/ / Useful knowledge: how to determine methyl alcohol at home?

Useful knowledge: how to determine methyl alcohol at home?

"By eye", especially not to the professional, to distinguishEthyl alcohol, which is included in the composition of all alcohol that is in the world, from its technical colleague - methyl - is almost impossible. This leads to annual mass poisonings in Russia and CIS countries, where a bad tradition was the use of alcohol unknown or suspicious origin.

how to determine at home the methyl alcohol

But to drink a substandard counterfeit drink onethyl basis - half bad (although in the pre-revolutionary classification, ethyl alcohol was also equated with poisons). Methanol is the real enemy of the body. This is the strongest poison, which, even in relatively small amounts, can have a detrimental effect on the blood vessels and nervous system of a person, and most of all on the state of vision, up to complete blindness. And the use of only 30 to 100 grams (for different people in different ways) of this substance can lead to death. Therefore, the question of how to determine methyl alcohol at home is not an idle one, but very much even a vital one. Especially in connection with the fact that, according to experts, a huge amount of alcohol sold in our country is a fake!

On how to distinguish between methyl alcohol and ethyl,what is the difference between them, we will tell in our article. We hope that the knowledge gained will help to avoid unnecessary incidents and harmful effects of methanol when consuming alcoholic beverages.

how to distinguish between methyl alcohol and ethyl in what is the difference

How to determine the methyl alcohol at home

Many people remember recent events in the Czech Republic, whereit seems that many people have suffered from "branded" alcohol. And this massive fake, packaged in beautiful bottles, contained methanol. Therefore, information on how to determine methyl alcohol at home is important and relevant. After all, by taste and smell, methanol is hardly distinguishable from ethanol. Of course, if you have a solution with only one type of alcohol in front of you, then the difference can be determined by various, rather simple, methods, which we will discuss below. But if it is a mixture of alcohols, then the content and quantity of them can be understood only by examining it in a laboratory.

how to distinguish between methyl alcohol at home

People's ways of determining

So:how to determine methyl alcohol at home? The best ways are borne by experience and are quite effective. The first of them: burning alcohol. We pour the experimental liquids into small bottles and ignite them. We look closely at the color of the burning fire (and burn will be any, since the fortress is over 40 degrees) and compare. If blaze with a blue flame - then we have ethanol in front of us, and it can be used for drinking purposes (of course, if there are no other harmful impurities there). If burning is accompanied by a green color of fire, then this is methanol. This rather simple and effective method, as at home, to determine methyl alcohol, undoubtedly, will work if the solution is clean enough before us. And the method itself is based on some difference in the chemical composition of liquids.

With the help of potatoes

With the help of ordinary raw potatoes alsoyou can determine this difference. The potato needs to be peeled and rinsed. Root the root crop and cut it into a small container, where the test liquid is located: presumably ethyl or methyl alcohol. After a while (usually, a couple of hours) the potatoes in methanol should change color and become a pinkish shade. In ethanol, the lobule practically does not change color.

Formaldehyde sample

For it, we will need copper wire andopen fire. The wire should be copper and cleaned from the shell. Test liquid poured into a bowl. Copper is heated on fire and drastically immersed in a liquid medium. If there is methanol in front of us, then there is an unpleasant and rather sharp smell of formaldehyde. Ethyl alcohol in this case is practically odorless, (sometimes it smells like apple flavor). As an option: add to the liquid potassium permanganate (buy in a pharmacy) and set it on fire. By smell, it is easy to determine whether alcohol belongs to a particular group of methanol or ethanol.

how to determine methyl alcohol at home

Precautionary measures

If you suspect a methanol intake, you should immediatelycall a doctor, and not wait: they say, it will pass by itself and resolve. Signs of poisoning: a sharp pain in the head, breathing is difficult, a person experiences malaise and weakness, pain in the abdomen and lumbar region, vomiting is possible. You can try to do a gastric lavage with the same magenta in a light water solution. And by the way, knowledge of how to distinguish methyl alcohol at home can be useful here, if the liquid that was ingested was left unopened. But a good antidote, oddly enough, is 10% ethyl alcohol!

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