/ / Geranium royal: pruning for lush flowering, care and reproduction at home

Geranium royal: pruning for lush flowering, care and reproduction at home

Geranium, or, as affectionately called this flowerOur grandmothers, "kalachik", are in almost every house. Dark green slightly pubescent leaves and magnificent flowers of various shades create a cozy home. There was a time when this flower, along with the ficus, was called philistine, but fortunately, these times have sunk into oblivion, and the geranium continues to please us with its flowering.

geranium royal pruning for lush flowering

Among the numerous family of geraniums isplants are very unpretentious in care, with their cultivation will cope and beginner in floriculture. But perhaps not everyone knows that among these plants there is a variety that is given the title of royal. This flower is difficult to call simply geraniums, many inexperienced growers and will not find a similarity between it and their sweet and more modest flower on the windowsill. And of course, it is unlikely that someone will call it "kalachikom."

The heroine of our article will be a luxurious geraniumroyal room. The plant is not easy, requiring constant attention and careful care. But we assure you, your works will be more than rewarded when you see the flowering of the royal geranium.


The royal geranium, or the royal pelargonium,is a representative of a large number of pelargonium (Pelargonium), which has more than 250 species. This is a magnificent indoor flower, which, with proper care, pleases owners with huge (15 cm), extraordinary beauty flowers of different colors.

It is a native of the humid and hot climate of SouthAmerica. She feels great in conditions of high humidity and does not tolerate direct sunlight. At home, the royal pelargonium grows to 60-80 cm. The taller plant does not make sense to grow, since the buds are only at the apex points of growth. At a height of 100 centimeters, the plant completely loses its decorative properties.

royal geranium care at home

Today, many florists are interested in royalgeranium. Care at home for such a magnificent plant has many pitfalls that need to be circumvented so that the whimsical beauty is pleased with its flowering. It must be remembered that even with full observance of all the rules of agricultural technology, you can not extend the flowering period of the royal geranium. It is much shorter than that of conventional species.

The royal geranium does not blossom: what to do?

This issue is of concern to many growers.There may be several reasons for this. To understand them, it is necessary to understand what the royal geranium needs. Care at home for this plant involves the right choice of capacity for planting, proper soil, timely watering and pruning, providing a winter rest period, transplanting if necessary.

Let us consider in more detail the reasons why geraniumsrefuses to bloom. In the case when the plant is planted in a too large pot, pelargonium begins to actively build up the green mass and expand. In this situation, the plant simply does not have enough strength for flowering, as its energy goes to the growth of the root system and gardening. Transplant the flower into a smaller vase.

 flowering of the royal geranium

Another reason is that the flower has roots damaged.You should know that the royal geranium is susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections of the root system. Immediately determine the disease is not easy. This becomes evident when the disease strikes stems and leaves. Geranium suffers from a lack of nutrients. In this case, the plant is treated with antiseptics, which are sold in all flower shops. However, if the disease is started, it is rare to save the plant. Flower growers should be aware that any disease and pests (aphids, weevils, mites, etc.) cause the plant to spend all its energy on fighting them. About flowering in such a situation is out of the question.

Another fairly common reason -absence of rest phase. What should I do in this case? Reduce watering in the autumn-winter period, do not feed the flower. Transfer the plant to a cooler place (for example, on a loggia). The warmth in winter is detrimental to the royal geraniums. Watering also affects the flowering of the plant, although not as much as the above reasons. What watering requires geraniums and why it is very important for it to be pruned pruning, we will tell below.


Probably, having looked at the photos presented inour article, many will really like the royal geranium. Care at home for this beauty has its own characteristics. In particular, this concerns irrigation. This procedure is best done through a pallet. The plant itself adjusts the necessary amount of moisture. Water for irrigation should be constant, room temperature, you can use boiled chilled water.

Before blossoming leaves follow from time to timespray. Dry crust, appearing on the top layer of the soil, is a signal to watering. Excessive moisture can provoke plant diseases, and its deficiency leads to the absence of flowers.

royal geranium does not blossom what to do

Geranium royal: pruning for a lush blossom

Fairly often the flower growers doa common mistake in the care of this plant - pruning is done in the spring. It would seem that this is the most suitable time, but in this case the royal geranium can cease to blossom. Pruning for lush flowering should be done in autumn and winter.

Often incorrect pruning leads to the fact thatthe plants grow too long stems and it loses its decorative appeal. To form a beautiful crown, you must strictly follow simple rules:

  1. When pruning, it is necessary to take into account the genetic characteristics of the plant. Royal geranium must be low and bushy.
  2. Pruning is carried out with a sharp disinfected knife or pruner at the level of the leaf node.
  3. Pinching is carried out with clean hands.
  4. Places slices processed crushed powder of cinnamon or charcoal.
  5. The stems facing the interior of the plant are removed completely.
    royal geranium care and reproduction

Autumn Trimming

Experienced growers know that they are very responsive tocompetent formation of the bush geranium royal. Pruning for lush flowering is most often done immediately after pelargonium fades. Usually this happens at the end of August. This procedure should be carried out in two stages with an interval of 1.5 months. This is necessary in order to avoid the strong stress of the plant.

With such an early autumn pruning, new shoots of the royal geranium grows very quickly. Pinching them (over the fourth pair of leaves) stimulates the formation of new young shoots.

Trim order

To pelargoniya pleased you with a lush bloom, you should follow a certain order:

  • removal of faded stems and faded inflorescences;
  • removal of dried leaves and those that are prone to withering;
  • examine the plant and determine which shoots should be cut to form a beautiful crown;
  • Remove the naked and long stems completely (at the lower node);
  • In geraniums, preparing for wintering, one third of the main stem should be cut off.
     geraniums royal suite

Winter pruning

Florists with experience note that in shortwinter days, in the absence of sunlight, the royal geranium stretches out into the sky. Pruning for lush flowering at this time is partially replaced by pinching, and long sprouts appear cropped.

In April, the royal pelargonium begins to blossom,so in mid-March pruning should be stopped. To keep the shape of the bush, you can also hold the prickle in summer, after flowering. Categorically it is not recommended to cut geraniums from December to February, so as not to disturb the rest period. In winter the plant rests. At this time he needs a minimum watering and lighted, cool (temperature no higher than 15 degrees) place.


The royal geranium breeds, like the ordinary onesvariety, cuttings. At the end of August, cut cuttings 7-9 cm long, soak them for several hours in the air, and then drop them into a peat-sand mixture. Using a plastic bag, create a greenhouse effect and make sure that the soil mixture is always moistened. Then prepare a mixture of sand, turf and foliage and plant the rooted cuttings.

geranium royal pruning for lush flowering

We told you what is required in order tothe royal geranium delighted you with its beauty. The care and reproduction of this luxurious plant is somewhat different from the usual species. But if you follow all the rules of agricultural technology, this wonderful flower will reward you for the labors of lush bloom, unfortunately, not too long.

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