/ How to care for an apple tree in a garden plot

How to care for an apple tree in a garden plot

Apple - liquid, ruddy, fragrant!How they attract to themselves in the end of summer or early autumn! How you want to enjoy this fabulous fruit, its taste is sweet or sour. To get a really wonderful harvest, you need to know how to care for the apple tree.

From planting a young plant to its phaseFruiting can go from three to ten years, depending on the variety. During the growth of trees, pruning is carried out to form the apple tree crown. It is necessary for the convenience of harvesting, contributes to the acceleration of fruiting and the formation of new fruit branches. Pruning improves the illumination of the crown, helps to better supply the plant with nutrients and water. Therefore, the apple tree on the site needs regular thinning of the crown.

how to care for an apple tree

Не только молодые саженцы, но и уже старые trees require special attention. During the autumn season, it is necessary to carefully examine the apples on the apple trees in order to find out the lichens that have appeared in time. They pose a threat to plants. The bark under them becomes wet, which attracts pests, and in winter it may crack. To combat lichens prepare a mixture: water and lime are taken in a ratio of two to one. On a bucket of the received solution it is necessary to add two hundred grammes of iron vitriol.

watering apple trees

On how to care for the apple tree, in many waysdepends not only on the future harvest, but also on the life of the plant itself. Therefore, one whitewash is not enough. From the branches of trees, it is necessary to remove decayed fruits so that they do not become a breeding ground for pests. If the fruits and leaves of apple trees suffer from mealy-mildew fungus, which appears as a white coating, pruning of affected branches or sprinkling of the tree with a sulfur-containing solution is performed. It is necessary to remove the shoots coming from the roots, since it can deplete the soil.

Если растения страдают от переувлажнения, в as a guide, how to care for an apple tree, you can recommend the following. Compost and baking powder are introduced into the soil. If there are signs of gray rot (gray-white coating), then you must clean and destroy the affected fruit.

apple on the plot

Осенью рекомендуют проводить перекопку pristvolnyh circles. In this case, you should be careful, as the roots of trees can get damaged. Therefore it is better to use garden forks and to treat the ground not deeply, only lifting the soil. Also, regular watering of the apple tree is necessary, because this culture is very demanding on moisture. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the state of the soil, the amount of atmospheric precipitation, and also carry out watering as necessary. Abundant ripened fruits can lead to faults. To protect the trees, apple tree branches are supported by special props with a flyer at the end.

Experienced gardeners know how to care for the apple tree.They monitor the humidity of the trunks and make fertilizers for plant nutrition. It also helps the well-developed development of apple trees, soil sinking, for which low-growth grasses are grown under trees, for example, a runaway pole.

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