Heated steering is an optional option,which allows the driver to comfortably operate the car in winter during cold weather. On many premium and business-class cars, this system is already in the kit. How to be owners of cars that are deprived of this opportunity?
Подогрев руля можно установить в автосервисе или try to do it yourself. When you contact a specialist, you have to pay for a warm steering wheel, and this service is not cheap. The total amount for heating the steering wheel, depending on the brand of the car can reach up to twenty thousand rubles.
If there is no desire to overpay car service centersand self-reliance, you can try to install this warm option yourself. However, it must be borne in mind that this work is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.
At the first stage, you need to remove the steering wheel and decorativefinish, which is a leatherette or skin. It should be taken into account that if the steering wheel is equipped with a substrate adhered to the rim or skin, then it may break during work, therefore, it is necessary to observe special care. To do this, you need to cut the pulling center thread from the lacing of the handlebars, remove it, and then gently peel off the skin. After doing this, remove the adhesive residues from the rim and get to the plastic.
After removing the trim in the rim, you need to insertheating elements. The most difficult at this stage is to install the concealed wiring, which is carried to the center of the rudder. This will require a copper lacquered wire eight-meter length, soldering iron, solder, flux, electrical tape, glue and other devices. Since the wire is very thin, then when winding it on the steering wheel, you need to be careful not to break it in any way.
It is necessary to determine the appropriate wires, fromwhich will be supplied to the heating element. Many car owners use a cigarette lighter for this purpose, however, it is not available in all models. In this case, the heating of the steering wheel can be connected to a regular system that provides heating of the seats, and output it as a separate button to the panel.
Having completed these manipulations, they make a constrictionrim rudder, install the device in its place and check the car's performance. This is done in the reverse order of removal, the skin is pulled on the steering wheel again, glue the skin and lace the device.
If the steering is heated in a car workshop, it usually takes about two days.
Another option for installing a warm steering wheelis a self-contained pre-heater. Today, there are many ready-made heating systems on the market. For example, you can buy a special braid on the wheel of the brand "Pitstop HOT HANDS", which is the size suited to the steering wheels of most cars from different manufacturers. Convenience of this device is that the heating of the steering wheel can be turned on, even when the car is located in the parking lot. It takes a few minutes to warm up the steering wheel. And, that pleases, the data of the system is quite inexpensive: from 800 rubles. It is important only to remember that before starting traffic, it is necessary to disconnect the supply wire.
A good heating system isdevice of the brand "ACVST". This option can be used both separately and together with seat heating. The kit includes heating elements for the steering wheel, wires with fuses, and switches. The availability of detailed instructions will allow you to install a heated steering wheel without any problems.
Thus, the choice of the way to heat the steering wheel remains with the owner of the car. It is important that in the future the driver was comfortable in the cabin of the car in any frost.