/ / How to make a candlestick with your own hands at home: photos, ideas

How to make a candlestick with your own hands at home: photos, ideas

To create a beautiful and original thing, do notyou need to be an experienced master. For example, almost everyone can make a candlestick with their own hands. To do this, use different materials. Such a product can be given to a loved one or decorated with original candlesticks room. Ideas and recommendations will be considered further.

Material selection

Candlesticks by own hands (photo of successful workspresented below) can be made from a variety of materials. They must be strong and not subject to combustion. An exception is wood. With proper processing this material will become a real find.

Often candlesticks are made of metal.And effectively will look like forged products, and homemade products from improvised means. Often in the role of such items are tin cans, boxes, etc. It is important to properly decorate the candlestick - in accordance with the stylistics of the room and the mood that the author wants to convey in his work.

Plastic for creating candlesticks is not used.It is a fragile material that can melt under the influence of temperature. But the glass allows you to create real masterpieces. In this case, apply different jars, bottles, glasses, dishes, etc. The choice of materials from which you can make a candlestick is great. There are very unusual and interesting techniques that open a wide field for the flight of creative imagination.


Stylishly look twisted candlesticks of metal.Only the master can make a forged composition with his hands. Therefore, such products are often purchased in specialized stores. However, this does not mean that beautiful candlesticks are not made of metal.

Candlestick made of metal

Often a tin can be used for these purposes.The candlestick with their own hands is easy to create in this case. The material can be easily processed. In the prepared container, several holes must be made. Through them the light of the candle will penetrate outside. For a low jar, this manipulation is not necessary.

Then the product should be decorated. To do this, apply tissue, branches of plants, lace. You can cut figurines on a pot, for example, a heart.

As a metal candlestick, you canuse the old ladles. They hang on the wall, and inside the recess insert a candle. The decor can also be different. There are very original ideas for creating a metal candlestick. You can take for these purposes an unnecessary corolla, which the hostess does not use. It is suspended, a candle is placed in the center.


If you want to create a cozy, comfortableatmosphere, glassware can be used as candlesticks. These can be cans or crystal glasses. The candelabra from the bottle looks interesting. You can make a candlestick from several instruments of different heights and widths. In this case, the composition will look spectacular.

Candlestick from the can

Often they make a candlestick from a can with their own hands.It can be the simplest or the most original form. Inside cans pour sand, colorful stones, bright glass, etc. Materials should not be flammable. You can even just type in a jar of water to a level of 2/3. A candle is installed in the center.

Banks, bottles and other items can bedecorate in accordance with the taste preferences of the master. Especially romantic is lace on such candlesticks. You can also decorate the composition with fresh flowers, spruce branches. You can use different decorations. Effectively looks painting with acrylic paints. There are many techniques for carrying out this process.


The original candlestick from saltedtest. With your hands this material can make a real masterpiece. To knead the dough, you need 2 cups of flour, 1 glass of salt (preferably finely grained) and 250 ml of warm water. After a lump of dough is made, it can be rolled out.

From the sheet, any desired shape is cut out.It can be round or square. You need to attach a saucer to a battered test or use another suitable form. Then a candlestick is formed from the sheet. You can just cover the cube with a sheet. The dough will solidify in a bizarre shape.

Candlestick made of dough

Ornaments are also made of dough.In order to better adhere to the product, before applying the next curl the surface of the candlestick is carefully treated with water (you can use a brush). Roses, petals cut just like from plasticine. When the product dries, it is covered with paints.

Candlestick made of logs

How to make a candlestick with your own hands made of wood?This material is distinguished by its natural beauty, it allows you to create different compositions and forms and is able to make any interior cozy. You can use a conventional log of any suitable diameter to create a candlestick.

Candlestick made of logs

Spin must be gently ground, drilled intoa few depressions with a drill and a bit. The diameter of such cavities should correspond to the dimensions of the candles. The surface can be coated with paint or varnish, it is also desirable to treat it with flame retardant. Otherwise, the material may catch fire.

If the log is long, it is better to cut it toseveral parts. Spin should be flat, it's better if the length of each part turns out different. Of these logs collect the composition of candlesticks. Above you can drill cavities, wood to cover with different colors. Particularly impressive is the contrasting birch bark. Ornaments for such candlesticks can also be different.

Jewelry Options

In the process of creating hand-made candlesticks fromwood, they can be decorated in many ways. As a result, the product will look elegant or romantic. Stylistics can be different, products - modern or vintage, as you please the master.

