/ Vacuum cleaners with dust container. How to choose and not to lose?

Vacuum cleaners with dust container. How to choose and not to lose?

Vacuum cleaner - an indispensable thing for cleaning residential andnon-residential premises. Even its closest competitors, the newest robotic cleaning systems, still can not fully compete with it in terms of power and efficiency.

Vacuum cleaners with dust container

The demand for classical options is still great,and the market offers hundreds of models for every taste and purse. Vacuum cleaners with a dust container are some of the most modern and popular cleaning machines on the market.

How to choose?

In the electronics store you can easily get lost,looking at the slender lines, in which lined multi-colored vacuum cleaners with a container for dust. The variety of their appearance is amazing, a wide range of prices, a motley line of high-profile manufacturers, an abundance of technical information on price tags.

plastic containers

Vacuum cleaners with a dust container are in the same price range as their cousins ​​with a bag, so the price and loud name of the manufacturer can not be the only selection criterion.

It is better to pay attention to technical and ergonomic characteristics. Vacuum cleaners with a dust container are selected according to the following criteria:

  • suction power (not less than 1000 W);
  • The volume of the container (the larger it is, the less it will have to be emptied);
  • the presence and length of the cord (a cord shorter than 7 meters will force you to constantly switch the vacuum cleaner to different outlets when cleaning the apartment);
  • the need for periodic replacement or cleaning of filters (distinguish between reusable and disposable filters) or battery;
  • assembly or telescoping tube of the vacuum cleaner;
  • parking position (horizontal or vertical, for convenient storage in a pantry or a closet);
  • weight of the vacuum cleaner;
  • cost in comparison with similar models of other brands.

Before going to the store for a "personal acquaintance"with a future cleaning assistant is worth to compare the various vacuum cleaners in online stores, getting ready for a conversation with the seller-consultant or online purchase in advance. The more information the buyer will receive before going to the store, the better the vacuum cleaner with the container he chooses.

Which option is better, with a bag or container?

Despite the fact that the vacuum cleaners with the container appeared later than the bags, the dispute about the advantages of this or that modification of the unit does not abate.

Supporters of vacuum cleaners with bags do not hesitate,that they have to constantly buy supplies for their harvesting equipment, and the owners of vacuum cleaners with rag bags do not consider shameful their constant shaking out. Advantage of their units, they consider unswerving suction power with timely emptying or replacing bags.

vacuum cleaners with container reviews

Specialists believe that vacuum cleaners with a dust container also have the same advantage, since in the case of proper care of the container and filter, the suction power does not fall.

The price of these and other options is approximately the same,although among vacuum cleaners in which plastic containers are installed to collect dust, the maximum cost of luxury models may be an order of magnitude higher than bagged counterparts.

Therefore, the choice depends on the taste and habits.


Plastic containers for dust and garbage collectionBribes with economy and higher hygienic qualities in comparison with rag bags. Therefore, buyers who want to optimize the budget, with pleasure get vacuum cleaners with a container. Reviews after purchases are mostly positive.

Negative reviews leave less luckyowners of defective specimens, as well as people, mostly allergy sufferers, who prefer not to touch the dusty contents of the containers at all, believing that replacement paper bags in this connection are worth it to spend on them.

What if the suction power has dropped?

If the suction power of the vacuum cleaner with the dust collection container has fallen, it is necessary:

  • make sure that foreign objects are not stuck in the brush and the vacuum cleaner tube;
  • check whether the power on the handle is reduced (special switch with a hole or an electronic toggle switch);
  • Check whether the bristles are put on the brush to clean the carpet;
  • empty the container;
  • rinse and dry the filters, replace if necessary;
  • contact the customer service.

Advantages of vacuum cleaners without bag

Such units allow you to save money ondisposable bags and work a little quieter than bagged brethren. In the event that the necessary small thing has got into the vacuum cleaner, it will be easier to find it in a transparent plastic container than in a dusty bag.

vacuum cleaner container bosch

In models that involve the pressing of garbage before emptying the dust receptacle, hygiene will be an advantage when disposing of the contents.

Installed in some models, modern filters will clear the air of dust and allergens during harvesting.


The disadvantages of container vacuum cleaners are the same as those ofother aggregates that force you to spend money on consumables: some models require periodic replacement of filters that can cost a buyer a lot.

best vacuum cleaner with container

However, there are models with foam filters that are sufficiently rinsed under a stream of cold water and dried.

Focus on the price when buying container units is not recommended, because the advantages of more expensive models before cheap ones are not always justified by the high cost.

For example, other things being equal technicalcharacteristics of similar models, the container for the Bosch vacuum cleaner is even smaller than the container of the same Samsung, although the price of the first is 20% higher than the latter. Judging by the responses of the owners, the consumer qualities of both are not inferior to each other.

Therefore, when choosing a vacuum cleaner with a container,to be guided not only by the declared technical characteristics and brand, but also to the responses of real owners, preferably acquaintances, as well as own judgment, which can not be worked out without shoveling information in the network and not having visited the store in person.

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