The floor in your apartment is exactly that elementwith which you have to interact daily. If the walls and ceiling allow some inconspicuous errors in the execution of the finish, then with the base on which a person walks every day, this will not work.
Comfortable floor covering
Linoleum deservedly popular alreadylong decades. Of course, now it is almost impossible to find a similar material from natural components on sale, and there is no sense in it, since its cost is higher than artificial analogues, and the service life is less. Therefore, in this article we are going to speak about the synthetic variant as the more widespread one. If you need to perform the installation in the shortest possible time and immediately use the room, then the choice is unambiguous - linoleum! The advantages and disadvantages of it have long been known to everyone, but we will dwell on them in some detail.
- Easy to install.In how to lay linoleum, there is nothing complicated. But the laminate, in turn, requires not only certain knowledge, but also the ability to handle a hacksaw, corner, hammer and tape measure.
- Surface preparation requirements are minimal.If for a laminate we allow a height difference of only a few millimeters (a hollow or a hillock), then with linoleum at this time you can not pay attention at all.
- Also the advantages are speedstacking, ease of delivery (you can bring in hands), silence when walking. The disadvantage is that even the cheapest laminate can not be accidentally damaged by a sharp object, but linoleum loses in this respect.
How to lay linoleum
How to lay linoleum:start from the most prominent place of the room or from the far corners? Of course, from there, where the most noticeable, because if you later have to add inserts, then they should be at the far ends, and not in sight. It is recommended to lay it on a flat surface. These can be sheets of particleboard or fiberboard. Lining, if it is planned to insulate the floor with it, should be placed under the sheets, since even the most dense linoleum, laid on a soft base, can be squeezed.
Roulette measures the length of the room, from the receivedThe value is subtracted 5-10 mm, this distance is noted on the strip, then it is cut smoothly with the help of a construction knife and a ruler strip. After everything is rolled around the room and adjusted. The above difference is necessary in order to prevent the possible occurrence of bubbles due to even a slight displacement of the web. The empty space will still be hidden by skirting boards. Then the operation is repeated. At the joints, the stripes are pressed flat by metal flaps, and along the perimeter - by a skirting board.