/ / Spring top dressing: basic rules

Spring top dressing of roses: basic rules

Any flowering garden plants, includingvery capricious in the care of roses, badly need a high concentration in the soil of nutrients. If they experience a shortage of at least one element, this will immediately affect the general condition of the plant. Spring top dressing of roses is carried out so that this beautiful garden flower does not begin to lag behind in growth. Otherwise, the bushes will not only stop giving new shoots, but will also change the intensity of flowering, and the leaves on them will begin to turn yellow, dry and fade. That is why roses need annual fertilizing with both mineral and organic substances. Only if this condition is met, these luxurious ornamental plants will please with abundant flowering and bright flowers.

Choosing the type of fertilizer

spring top dressing of roses
Very much depends on how correctlyfertilizer was chosen. Spring top dressing of roses is carried out in several stages, so you can first make mineral mixtures, and then organic. This plant is very sensitive to the lack of potassium, nitrogen and (most of all) phosphorus in the soil. Therefore, a complex mixture of these chemical minerals is best suited. From phosphorus depends abundant flowering bush. Potassium is an excellent fertilizer for strengthening stems. If the plant does not experience a deficit of this substance, then it should not be afraid of winter frosts. Thanks to nitrogen, the intensity of growth of new shoots is improving. Also, a good top dressing for roses is compost, which contains a lot of trace elements useful for plant development. It can be made both in spring and in autumn. In the latter case, during the entire winter period, it will decompose, thereby enriching the various useful substances with soil. Compost also contributes to the improvement of the structure of garden land. It becomes softer and friable.

pruning roses in spring
Terms of additional fertilizing of roses

The first spring top dressing of roses is carried outearly spring, immediately after the opening of bushes, it is also recommended for young seedlings. First of all, a mineral complex is introduced into the soil. After this, experienced gardeners recommend that the ground around the flower be covered with a flower. Of ready-made preparations sold in specialized stores, "Citovit" is best suited, since in it in the required proportions all mineral substances necessary for plants are contained. In addition, all trace elements found in this preparation are easily digested by the root system.

top-dressing for roses

So, the first spring top dressing of roses is madeabout mid-April, after the first leaves appear on the bushes. At this time, fertilizers are introduced for the development of the root system, in order to activate their conductive function, due to which the roses begin to grow more intensively and develop. The second feed is done 2-3 weeks after the first one. Here you need fertilizer to stimulate flowering. You can add organic substances, for example, dissolved in water bird droppings. If pruning roses in the spring was not carried out, it will be necessary to make one additional feeding in the autumn time, and at the same time, and to cut the bush, cutting off unnecessary shoots. The best time for this - the beginning of September, so that the plant managed to slow the growth of shoots before the first frost.

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