/ / Mini sink for toilet: sizes, photos, installation

Mini-sink for the toilet: size, photo, installation

One of the most important issues todaydecides a huge mass of designers in the development of the interior in the bathroom - is the most rational use of space. If the area of ​​the room is large enough, then everything is very simple, but when it is necessary to work with a small bathroom, which is the majority in many apartments, then serious difficulties begin. Every centimeter is literally on the bill, and specialists have to think a lot. A mini sink for a toilet or bathroom helps to ease the task.

Features of compact sinks

This simple sanitary device -reduced replica of the standard sink. From here and all features of the given decision. The minimum size of such a product is only 200 mm: it allows you to wash your hands, but, alas, you can’t wash your hair over such a washbasin. Therefore, the mini-sink is not a wash basin. It is rather a washstand, the functionality of which is much weaker than that of its full-sized brother. When purchasing such a compact product, you should be prepared to spend some time getting used to. But the inconvenience is nothing, and especially when it is necessary to create a unique interior in the conditions of an acute shortage of free space.

mini sink

Designed specifically for toilets

This product has not been developed and created forthe bathroom. Created a mini-sink for the toilet. The main purpose is to wash your hands after using the toilet without leaving it. And the sink perfectly solves this problem, even if the dimensions of the toilet room are very small.

It is necessary to use this mini-product in bathroomsonly because of the acute lack of free space. However, there are other methods to solve the spatial issue. For example, there are full sinks with installation above the washing machine. This is an attractive and functional solution.

But in the traditional "Khrushchev" in which he livesMany families, mini-sink - this is the only way out that allows you to use the space of the bathroom and combined bathroom as efficiently as possible. Often in such bathrooms fit only the toilet and a compact shower. On the side of the cabin there is a place for a small washstand or a tiny sink (you can call it anything you like).

mini sink for toilet

Mini-sink: the pros and cons

If you start looking at products from this side,it will be a very sad picture. This solution has a lot of disadvantages, and the number of advantages is almost zero. Such supercompact plumbing is purchased and installed only because other options are basically impossible.

The first and only virtue thathas a mini-sink, - this is a saving of free space. Such a washstand (otherwise it’s impossible to call it) will freely go where it is impossible to squeeze a standard full-sized product.

This is the only virtue that these little shells possess. And now it's worth looking at the flaws, and there will be a little more.

К сожалению, размеры мини-раковины таковы, что в operation it is very inconvenient. You can fold the hands of the boat, as if you need to draw water to wash, and then compare the width of the palms with a mini-sink: the size will almost completely coincide with the size of a compact washstand. It’s impossible to even lean over this sink.

The next minus is spray water.When you need to brush your teeth, it becomes a problem: it is simply impossible to lean over this miracle of sanitary thought, it is also unrealistic to rinse your mouth, and if you try, the entire area of ​​the bathroom will be sprayed with water.

On the weak functionality of this solution has already been said: the mini-sink does not allow even to comfortably wash their hands.

There are other disadvantages, you can still find a lot. But even these shortcomings are more than enough to find out that this appliance is a necessity or a solution for toilets.

mini washbasin


If we talk about the types of mini-products, then thisIn terms of shells, they can differ little from their "big brothers." Washbasin is classified according to materials, according to its location, according to the method of installation.

corner mini sink

Mini shell materials

This type of product is most often made fromfaience or glass. Faience - more familiar to everyone and everyone, and glass sanitary equipment has a unique appearance. See what a mini-sink might look like. The photo does not convey all the beauty, but it is clear from them that such models look very fresh.

Кроме этих материалов, которые довольно широко common, washbasins can be made of porcelain, plastic, stainless steel or artificial stone. There are also copper shells on sale (this is a real exotic today). For example, a copper sink made in the form of a water lily resembles something rare.

mini sink sizes

Location in space

All shells are divided into two groups.These are traditional rectangular products and models for mounting into a corner. In order for the corner mini-sink to be as comfortable to use as possible, the space around such a washstand should be as free as possible. Rectangular models, the approach to which is multiplied only from one side, can be used with the greatest comfort.

mini sink photo

Type of installation

As for this moment, there are suspended structures, shells, tulips, as well as products with a pedestal. Each model has its own features, and more on that later.

Installing a mini-sink

In general, installation work has littledifferences with similar for traditional full-size models. The only difference is in some inconveniences. The disadvantages of these are access to fasteners.

Installation of hanging sink

In order to fix this washstand onwall, apply special studs. In this case, it is very important to carefully perform the preliminary markup. Two studs must be placed on the same horizontal level. The distance between the studs should very clearly coincide with the distance between the axes of the holes on the sink.

After the markup is complete, all workgo according to the standard and familiar to each plan. The holes in which the studs are mounted are drilled. Then they put on the shell itself, and then the whole structure is fixed with washers.

Very important:between the wall and the product you need to make a silicone pillow. Silicone will work as a softening buffer, which will not allow the product to be damaged by various mechanical loads, and will also act as an additional fastener.

installation of mini sinks

Installation of a tulip shell

Здесь весь процесс идентичен монтажу подвесных models. Small difference: the height of the location is set using a tulip. This will greatly simplify the work on marking points for fasteners. Holes are also drilled here, studs are installed, but the sink sits on studs only when it is already standing with a tulip.

Install the "Moidodyra"

That is how installers and plumbers are calledmini sink with cabinet Here the installation process is simple. The fact is that the cabinet itself is already a secure mount. Most often, you can not even use the studs. The back edge to the wall can be simply glued using various silicone products (any glue). Important point: the surfaces to be glued should be as clean as possible. Before you glue, you need to very accurately adjust the height. This can be done using the legs on the cabinet.

mini sink
That's all that can be said about these miniaturesolutions. Although, there is another type of these designs - it is a mini-sink, which is built into the countertop. They are no longer suitable for saving space, they have another task. These models are installed on silicone glue. This sink is convenient as an extra in the kitchen.

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