/ / Gerbera flowers - a variety of species

Gerbera flowers - a variety of species

The flower of the gerbera is a perennial plant andlooks like a familiar daisy for us. This family numbers more than 100 different species. In nature, the plant is widespread in South Africa, South America, China, India, Japan, gerbera flowers come in a variety of colors, there are not only blue specimens.

Указанное растение очень часто используется для making bouquets, and they are favorite for many people. Gerbera flowers always look festive and elegant. They are often grown in pots or in flower beds as an annual plant, which is then cut. If to create favorable conditions, then the plant will blossom in the greenhouse throughout the year. Gerbera flowers are well preserved after being cut and in water do not lose their attractiveness until three weeks.

For the first time, these flowers were described at the endThe eighteenth century and often they are also called transvaal chamomile. As already mentioned, among the many varieties of this plant there are specimens of various colors and sizes.

Flowers gerbera, which are grown in domesticalmost all are hybrids and are derived from the Giemsona gerbera and the green-leaved gerbera. Gerbera Jameson has a thick and short stem and a very well developed root system. The leaves are covered with small villi, and on long peduncles beautiful flowers appear, which in diameter can be from 5 to 15 centimeters.

Gherbera flowers are often grown on balconies or inapartments. After the plant blossoms flowers last up to 3 weeks, and after they have been cut off, they can stand in the water the same time. If you decide to grow this plant at home, then take care of creating good lighting for it. The soil should be constantly moist, but it should not be allowed to over-moisten it. After you have watered, after 10-20 minutes it will be necessary to drain excess water from the pan. Drainage holes must be constantly monitored and prevented from clogging them.

Gerberas are very fond of light and heat, the soil mustto be slightly acidic. During their abundant watering, do not allow water to enter the rosette of leaves, especially the roots. In warm regions of the country this plant feels well in the open ground. If you grow gerberas indoors, be sure to arrange for good ventilation.

Размножение указанных растений проводится seeds that germinate in about a month. The time from the beginning of growth to the beginning of flowering in gerbera is about 11 months. You can also propagate these flowers and by dividing the bush, they usually breed valuable varieties at the age of 3-4 years, and you can also breed gerbera and cuttings.

If a decision is made to leaveplant for the next season, in winter it should be saved at a temperature of not less than 15 degrees. The most common coloring of flowers is orange and bright yellow, but not infrequently there are also other coloring, for example, gently pink.

To decorate your flowering your house gerbera will be approximately from May to August. For the plant to be healthy and develop well into the soil it is desirable to add peat, sand, field soil and pine bark.

This plant can be damaged by mealydew, whitefly, red spider mite. The reasons that can be facilitated by this are the overmoistening of the soil and poor airing of the premises.

Is not an exception to the specified plant andregarding fertilizers, it, like all houseplants, requires their periodic application. For it, you must use complex fertilizers, which include potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, but feed more often 3 times a month is not worth it. If the flower develops correctly, then on one plant there can be up to 30-40 beautiful flowers.

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