/ Which mattress is better - spring or springless? Reviews and photos

Which mattress is better - spring or springless? Reviews and photos

In the market of sleeping accessories appearedgreat variety of goods. On their choice depends on the quality of sleep and health. A special role is given to mattresses, because it is on their quality that the support of the spine and the position of the body during the rest depend. Therefore, the choice of this product should be approached thoughtfully, given the nuances of each and the characteristics. Often consumers are concerned about the main question: which mattress is better - spring or springless. But it is impossible to answer it unambiguously, because each type has its own advantages, features, disadvantages.

Orthopedic mattress

The main characteristics of a quality mattress

Regardless of the type of any mattress should meet the following characteristics:

  1. Appropriate size. The optimal size for a single seat is 80 cm, for a double bed - 140 cm.
  2. Hypoallergenicity.It is important that all materials used are safe for health and do not cause allergic reactions. All this is individual, because the sheep wool coat is very warm, but some can cause reddening of the skin.
  3. Security.Do not buy a cheap product from an unknown manufacturer. It is difficult to know exactly what the inner block consists of. It's not even what kind of mattress is better - spring or springless, but in its complete safety. If the base has a persistent chemical odor, then the purchase should be abstained.
  4. Hygiene. All materials used must be breathable. Otherwise, the product can become a source of distribution of insects.
  5. Personal comfort.In this case, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics of health and age. So, older people need to choose an average stiff mattress, people suffering from low back pain - soft, and with problems in the upper back - hard.

All these parameters are basic. Next, find out which mattress is better - spring or springless, for this we compare their characteristics and identify the main pros and cons.

Which mattress is better than spring or springless

Categories of spring mattresses

All products made on the basis of springs are divided into two categories:

  • with classic springs arranged in the form of a dependent bonnet of the "bonnel" type;
  • with springs placed each in a separate cover and completely independent of each other.

Let's consider each category in more detail.

Mattress with "Bonnel" block

In a product of this type, the springs are arranged in a classic way, tightly connecting with each other. Unfortunately, budget stamps can quickly lose shape, deform, creaking appears.

However, buyers are often attracted by the price andthe ability to change the mattress often. Such models are already considered obsolete, but are popular with certain population groups. In addition, this bed will be a good option for a holiday or suburban home.

Manufacturers are trying to improveclassic block, on sale it is possible to meet quite good enough on quality rigid mattresses. In this case, they are completed with other materials, most often felt felt or coconut coir. Judging by the feedback of consumers, this approach makes the mattress comfortable, durable.

Independent spring block

Mattresses of this type consist of a set ofindividual springs of reduced size, each of which is located in a separate pouch. At the same time, the wave effect completely disappears when the partner moves.

However, the comfort of such a bed is entirely dependent onnumber of springs. The more of them, the more evenly distributed load. Sufficiently comfortable are mattresses, where not less than 256 springs on one square meter. High level of comfort is different models, where 512 pieces. Elite models can be called products, where there are from 1000 to 2000 small springs.

It should be remembered that mattresses can have sidesdifferent in rigidity. Regardless of this, it is recommended to turn the product regularly to keep its performance for a long time.

Independent spring block

Advantages of an independent block

To understand which mattress is better - spring or springless, it is worth to understand the advantages of each of them. If we consider an independent spring unit, the main advantages are:

  1. Such mattresses are recommended by doctors, becausethat they are considered orthopedic. The fact is that the load is evenly distributed and the spine receives optimal support. If there are problems with the back, you should consider the spring version, but the rigidity depends on the location of pain. A mild option is preferable for violations in the lumbar region, hard to choose if the shoulder girdle suffers.
  2. The mattress on the independent block does not have a characteristic squeak. After all, all the springs are separated from each other and protected with a dense bag, so do not rub against each other.

It can be concluded that if you choose a springoption, it is necessary to consider only an independent spring unit. With a classic base, the products are suitable as a temporary option or in a cottage house.

Mattress on an independent spring unit

Cons of the spring mattress

Deciding which orthopedic mattress is best -spring or springless, you need to pay attention to the disadvantages of the first option. So, good models are very expensive. Sometimes their cost is slightly higher than that of a springless version. But the increased price is justified by a pretty decent service life.

It is also necessary to understand that similar productsVery sensitive to abrupt loads. If you follow all the rules of operation, then the period of their use is measured not for one decade. But with jumps all the properties are very lost. Therefore, deciding which mattress is best for the child - spring or springless, it is better to stay on the latter option. This is because children often like to jump on a bed, and springs of such a load can not stand.

How to choose a spring mattress

If earlier mattresses consisted mainly of a cover andblock of springs, now manufacturers supplement them with other elements. An important component is the filler. It is on its composition and quality that comfort and product characteristics depend.

The best filler is coconut fiber.It is used to give the mattress rigidity and elasticity. It is important that the coir does not rot and at the same time is very durable. The material passes air and does not let the product dampen.

If a softer option is required, it is worthchoose latex. He is very elastic, able to adjust to the shape of the body and extinguishes the partner's movements perfectly. The material is capable of providing the greatest comfort and softness.

It should be remembered that people with excess weight are betterchoose a hard mattress. In this case, it is guaranteed that the sleeper will not be blown. If you buy a mattress for smaller people, then you should consider soft options.

Springless models

To understand which mattress is better - spring or springless, feedback is better to learn about each of them. If the spring products are told above, then we will study the characteristics of models without springs.

Similar sleeping places are made of the mostdifferent materials. The elasticity is provided by the combination and the number of layers. On how many layers in the mattress and in what order they are located, the category of the product depends. They can be hard, soft and medium hard.

