/ / Gladiolus faded, what to do with the tubers?

Gladiolus faded, what to do with tubers?

Without flowers homesteads would not lookso attractive. From the middle of July until the end of August, the florid growers are pleased with the high gladioli, proudly rising above their fellow brethren from the world of beauty. It's nice to admire the bright colors of their large buds. But gradually the lower flowers fade, and a few days later one can see a stem with the remains of the former luxury. However, you should not be sad. Yes, the gladioli have faded away, what else to do to get a few plants from one parent next year?

the gladiolus faded

First you need to cut the stem together with the withered onesflowers, but not under the root. Let it remain 20 centimeters germ, it will help ripen small bulbs. In order for them to grow larger and better up to the spring, they should be fed. To do this, in five liters of water, dissolve 100 grams of ash and a teaspoon of superphosphate. Knowing such subtleties, the gardener will not torment himself with the question: "Gladiolus faded, what next?" He will clearly realize that the potassium contained in the wood ashes and phosphorus will help form large bulbs, which next year will give great beautiful flowers.

After the stem is cut, fertilizingproduced, the plant in the ground need to stay for another 2-3 weeks. During this time, young children will mature and become larger in diameter. After all, the bulbs continue to grow, even when gladioli have faded. What should be done next? Carefully dig up the remains of the plant along with a clod of earth. In no case should the soil be shaken off on a shovel or the ground, since then the planting material of the next year can be damaged. The wound will cause decay, and the onions will not survive until spring.

Gladiolus faded, what next?

The earth is carefully removed from the bottom with the handsthe stem. There will be onions and babies. If the florist does not want to mess around with small material, he can separate the children and just throw them away. But you can leave the largest representatives. In a year they will become full-fledged bulbs. The remainder of the stem is also no longer needed. After all, gladioli have faded. What to do next with the remaining twenty centimeters of the stem is clear - cut them with a sharp knife, leaving a stump in 3 cm. Now the planting material of the next year should be dried well. Let him stay in the sun for three days. So onions and babies will dry well and pass the disinfection procedure. For this plastic boxes will do, but you can pour out the tubers on the day to dry on the oilcloth, and in the evening bring under cover.

ottsveli gladioli what to do

Children, small onions continue theirlife even if the gladioli have faded. What to do is the purpose of plants. But from one mother's flower the next year 2-3 gladiolus are formed. It is important to keep them properly. They like temperature + 3 + 5 °. Therefore, feel comfortable on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the basement. Pre-nodules are placed in cardboard boxes or paper bags. During the winter, the material is inspected 3-4 times.

Here such works are made after the gladiolus has faded. The following year, from the stored planting material will grow much more flowers that will please their beauty.

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