/ / Roof terrace: device and decoration

Roof terrace: device and decoration

The terrace is called a specially created site,It is a continuation of the house, designed for recreation. Such structures can be located not only on the first, but also on the second floor. Recently, the owners of country houses began to equip the terrace even on the roof. This arrangement allows you to make the rest as pleasant as possible and at the same time gives originality to the exterior of the building.

Where can I equip

Terraces can be arranged both on flatroofs, and on pitched. In the first case, a full-scale construction of a large area is obtained. On pitched roofs, only special attic windows-terraces can be mounted. Length and width are usually small.

It is possible to equip such places of rest not only on apartment houses. Very convenient can be, for example, a roof terrace on the garage or extension.

roof terrace

How to draw up a project

Before proceeding with the arrangement of a roof terrace, you should think about what will be:

  • its fencing;
  • canopy;
  • floor covering.

Also, when draftingDetermine the arrangement and design of the terrace. Of course, here it will be necessary to arrange furniture and flowers in pots and tubs. Very often on the terraces, including located and on the roof, there is a grill, barbecue or brazier. If space permits, you can even equip a small fountain or a swimming pool.

What kind of fence can there be?

Near the house on the first floor is oftenfully open terraces. Of course, it is impossible to equip such a structure on the roof. It will be simply dangerous for people who are having a rest. Terrace on the roof of the house must necessarily have a reliable fence.

Для обустройства парапета можно использовать a variety of materials. Very often, roof terraces, for example, are enclosed by wooden structures with balusters and handrails. The design of such structures can be very different. It all depends on the type of wood selected and the shape of the balusters. Such a parapet would be a good idea for houses decorated in classical style.

roof terrace

Very often for the roof terraces, carved fences are also used. This design will look great in a house in the national style.

Another well-suited for the terrace version of the parapet - forged. Such fences are usually very expensive. But at the same time they give the building a solid look and can last a very long time.

For a terrace on the roof of the house in a modern style, you can choose a parapet from aluminum or steel with reliable horizontal crossbars. Such material is usually combined with a monolithic polycarbonate or glass.

Terrace on the flat roof of a house built ofbrick or blocks, can be enclosed and more solid constructions. For example, on such buildings fences with balusters and handrails cast from concrete are often equipped. Also, on such houses, brick or monolithic parapets will be appropriate.

Whatever material is chosen for fencingterrace, when assembling it, you should follow the SNiP specifications. So, the minimum permissible height of the parapet is 100 cm. Such structures do not obstruct the view too much and at the same time create a sense of security.

open roof terrace

What should be a canopy

Very comfortable can be an outdoor terrace on theroof of the house. But usually this place of rest is still supplemented with a canopy. It's easiest to close the terrace with a canopy made of a durable, water-resistant fabric. On sale today there are including special shutters-canopies. In good weather, they can simply be rolled up.

Also, terraces are often equipped with slidingawnings. Very popular are the more original types of terrace roofs - transparent. For the assembly of such awnings, glass or polycarbonate is usually used.

Terra covering

When drafting such a recreation siteshould pay maximum attention to sex. After all, the roof of the house performs a very important function in it - it protects the internal premises from precipitation. When constructing the terrace, it should be done so that the working characteristics of the flooring remain unchanged.

roof terrace photo

The floor on the roof must have a smallbias. According to the norms of SNiP this indicator should be 1-2 degrees. The slope can be made to the edge of the terrace. But it is better to install a water intake on its center and take out the stormwater under the ceiling.

Flat roofs of houses usually representmonolithic reinforced concrete slab. In order to arrange a gradient, you can use different materials. Usually it's just a concrete screed poured over the slab. To arrange the slope, you can also use a special self-leveling mixture or expanded clay.

The resultant slightly sloping surface is covered with:

  • vapor barrier;
  • heater;
  • waterproofing film.

External finishing can be performed with the help oftiles or linoleum. Very beautiful will look like a terrace on the roof of a private house and with floors lined with a floorboard. Such coverage is quite practical. But using it, of course, is only when there is a canopy. If the place of rest is supposed to be made open, for the facing of the floor it is necessary to purchase a terrace board.

types of terrace roofs

How to mount a heater

As a heat insulator in the terrace floor piemineral wool or expanded polystyrene can be used. Lay the plates in two layers. Thus it is necessary to try to make so that seams of the bottom and top did not coincide. If foamed polystyrene is used for insulation, the seams between the sheets should be filled with a special mounting foam or glued with adhesive tape. Plates of mineral wool are simply installed very tightly to each other.

Tile installation

Such material for the floor of the terrace fits very well.not bad. However, when choosing a tile, you should pay attention to its texture. A smooth slippery material to use on the roof, of course, is highly undesirable. It is better to buy a rough tile. Relief to buy is also not worth it. On such a cover slip is usually even easier than on an absolutely smooth.

glass roof for terrace

When using tiles aswaterproofing is better to use not a film, but a ruberoid or bitumen. Over them is poured a cement screed. After maturing of concrete by standard technology, the tile itself is installed.

Mounting the terrace board

This material must first of all be correctlychoose. If the roof terrace is used very often, it is worth buying a more dense board. This kind of material is characterized by increased wear resistance. If the terrace is supposed to be arranged, for example, a pool or a fountain, it is better to buy a board with a low density. Such material in this case will be more appropriate, since water evaporates very quickly from it.

Mounted such a coating on a wooden frame.Strapping and lagging can be done, for example, from a bar 50 x 50 mm. Mount the boards on the ground with special staples. You can also just nail them with nails. Between the boards should leave a compensation gap of 3-4 mm.

What furniture to install

Terrace on the roof of the house is, of course, beforein total a place intended for rest. Therefore, it is necessary to install benches and tables here. Such furniture can be made of different materials. A very inexpensive option is plastic tables and chairs. Today there are quite a lot of beautiful garden furniture made of this material. Plastic interior items, unfortunately, have one rather significant drawback. Such tables, benches and chairs weigh very little. With a strong wind from the roof, they can simply be demolished. Therefore, it is better to fix such furniture to the floor or the parapet.

The roof terrace will look very nice(photo, the first on top of the page, it confirms), equipped with wicker items of the interior. Rattan tables and chairs are quite expensive. But at the same time such furniture is not afraid of humidity and temperature changes. If desired, you can install on the terrace and woven from the willow interior items. Making such tables and chairs is not particularly difficult, including with your own hands.

How to equip a terrace: a summer garden

Оформить террасу можно разными способами.For example, on the roof often arrange a summer garden. In this case, tubs with trees and pots of flowers are installed on the terrace. Small containers with plants can not only be placed on the floor, but also hung on the parapet. This terrace is, among other things, also glazed. This will make it possible to grow plants that are sufficiently thermophilic. The glass roof for the terrace in this case will also be quite appropriate. In order for the rest place to look as effective as possible, you can use not ordinary glass, but, for example, stained glass. Very beautiful design is obtained with the use of colored monolithic polycarbonate.

terrace on the flat roof of the house


Терраса на крыше с таким покрытием также looks pretty impressive. Of course, this herb is not likely to be planted in this case. After all, a natural lawn should be periodically watered and cut. It's extremely inconvenient to do this on the roof. However, today there are also artificial materials imitating the grass cover. On a terrace with such a floor, small fountains are usually installed. Looks like these add-ons are just great. However, deciding to install a fountain on the roof, you need to take care of the integrity of its bottom and draining the water. The easiest way to divert the branch pipe into a stormwater. Of course, the fountain in the future will have to look after. All sorts of means designed to remove silt and plaque, stock up in advance. Otherwise, the fountain will very quickly lose its attractive appearance.

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