/ / Pinch of petunia - an important agrotechnical technique that enhances the decorativeness of the bush

Pinching petunias - an important agrotechnical technique that enhances the decorativeness of the bush

Petunia seedlings are very tender and fragile.It requires compliance with various agrotechnical rules. One of them is a pinching petunia. Many fans of this amazing plant can easily handle pinching. They put a lot of strength and patience in order to grow a petunia and make it an ornament to a balcony, a flower garden, and a house. Why is petunia so popular?

pinching petunias
First, because the variety of colors andsizes of flowers, as well as their forms, distinguish this plant from all others. The one who began to grow one kind of petunia, after a while gets acquainted with its new and amazing varieties, giving them his heart.

Secondly, a plentifully flowering plant is excellent in itself.feels both in a suspended state, and in pots, on beds, rabatkah and in the boxes filled with an earthen substrate. And another plus in her favor: she is not capricious in the care.

Petunia belongs to the family Solanaceae andrepresented in the culture of forty species. This herb or shrub may, depending on the variety, reach a height of ten centimeters to one meter. Its homeland is the South American tropics, and in Europe it is actively used to design parks and gardens, starting from the eighteenth century.

In our climatic conditions the mostit is rational to grow ornamental annual varieties known as hybrid or garden petunia. A lot has been written about how to grow seedlings of petunia correctly. Of course, it is easier to buy it in a store than to get the coveted sprout on your own at home. But the process of growing from seeds requires so much attention, love and warmth that is worth it to devote time to him, and then be proud of his little victory, admiring the wonderful flowers.

How to grow seedlings of petunias
Pinching petunias is one of the most important.agrotechnical techniques aimed at the correct formation of the bush by increasing the number of side shoots. If you neglect this operation, the plant can get elongated and have a miserable appearance.

Grow petunia
Прищипка петунии делается первый раз, как только its tip will grow eight centimeters long. Dropping seedlings to a permanent place, you need to timely feed and water the plant. When the side shoots grow by ten centimeters, it is recommended to re-pinch the petunia. Although it is not necessary, for example, if a flower grows in limbo, and you want its shoots to be as long as possible.

In the process of vegetation is done and the subsequentnip of the petunia in cases where it is necessary to form a uniformly developing bush. In such cases, you need to prune only very long shoots compared to other shoots. However, the distance between the plants also plays an important role in the formation of the bush. Thickly planted seedlings will not be able to produce good lateral processes, even if the pinching of the petunia was carried out in a timely and correct manner. Choose the distance between plants in accordance with the grade of petunia, adhering to the recommendations available on the package with seeds.

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