Which mattress is better - spring or springless?Reviews show that the whole thing is in the filler. The most popular is latex. It is completely natural, has softness and durability. However, for people of large body size, it is worth choosing a more rigid product. Of course, latex is rarely alone. Most often it is supplemented with coconut coir. If it is located in the upper part, then the mattress is hard; if in the lower part, it is semi-rigid.

Latex mattress

Often young parents ask a question about whichit is better to take a mattress - spring or springless. If you need a bed for a baby cot, then the best option is the last option. For the youngest, it is recommended to use a product completely made of coir. It turns out to be tough, elastic, breathing and absolutely not afraid of moisture.

Modern technology does not stand still.Technological novelties made of memorifome appeared on the market. The material has a memory effect, so it perfectly adapts to the contours of the body and instantly restores its shape.

Often the question is, which mattress is better to buy -spring or springless. If the product is chosen for children, it is better to prefer an analogue of latex, but more budget. Such models are made of polyurethane foam and keep their shape well, while possessing elasticity and softness. It should be noted that such products are not suitable for adults who are important to support the spine, because they are not orthopedic.

Advantages of springless unit

To understand which mattress is better - spring or springless, the advantages of the latter should be considered, they are convincing enough:

  • The product is durable. Since the spring block is completely absent here, there is nothing to break here. The lifetime is calculated up to 15 years.
  • The mattresses are noiseless. If in the dependent block the springs eventually begin to rub apart and squeak, then in the springless this possibility is excluded.
  • Orthopedic properties.High-quality mattress made of latex or memorifoma, perfectly adapts to the features of the body, supports the weight of a person and has considerable elasticity. However, deciding which mattress is better to choose - spring or springless, it is worth considering the weight of the sleeping and the difference in the size of the partners. If it is substantial, then the springless version will not be able to compensate for this, it is better to consider an independent unit.

It can be seen that the pluses are quite tangible, but there are also disadvantages.

Internal mattress filling

Cons springless mattresses

Quite a common question of buyers - which mattress is better - spring or springless. Those and others have minuses. Consider the disadvantages of models without springs:

  1. Overcharge.A good orthopedic product made of latex or memorifom is initially higher than similar models on an independent unit. Often cost is measured not by one ten thousand rubles.
  2. There are restrictions on weight.In the question of which orthopedic mattress is better - spring or springless, it is worth paying much attention to the weight of the sleeping. Unfortunately, with all the advantages of springless models, they cannot be used if the total weight of partners exceeds 140 kg (there are restrictions of 120 kg).

How to choose a springless mattress

The best choice is the combination.various materials. To achieve optimum stiffness, you need a proper alternation of layers. In order to provide an anatomical effect and the mattress was the most comfortable, it is necessary to choose a mattress divided into several zones. The most popular products are hard in the middle, and at the edges softer.

By the way, there are special thin models that are designed for a sofa. They are often used as a temporary option or as an additional mattress.

Which mattress is better - spring or springless: tips

The above information shows that anyThe type of mattress has its pros and cons. To understand which option would be preferable, you should listen to reviews that users leave:

  • It is necessary to consider the weight.Unfortunately, springless mattresses have a maximum threshold, which usually does not exceed 120 kg. Therefore, people who initially chose this option often complain of minimal support. Spring more efficiently redistribute the load and provide better support during sleep.
  • Products for children and adults up to 50 kg are suitable.of any type, but it is important to consider the degree of rigidity. So, adolescents often like a soft mattress, and adults prefer to take into account the state of health and doctor's recommendations.
  • Если выбирается матрас для дошкольников, то The best is springless with an average level of rigidity. Children often love to jump on the bed, and according to parents, any spring unit does not withstand such loads.
  • Для пожилых людей рекомендуется приобретать moderately rigid product. In this case, a mattress on an independent spring block is preferred, which provides optimal support and provides elasticity. The best filler is polyurethane foam or latex.
  • If you choose a mattress for healthy people of normal build, then any type will do. In this case, focus on personal preferences and financial opportunities.

If the choice is difficult to make or there are problems withspine, the best solution would be to consult an orthopedic surgeon. The specialist will give valuable recommendations on the degree of rigidity, the level of support and help determine the important parameters.

Springless mattress

Where to buy a mattress

Experts say the purchase of a mattressNot only significantly affects the buyer's wallet, but also is an investment in future health. However, in order for the acquisition to justify the costs, you must correctly select the place of purchase. In a specialized store will always prompt which mattresses are better - spring or springless. Chelyabinsk, St. Petersburg, Moscow and other major cities boast the presence of centers of such major manufacturers as "Ormatek" or "Ascona". However, if there are none, you should contact the store that sells mattresses for years. In this case, the owners usually value their reputation and cooperate with the best and well-known manufacturers.

Experts must know the finer points of all products.and provide the buyer with comprehensive information on all the models presented. If we consider the most popular products, they are produced by the following manufacturers:

  • Ascona;
  • Ormatek;
  • "Promtex";
  • "Comfort Line";
  • "Sakura".

It will be good if the seller is able to show the components of the chosen model and without fail will provide all the relevant documentation and certificates.


Выше рассмотрены свойства спальных мест и дано The rationale for which mattress is better is spring or springless. Photo samples always help the buyer to decide, but it is better if there is an opportunity to lie down on the mattress and evaluate its convenience and comfort.

Experts recommend paying attention toorthopedic properties, degree of rigidity, features of the filler, as well as the height of the product. It should be noted that the springs often cause unnecessary fluctuations that are harmful to the development and growth of the children's spine. Therefore, springless models are recommended for children under 12 years old. If an adult mattress is required, too much weight will be a contraindication for a product without a block. In case of problems with the spine, it is also worth considering an orthopedic base on an independent spring block.

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