/ / When to plant the tomato seedlings in the open ground

When to plant the tomato seedlings in the open ground

Before answering the question, when to plant the tomato seedlings in the open ground, we will try to understand how this is done correctly.

when planted seedlings tomato in the open ground

Growing sprouts

Seedlings grown in glasses do not requireSpecial preparation before landing it in the ground. Unless it is necessary to water the plant abundantly, so that the earth does not crumble when it is removed from the glass. The task becomes more complicated if the seedlings are grown in a common container. But in this case, too, it is necessary to water the young tomatoes well and dig them out with a clod of earth. Then gently transfer into a suitable container. It is recommended to treat the root system with a stimulant that promotes growth. But in any case, the dug up seedlings should be transplanted into the ground as soon as possible.

If you decide when to plant the tomato seedlingsin the open ground, try to choose for this evening time. Of course, you can in the daytime, but always in cloudy weather. Plants will find it difficult to immediately acclimatize, get used to the bright rays of the sun, because they are accustomed to the shortened light day.

when planted tomatoes in the open ground

When planted tomatoes in the open ground, the soiltry to prepare for planting and pour abundantly. Plants are planted at equal intervals from each other in straight rows. Seedlings grown in glasses grow very quickly. But in any case, dig out and transplant the seedlings should be together with the land. But the peat can be buried in the ground together with the plant.

After planting, tomatoes are watered, and the soilaround the plant sprinkle with peat or dry soil. Thus, the soil will remain moist longer, and the plants will restore the root system more quickly. The early spring planting of seedlings does not require watering, at which time there is a lot of moisture in the soil.

By the time you plant the tomato seedlingsin the open ground it will be possible, the plants should already be prepared. For this it is necessary to conduct "rehearsals". In sunny and warm weather, seedlings can be put on a balcony or put on the street. The residence time of plants under direct sunlight should be gradually increased. This will become a kind of hardening for young tomatoes and prevent the appearance of burns after their landing in the ground. A week before planting, the plants can be left open for a whole day.

If the seedlings were grown in a greenhouse, then hardeningis carried out by opening a film or a window leaf. It should be said that the seedlings grown under the film have a darker color of the leaves and are considered more seasoned than the domestic one.

Favorite tomatoes. Outdoor cultivation

tomatoes growing in the open ground

In the Moscow region planted seedlingscelery, various kinds of cabbage, rhubarb, cabbage salad and onion black cherry should be at the end of April or the first May days. But tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini and pumpkin are planted in the ground in early June.

If the seedlings are planted in a greenhouse or under a temporary film, then it can be done a couple of weeks earlier, and if the greenhouses are heated, then 3-4 weeks earlier.

However, the climate in our time has become quiteunpredictable, so to answer the question, when to plant seedlings tomatoes in the open ground, you can so: when the real spring comes. Some gardeners say that the most acceptable time for disembarkation is before mid-May, but it is better to do it at the beginning of the month. In any case, the land must be in time to get warm well. Thermophilic crops in cool soil may not settle down or for a long time not bear fruit. If the heat is enough, then within a week the plants blooming on the windowsill will tie fruits in the open ground.

Good luck on the beds and good harvest!

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