Candlestick made of wood

Beautifully looks on the texture of the bark of a treegolden, silvery paint. Materials that mimic the metal can be applied only from the bottom or the entire surface of the log. When choosing the color of paint, you need to take into account the stylistics and interior design features. If neutral shades prevail, the candlestick can become a bright accent in it. To do this, choose a color that is consonant with the already existing decoration of the interior.

Looks beautiful candlestick from a log,decorated with branches of mountain ash, spruce, lavender flowers. You can also apply different fabrics, tied them with lace braid. With the help of glue, it is appropriate to add bright beads, beads, other varieties of decor to the composition. It looks interesting combination of wood and shells. This design is suitable for sea interior.

Large branch

To make candle holders for your candleshands, you can use a thick branch. It will be a wonderful addition to the mantelpiece or for a coffee table of elongated shape. After processing, which will allow to emphasize the natural beauty of wood, a luxurious addition to the existing interior will appear in the house.

Candlestick made of solid wood

To create a similar candlestick suitablethick branch. Its shape can be wrong, twisted. The crust is laid on a flat surface. If it is stable, you can proceed to further action. However, most often the prepared branch is sawed along with a saw or electric jigsaw. Surface treated with sandpaper.

Further from above create with the help of a drill and a crowngrooves for installing candles. The notches are also treated with emery. After this, it is recommended to cover the driftwood with a layer of colorless varnish, since the paint in this case looks unnatural. Varnish will preserve the natural beauty of the material, emphasize all its dignity. The flame from the candles will throw glare on the varnished embossed surface.

Candlestick on a log

If you want to create an original candlestickwith your own hands at home, you can use the following methods. For work you will need a log. Its surface is treated with emery. You can create a composition from several logs. They are installed side by side, and in the upper part a saw is cut with a drill. The easiest way to do this is to work on the machine.

It is desirable that the log should be at least 10see When the cavity is made inside the whole diameter (the sides should be about 1 cm), it is carefully treated with sandpaper, a file on wood. It turns out in the center of a kind of bowl with smooth walls.

First you need to install the wicks.There should be several if the cup is wide. A single wick is sufficient for thin logs. Further, a colored wax is poured into the center. If the composition consists of several logs, you can use a filler of different colors. When the wicks are lit, the composition will look magical.

Thin twigs

Considering options, how to make a candlestickwith your own hands, you can pay attention to one simple, but from this no less spectacular. If there are no special tools at hand or the master does not know how to handle them, it is possible to create a product from thin twigs that can be found in a park, in a forest or simply in a garden plot.

The branches can be of different thicknesses.Suitable as smooth, and curved twigs. With a pruner or a knife, each is cut. Their length should be the same. An ordinary glass jar or jar is installed in the center, bars are placed around it. You can use glue for fixation.

The branches are decorated with leaves or flowers, other materials at hand. Also they can be covered with varnish or paint.

Root product

The candlestick can be made from the rootsold tree. Especially spectacular are snags that have been lying some time under water. Suitable as large and small pieces of roots. Before starting work, this base is treated with flame retardant. When the material dries, varnish or paint.

After that, using the glue driftwood collected inone system. Their bizarre interlacing will be the decoration of any interior. It is better to turn the roots upwards. So the product will be more stable. Sometimes snags are located horizontally. You can try to put them in different ways.

To the tops of the roots,candles. These can be metal covers, covered with paint, saucers or other similar things. When the glue dries, the candlestick is checked for stability. If necessary, the base is additionally treated with a file.

Candlestick made of wood roots

Bark for candlestick

A candlestick with your own hands can be made even frombark. The material will be processed even by the master without experience and in the absence of special tools. It is best to make compositions from birch bark. However, other types of materials will also look interesting.

The bark needs to be cut from below and from above.The edge is additionally treated with a file or sandpaper. In the bark cut out different figures. These can be square windows, clouds, hearts or stars. Work is carried out with a sharp knife. It is recommended to perform markup with a simple pencil.

The bark needs to be rolled up in the form of a cylinder.The edge is treated with glue and left to dry completely. After that you can install a candle in the center. The decor of such a composition can also be different. The choice depends on the author's vision.

Other ideas

You can create a composition for a candle, even fromfood products. Thematically looks like a candlestick from a pumpkin. Its core is cut out, and a candle is placed inside. You can cut out the appropriate picture on the walls.

It is interesting to look glass candlestick,decorated with cinnamon sticks, biscuits. This will require an elastic band. She is put on a glass candlestick. Next around the prepared container put cinnamon or other suitable material under the elastic. When the composition is collected, it is tied with ribbon or braid. Elastic can be removed.

Having considered the options for making a candlestick with your own hands, you can create an original, spectacular product. It will decorate any interior or will be a wonderful gift for a loved one.

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