa. Ammonia alcohol is also used as a sterilizer for surgical instruments. To do this, it is sufficient to treat them once with cotton wool soaked in alcohol, or put into solution for two to three minutes.

This tool is also used for cauterization.In this case, it is applied in undissolved form. Also, alcohol can be treated with itchy skin after insect bites. For the purpose of eliminating unpleasant sensations, lotions are applied, which do not irritate, but antipruritic effect. To do this, use a clean fleece or bandage impregnated with a solution of this product (diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10).

Ammonia alcohol also struggles with smells.To get rid of them in the room it is enough to drop a few drops of ammonia in a saucer with water and leave for a day. By the evening the problem will be completely eliminated.

This tool is also used in the fight against ants,flooded the kitchen. To do this, it is recommended to add 100 milliliters of ammonia to a liter of water and rinse the kitchen furniture with the resulting solution. To be afraid of a specific odor should not be, it will erode a few minutes after the end of the procedure, but it will be unavailable only for the human sense of smell, but it will continue to scare away the bored insects for a long time. This drug - a wonderful helper in cleaning the plate from fat. To do this, in the oven heated to sixty-five degrees, you need to put half a cup of ammonia. Place it on the top grate, and on the bottom put a thick-walled frying pan filled with steep boiling water. Then the oven should be closed and left for twelve hours. After this time, the oven should be ventilated, then rinse with warm soapy water and wipe dry.

Moreover, a solution of ammonia can be used to water house plants, as well as cucumbers. In this case, it acts as a fertilizer.

Going to rest outside the city, also do not forget to take this tool with you. It is enough to sprinkle them a place where you are going to rest, and you will not have to remember about annoying mosquitoes and mosquitoes.

What complications can lead to ammonia?Ammonia alcohol, inhaled in large quantities for a long time, can cause respiratory arrest. Used in undiluted form, it causes a burn of mucous membranes.


Do not use this product whenabsence or difficulty of reflex conduction from the nose to the brain. In this case, the revitalization with ammonia will not bring results. In this situation, intravenous administration of other drugs is indicated. Ammonia solution is also contraindicated to apply topically with dandruff and eczema, as the product will lead to even more irritation of the skin and even burns.

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