Many French automakers switched touse of automatic transmissions. The percentage of cars equipped with automatic transmission in the European market - more than 50. And it affected even cars of budget class. Now the automatic gearbox AL4 is installed on these cars. What is this transmission, what are the features of its operation and problems? About all this - later in our article.
Automatic transmission AL4 can be found on such cars as "Peugeot", "Citroen" and "Renault".
Every car owner tries to look after his car.
As well as the engine, the hydraulic gearbox AL4needs warming up. In the electronic system this function is provided. However, experienced motorists advise further to warm up this transmission. Regardless of temperature and weather conditions, the gearbox should be heated for at least 5 minutes. It is not necessary to hold the lever in the "Parking" position. At the beginning of the movement, you must avoid aggressive driving and sudden acceleration. Do not keep the box often in sports mode.
French manufacturers say that the automatic transmission AL4 -this is a maintenance-free box, and the term of oil change is not regulated. However, this is not at all the case. This lubricant is used differently than in manual transmissions.
This is one of the most common mistakes with the AL4 box.
When such symptoms occur,Check the box for leaks. If the mileage of the car is more than two hundred thousand, you need to inspect the condition of the heat exchanger. Also, in old cars, the oil pressure spread is caused by a faulty or contaminated hydraulic unit. The solution is disassembly and rinsing of the element. After this, errors are cleared and a new transmission oil is poured.
If the box lever is not moved from the mode"Parking" when you press the brake pedal, and when you release - the "Drive" mode is activated and the error is lit, most likely it is connected to the brake system. It is necessary to scan the car for errors. There is a problem with ABS and ESP. The cause of the failure is a poor contact or an open in the brake pedal switch circuit. Also, the "end" may be faulty. The solution is the replacement of the element or the wiring of the switch (if the problem is in poor contact).
She talks about clutch slip. It can occur both on the heated box and on the "cold" one.
It is important not only to heat this box, but alsoDo not use it at high temperatures. What is required for this? If you stand in a traffic jam for more than 30 seconds, do not be lazy to move the lever from the "Drive" position to "Neutral". Do not hold your foot on the brake for a long time, since box faults may occur with this system.
When using vehicles with the AL4 boxthere are problems with the oil pressure sensor. Its error according to factory requirements is 0.001 bar. This means that at the slightest fatigue of the sensor, it starts to "lie" and outputs an error to the control unit. Because of this, the box starts to work poorly. If you find a fault in time, you can meet a relatively small price - $ 100. This is the cost of the new oil pressure sensor. Further operation of the vehicle with a defective component is prohibited, as this can lead to problems with the solenoid.
With frequent oil pressure surges (which can beis caused by a sensor failure), a brake belt breakage occurs. Many motorists come to the conclusion that it is cheaper to order a spare part "on disassembly". However, the majority of AL4 transmissions that go "to parse" are far from in perfect condition. Almost all of them have exhausted their resource. Also note that this box has been constantly modified. The type of pressure regulator changed, the software. By the way, software on the first models of this box was of poor quality, because of what it often beat out a mistake.
When the level is insufficient, there are differences in thepressure. As a consequence - the occurrence of one of the previous errors. Once in 10 thousand kilometers, it is necessary to check the oil residue inside the transmission. Each box has a probe with marks MAX and MIN, and on the reverse side - NOT and COLD. To check it is necessary on the heated transmission. It is enough 10 kilometers to return it to normal operating mode. When checking, the car should not be tilted. Also it can not be muffled - the dipstick is removed on the working engine, at the position of the selector "P". If the level is insufficient, you need to return it to the maximum mark. Do not mix gear oils. Therefore, the best solution is a complete oil change. It is expensive, but so you will protect yourself from other breakdowns.
Thus, the rules of operation of thistransmissions are reduced to regular replacement of oil and preliminary warming up of elements before the beginning of movement of the car. If there are any errors, or if the box is in emergency mode (third gear), it is not recommended to continue driving on its own. Also, you can not overheat the oil. This is not the best way to affect the electronics. The normal oil temperature inside the AL4 automatic box is 75-90 degrees Celsius. If you follow all the rules of operation, the resource of this transmission will be more than 300 thousand kilometers. However, if you ignore the warming up and the new oil, the replacement of the automatic transmission AL4 will be inevitable.
So, we found out what features this box has, how to properly operate it and repair it in the event of a breakdown.