/ / Bathroom design in Khrushchev. Design of a small bathroom in Khrushchev (photo)

Bathroom design in Khrushchev. Design of a small bathroom in Khrushchev (photo)

Khrushchev can hardly be called an ideal apartment - neitherin terms of size, nor on the layout. However, this can not serve as a reason to underestimate it - once these apartments were the only opportunity for millions of our compatriots to move into a separate dwelling.

Today, the owners of Khrushchev, as a rule,become people who inherited them from their grandfathers and grandmothers. It should be noted that in the secondary housing market such apartments are inexpensive, although they are quite suitable for living a newly-married couple or a small family. With a little effort, the Khrushchev can be turned into a cozy and modern dwelling. Today the theme of this article will be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev. Photos of the most interesting options you can see below.

bathroom design in Khrushchev

Style Selection

Transformation of any premises, includingso tiny as a bathroom in Khrushchev, you need to start by choosing a style. Today there are a lot of them. The design of a small bathroom in Khrushchev is more expedient to create in three style directions: modern, Japanese style or minimalism. All of them will help to use a small room most rationally, and you will get the maximum functionality of all objects in it.

The bathroom in Khrushchev

So, what is the bathroom inKhrushchev? Most often this is a combined bathroom with 2-3 square meters of usable area. It is obvious that it can not be overloaded with innumerable trinkets and furniture. Do not forget that it is necessary not only to be able to use the things you need, but also to leave free space for movement.

bathroom design in Khrushchev

Design of a bathroom with a toilet (in a Khrushchevka)more complicates the task. It is necessary to start to find a suitable place for the installation of the toilet, and change the bulky bathtub to a small corner or to the shower. In addition, it is desirable to remake the niche for pipes, equipped with a small, comfortable and thus roomy cabinet. As a result of such transformations, your room will visually expand.

Experienced designers, creating a bathroom designwith a toilet in a Khrushchev, resort to an old, but win-win method of increasing space - using the maximum number of glass and mirror surfaces. The more of them, the more spacious and lighter your bathroom will be. Before starting repair work, you must carefully measure the room, considering all the niches, corners, rounding. This will help to rationally use them if your goal is a modern bathroom design in a Khrushchev.

Choose the color of the room

Designers often joke that the bathroom inKhrushchev is so small that it is necessary to treat it as a small child, "dressing" it in gentle, light colors. Do not forget that in this tiny room you often try to remove the energy accumulated during the day (not always positive), relax and have a little time alone. Therefore, experts do not recommend a sterile white or excessively bright bathroom design with a toilet. In Khrushchev, natural, natural, muted shades of sand, beige, green or blue will be more appropriate. Lilac or pink, too, look good.

design of a small bathroom in Khrushchev


Another very important aspect. The fact is that sometimes incorrectly installed (or matched) fixtures spoil the impression of the room. Moreover, they are capable of introducing a disruptive imbalance.

Since it is a complete naturalillumination in this case does not go, the fixtures should be placed along the perimeter. This simple trick will help to further expand the space of a small room. For this purpose, spotlights are most often used, since they allow you to adjust the angle of rotation.

Try to keep the light in the bathroom bright, butscattered. The most suitable for this purpose are daylight lamps. Correctly selected lamps will help you to emphasize objects of decor - in this case everything depends only on your imagination. Often use additional illumination of shelves, sinks or mirrors.

 design of a bathroom with a toilet in a hruschevka

Essential elements

And now let's look at how best to arrangethose or other surfaces of your miniature bathroom. We will proceed from the most common variant, that is, we are interested in the design of a bathroom with a toilet. In hruschevke the hanging mirror ceiling is most preferable. True, its construction can hardly be called a budget one. Therefore, it can be replaced by a plastic analog, which consists of separate panels.

Very impressive looks stretch ceiling with glossy cloth. Adding several lamps to it, you will achieve an amazing transformation of the room.

How to decorate the walls?

Despite the emergence of a huge number of newmodern finishing materials, the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev (photo you can see in this article) rarely when does without the use of ceramic tiles. This fact does not require an explanation - this material has been tested by time, has proved itself well for decorating rooms with high humidity. Moreover, today producers of this product are pleased with new, very effective collections.

The size of such a tile varies from large photo-walls (40x80 cm) to tiny mosaic elements. And the color scheme can satisfy the most daring imaginations.

design of bathroom with toilet in Khrushchev

In addition, the design of the bathroom in the Khrushchev can bevery stylish, if you decide to trim the walls with plastic panels. They attract the consumer at a low price, easy installation, which can be done independently, and also because they do not require complicated preparation of the working surface.

Some fans of unusual design usenew, little-known materials. To them, in the first place, refers to "flexible stone", which is a bit like wallpaper from natural stone. The thickness of such a material does not exceed two and a half millimeters, it is light and easy to use.


The design of the bathroom in Khrushchev can be different, butwhichever direction you choose, with the design of the floor you can not do without waterproof materials. Again, tiles come to the rescue. Although recently it was unceremoniously replaced by the so-called "liquid" floors. They are very effective, reliable, but have a significant drawback - if you want to completely change the interior they are difficult to dismantle.

bathroom design in Khrushchev

And one more nuance. Regardless of the chosen option, do not forget about the heating. On such a floor it is not only more pleasant to walk - it helps to get rid of excessive humidity.


No matter how hard you try not to overload the room,the design of a bathroom in a Khrushchevka will not do without some pieces of furniture. It's a locker for storing every little thing. It is more expedient to make it to order. It is desirable that it has an elongated shape.

You can use open shelves androomy containers. Perfect for such a small room corner multilevel shelves. Particleboard or wood will weight the design of the bathroom in the Khrushchev. For the manufacture of furniture is more suitable artificial stone, plastic or glass.

bathroom design in Khrushchev

Design of a bathroom in a hruschevka with a washing machine

Most owners of small apartmentsconsider that a washing machine in the bathroom is necessary, but, being afraid to overload and so tiny space of the room, they take it to the kitchen. Often this option is justified - a washing machine can successfully fit into the interior of even a small kitchen, while falling out of the general style of the bathroom.

Nevertheless, many mistresses wantThe washing machine was located in the bathroom. In this case, a quite reasonable question arises: where to put it, if there is hardly room for the bath itself? Modern designers have met the wishes of customers - now in many small rooms you can see a washing machine installed under the sink.

design of a bathroom in a hruschevka with a washing machine

This option looks the most harmonious whenThe sink has a large size, and the machine does not protrude beyond its boundaries. It is quite natural that the dimensions of the unit have significant limitations - the machine should not be too wide and high. For example, a high vertical model or a narrow machine of a horizontal type can easily be built into additional niches. It can be attached to a sink or shower.

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